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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Here's one to get the ball rollin' No Initals... Score: 9,850 Level: I
  2. Much anticipated, and unfortunately delayed (sorry about that guys!).. We proudly present for your enjoyment... MOON PATROL This game was selected by yours truly to be the Bonus Game after our Punisher GOTM competition. Though never having made it until now. It should be noted, this is NOT the game GC teased about adding in his most recent posts. This is purely a freebie from me because I feel ashamed in our neglection (heh not a true word) to add new games. So have at it you scoundrels!
  3. Moon Patrol Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 smario 181,060 2 ExedExes 87,130 3 millerbrad 75,950 4 Mame Offender 75,750 5 rtkiii 55,350 6 wolfman24 48,950 7 Luigimaker 42,430 8 Floyd Turbo 14,750 9 GimmeClassics 13,910 10 hansolo77 9,850 Last Updated by GimmeClassics: 03-31-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Moon Patrol: ROMSet: MPatrolW Lives: 5 (Default is 4, so don't miss changing this one!) Bonus Life: 10000 (TG only allows ONE extra life, so make sure you change this value!) Flip screen: Off Cabinet: Upright Unknown: Off Stop Mode [Cheat]: Off Sector Selction [Cheat]: Off Invulnerability [Cheat]: Off Service Mode: Off Special Rules: Continues are NOT allowed! The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  4. Pay no attention to that ghostly man in the shadows...
  5. I'll add them, but I think Pacman was asked for years ago and we learned we couldn't do it because it doesn't have an in game high score table, or there was some other complications.. As for Moon Patrol, that was actually my chosen game I sent to GC back when I won the Punisher GOTM title. See here for the deets. So anyway, that game will definitely find its way into the competition soon.' @Adultery... I don't know if we should add Journey or not. I mean, doesn't it require a special MAME mod to be able to work, because of the audio cassette function when you beat the game? I'll add it with some question marks.
  6. Thanks guys! This was a spur of the moment idea when I saw the March Game? thread. I tried to find the old thread we were using for suggestions, and couldn't locate it. So I figured I'd just make a new one and make it more official by pinning it. Keep those suggestions coming!
  7. Heh.. and we can put GC's in one word.. GIRLS. If you guys still want a poll, at least for April, feel free to add your choices to our new SUGGESTIONS thread!
  8. Currently Suggested Games (in alphabetical order): 10-Yard Fight (video) (TG) 1942 (suggested twice!) (video) Arabian (video) Armored Car (video) (TG) Black Tiger (video) (TG) Block Hole (video) Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Congo Bongo Cybattler (video) Daioh (video) (TG) Desert Assault (video) Domino Man (video) Eggs Eswat Cyber Police (video) Exerion (video) Fire Trap (video) (TG) Gradius III (updated to 3 because TG doesn't have an entry for 2) (video) Gunlock (video) Horizon (video) HyperSports (video) Iron Horse (video) (TG) Journey (???) (video) Kicker (video) Legend of Kage (video) (TG) Magical Crystals (video) Metal Slug 2 (video) (TG) Metal Slug 3 (video) (TG) Metal Slug 4 (video) (TG) Metro-Cross Mustache Boy Nibbler (video) (TG) Nightmare in the Dark (video) Pacman (video) Paperboy (video) (TG) (might have controller issues...) Pinball Action (video) Pinbo (video) (TG) Q-Bert's Qubes (video) Raiden II (video) Rescue (video) Satan's Hollow (video) Solar Fox (video) (TG) Strikeforce (video) Timber (video) TMNT2: Turtles in Time (video) Trog (video) Twin Cobra (video) (TG) (suggested twice!) Twin Eagle II: The Rescue Mission (video) Wacko (video) Zoo Keeper (video) (TG)
  9. I've created and pinned this thread to the top of our main page so everybody can find it easily. Do you have a game or list of games you'd like to see us have added to our competition? We'd love to hear from you! This is YOUR competition, so give us your games and we'll make it happen! In the past, we've looked to our users to supply us with game suggestions for our competition. Recently, things have become difficult in the real world, and keeping a fresh competition has fallen slightly irregular. We don't like to see this. We like seeing activity. So in an effort to try and liven things up, we're going to try and go back to the old way with polls, and a GAME OF THE MONTH (with the bonus being that game the GOTM winner would like to see). Be forewarned. Your game suggestions might not make it into the competition right away. We hope to get a lot of suggestions, and feel it only fair to give each game it's chance to shine. So please be patient! So here our the rules for submissions: Please check and make sure the game hasn't already been submitted before. Going forward, this is a clean slate. If you have the ability, please play the game and verify it has some manner of high score table in game. If the game doesn't have an in-game high score table, at least verify it is capable of displaying the current score when you're dead. Please consider the controls. If the game requires anything more than a joystick and action buttons, not a lot of people will be able to participate. Sure we want Star Wars (needs a Yoke) or some racing game (requires a wheel or spinner). But we need to keep it simple so everybody can play. We may add more rules as we become aware of how this process plays out. But in the mean time, enjoy! We look forward to hearing from you! -GameEx HS Moderating Team
  10. Like I said, I'm good with letting it slide. I just noticed it, and knowing how we've been strict to our rules in the past, I wanted to give the leader of the (high score) mods a chance to weigh in his vote. I don't play these games enough to know which games allow continuing scores on continues, so it's just a good rule of thumb to just block scores that have multiple credits showing because there's no clear way to know (unless you're familiar with the game and know that having multiple credits has no affect on possibly adding to your score after you die). Since Cynicaster put it so delicately, I can with ease allow the score since it's known that the game won't let you continue your scores. But since this IS a group effort, I'll still wait and let GC have his say before going forward. I don't want to step on any toes.
  11. You know, I think everybody likes this game but me. I also think the only reason I don't like this game is because I never played it before this competition. Seems like everybody grew up playing it, or a clone of it on a different system, but I never did. So I lack the nostalgia. Because of that, I probably will never play this again, except to maybe try to beat my best score. - Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Heh yeah, because we might catch you. -Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. The only time I ever played this (before GameEx) was on our Atari 800, and I used to be awesome with it. Then GameEx (and our competition) came and I suddenly learned I'm not that good. Even if I took my old playing days I probably wouldn't be anywhere near the skill level of our competitors here! - Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Looks like they're already looking to take advantage of George Lucas' double dipping schema.. the 3D version of the bluray won't be released till later this year. So I'm going to wait and order that one later. I don't even have a 3D tv, but I will eventually, and that's the best version to get because they'll have all 4 versions (3D, bluray, dvd, and digital) included.
  15. I agree too, completely. There are a few games in our collection that have continues (some of which will actually reset your score to 0 if you use them). But to be honest, this rule was agreed upon by GC and me when we first created the subforum. We had hoped to make it mirror the official ruleset from Twin Galaxies. Looking back on it, we're just a small group of kindred hobbyists, not world-class record achievers (although some of you guys are unbelievably close!). We felt keeping a similar set of rules would make moderating the submissions easier. If it were completely up to me alone, I'd let it go. But GC really was the leading factor in initiating this whole subforum, and I really feel like if we're to keep the competition fair going forward, we shouldn't start changing our rules now. Thanks for understanding and being patient though. We'll figure something out.
  16. No MO! This score doesn't count! Look at the very bottom of your 2nd screenshot. Looks like you probably had 25 credits stored. That's not allowed per our rules. We've let it slide some times, but you've been with us long enough to know by now. Shame! I really wanted to take this score and add it too. I hate to turn you away for this too. WHY!?! Tell ya what, GimmeClassics and DazzleHP can overrule me. If they get on here and see it and vote in your favor, I'm all for letting it slide. But until they do, let's just call this an unofficial entry. I know you're cool, but fair's fair, and I can't show favoritism. Sorry man!
  17. I guess you guys really are "that much older" than me. I was born in 1980, so games like Sonic came out when I was 11. I was THE demographic. Games like Doom and Quake also came out when I was in my early teens, and they didn't really phase me. Mortal Kombat was the only game I can remember ever that gave me nightmares. And the nightmares only happened 1 night, and it was when I spent like 20 hours playing it with my friend during a sleep over.. I just dreamed that I was still playing, and that it was never-ending, and I kept playing the same moves over and over again. I don't really understand all the controversy with the violence, etc. When I played it, I knew it was just a game. I didn't run around trying to pull people's hearts out of their chests. Games now though are getting a bit too complex and real. With games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Grand Theft Auto..yeah I can see where we need to be more mindful of our kids. But like I said, back then I knew it was just a game.. now.. it's too realistic and the "veil" is very thin.. I think that's why I tend to play LEGO games, Pinball, and stuff like Final Fantasy. Wow, when did I turn into my parents.
  18. Wow that's pretty neat! I'll have to think about maybe setting mine up like that. Updated OP, DB, RSS PS.. this marks the first entry in the forum's new SKIN. So the high score table on the OP looks a little different now. Tell Adultery thanks, and feel free to provide input if you like/don't like it!
  19. Buddy of mine posted this on my facebook page today. How old do you feel now?
  20. Actually, I think I prefer the cover to the original. At least the video. You can't argue about Phil Collins though. I like the song, just not the original video.
  21. Hope you're doing well comod. Have a good one!
  22. I'm still reading the Game of Thrones books, and I gotta say... even with the fake cut/paste of Trump's face.. that little teaser still has me excited to watch the show! Can't wait to get this last book done so I can watch it! And yes, that's all I got out of that video. I could care less about Trump. That music video gave me nightmares when I was a kid and it was on MTV all the time.
  23. You really think so? I look at my book-report-long story and think I just blab on about nothing. That's a problem I have in the real world too, especially when I'm tired. It's a defense mechanism or something, where my brain is running 100 miles a minute but the rest of my body is saying it's ready to give up and crash. So I tend to go on an on about nothing. I was off work yesterday (day off, not call off), and felt better than the day before. However, I woke up around 11:20 last night due to an indigestion vomit attack. I didn't throw up, but I could tell that's what woke me up. Then I couldn't get back to sleep because I started having a coughing fit. 3 or 4 deep heavy coughs, then about 20 seconds would pass where I could breathe again, then another 3 or 4 crazy coughs. It went on like that for an hour. I kept getting this scratchy feeling in my chest even when I tried to hold my breath. I took some cough suppressant syrup and sucked on a Halls cough drop, but still coughed every 20-30 seconds. I don't know what happened, if I just passed out or what, but eventually I fell asleep and my alarm clock woke me up. Went to work today, the bosses and co-workers said I still look like crap but that I sounded better. My voice isn't as deep and "Darth Vadery" like it had been. I still coughed here and there, but it's definitely feeling better now.
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