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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. All I want to see is the continuation of their efforts to bring the series to BluRay. They have Enterprise obviously, and the Original Series and Next Gen (plus all the movies). But I'm still waiting for them to do Deep Space Nine and Voyager. I read that they too want to do it, but the cost of such a task is too high if there isn't much demand for it. So the studios sent out a press release saying that if enough people buy their current BluRay releases, they'll give it serious reconsideration. The problem with DS9 and Voyager is that all of the special effects were done in a computer rather than with models, so they'd all have to be redone using today's technology to be rendered in a higher resolution. That, and all of the editing was done on magnetic tape (aka, VHS), so none of the final cut film exists. They have film negatives though, so it's possible to scan and re-expose the films and make a new cut. It will just take an enormous amount of time, which costs money. I'm doing my part. I have 1 more season of Next Gen to buy, then all I have left is Enterprise. The other thing I'm vaguely excited about is their plans to go back and make a new show. I think it's scheduled to come out next year. There's a few negative catches though. First of all, the show is being written and produced by the same people who did the J. J. Abrams reboot. So expect a lot of canon altering nonsense. The other more devastating news about the new show is that it will only be available online via streaming, using CBS's pay-to-watch streaming service. That might be the killer right there. I don't think it's right having to pay to watch a show that might turn out to be crap. And if CBS/Paramount don't make enough money with subscribers, they'll cancel the show within the first 3-4 episodes, then decide to permanently Star Trek altogether thinking nobody wants to watch it anymore. When in reality, it's just nobody wants to pay for it. There was an argument about that somewhere, where they were trying to tell me that if nobody wants to pay, it means nobody wants to watch, so it's true. If you want to see it, you'll pay to see it regardless. But I argue that's not true at all, because I want to see it, and don't want to pay for it. But anyway... Happy Anniversary Star Trek!
  2. Hey wobbly... Sorry it's been a few days you've been troubled by this emulator. It seems like the closer you are, the farther you have to go. I took a look at my OP to see if I mentioned anything about setting up the joystick, but I guess I left it kind of vague. To be honest, it's been such a long time (10 years this year!) since I had set up this emulator, I don't remember how I configured it. Since I've got WinAPE configured to launch up into full screen, I don't remember how to bring up any configuring windows. However, I was able to load up into a text editor the WinAPE.ini file, which contains a lot of configuration information. There is a line in there "Joystick Enabled=true" that maybe you have to enable. I thought it might be available in some menu or something, but if not, simply editing that line to say "true" should at least enable it. As for configuring it to work with your controller, again I'm not going to be much help without being able to see a menu. EDIT - SCRATCH ALL THAT Ok, when you have the emulator running, you can right click to bring up the menus.. Go into Settings->Input. From there, you should be able to tick a box to ENABLE the Joystick. Now, on the keyboard displayed, click on the various buttons to "map" them to whatever key you want to use. Looking over my own configuration, it looks like what I had to do was map them to unused number-keypad buttons, and then configure GameEx to use Joy2Key to send those keys when I press the button on my controller. Make sure you SAVE your changes in the emulator (preferably as the default) and exit. Hope that helps! PS - I don't use the import-export feature of GameEx. It's too confusing for me. I just build a new emulator setup from scratch with a blank entry in the Wizard. When you import, you're essentially locking yourself into the configuration that the exporter had used. Sure, you can edit it to suit your needs, but if you're going to do that, why not just just use your own to begin with?
  3. Nice to see you back GC! Sit down and have a drink, let's chat for a while. Good to have ya.
  4. Wow this place is jumpin with activity today! LOVE IT!!! Nice to see another name up on the board for this game too, way to go Brad. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Wow, killer score! Knocked MO down one, and puts you in 2nd place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. I'm probably the worst guy to be a high score mod. I suck at most games lol. But I enjoy the friendly competition, so I'm not bitter you knocked me off the board. But you stuck it to a number of the guys too for your first entry on this game, so that's awesome! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. I'm eager to further use RetroArch. I built a Kodi box running on a Raspberry Pi 2. I found an addon called "Internet Archive ROM Launcher". Basically, it takes a live and legal online listing of ROM's from the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/index.php) and downloads "on demand" a ROM you want to play and launches it's designated emulator via RetroArch. When you finish playing, it deletes it, saving you space on your memory card. It works great too. Thing is, I hear talk of people doing bezels and things, which I have not a single idea how to accomplish, or what I'd even like to do. For now, GameEx on my computer works great. But if I can do more with my Pi 2 via RetroArch, that'd be just cool.
  8. **grumble*grumble** still want to build a pincab
  9. That actually looks very cool. I wish I was smart enough to do all that work though. My skills are only marginal with the crafting he did. Plus, he did all this (practically) by himself, and he's only 17. Wow.
  10. I actually enjoy reading and listening to the book at the same time. I get more into the stories that way. Especially if there is music/sound effects and the reader is able to portray characters with different voices. A lot of Star Trek and Star Wars books are prime examples. Since I'm still reading/listening to the Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones), it'll be a few more months till I'm ready for this (still have a half book to go, then another one (then another one he's not finished writing yet)), but it's next on my list. The Roy Dotrice readings of SOIAF is so good in fact, that he's won awards because of all the characters he's able to portray (and come back to later in the book still sounding the same). When I READ read, rather than just listen, I tend to get lazy eyed and wander, easily become distracted, and then end up putting the book down rather than finish the page/chapter/book. I've ended up starting and not finishing DOZENS of books that way. Audio is so much more direct I think.
  11. Seems kinda shady based on your other scores in that screenshot But when you compare it to your PREVIOUS score on the board here (2,171,790).. that's definitely an improvement! Plus, I really don't see why you want to best your best if you're in the top spot already unless you really are the god of GamEx High Scores (which you are ) Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Still... 2% is 2%. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Meh, it'll just be the same ROMs, only legally obtainable through a purchase plan.
  14. hansolo77


    I see it as a next phase before true Holodeck technologies with lasers and force fields become real. Put on the glasses, and whatever room you're in instantly changes into whatever "reality" program is running. VR is total immersion, to the point where you can't see things around you in real life. This makes it difficult to track hands, etc. With this "AR", you can actually see your hands in front of you. Now that I think about it, wasn't GoogleGlass sort of the same thing?
  15. Thanks for submitting another score! I appreciate the efforts to keep these old games fresh. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. C3PO didn't look right, but it was fun to watch. Han's story was better, especially the ending.
  17. Thanks to the inline announcement made by tthurman here, we should revisit this thread! I still need to read it. LOL. Remember I said I can't stay focused long enough to read and will just wait for the movie? Well.... lol!
  18. Ok, first of all.. I didn't know it was originally slated for a May release. I figured all the upcoming Star Wars movies were going to come out Christmas time. Secondly.. wow, "Highest Grossing Film in the US of ALL TIME?" I mean really? Thridly - um.. Ready Player One?! How have I not heard of this till just now? This book, recommended by our very own Draco, is still on my TO READ list, and now it's going to be a movie? Damn this Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series, it's taking too long.
  19. Maybe it was because we didn't have a mouse yet back then? Lol.. this is DOS days we're talking about.
  20. Well keep at it, and that goes for everybody else too! We got lots of games to play, so even if we don't have a GOTM going, that still means you can play these others!
  21. Strange, the review/interview says that people played Doom with mouse and keyboard, but I distinctly remember it only controllable with the arrow keys and control key. I believe Quake was the first mouse controlled FPS. Maybe I'm just ignorant.
  22. Not bad. I still need to submit a score for this game. There's only 6 scores so far, and we have a lot more players, so I wonder why nobody posted anything yet. Hmm.. Anyway, you knocked GC down, so that's always a plus. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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