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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Thanks for the submit RTK! Way to keep the spirit alive. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Holy SH!T!!!!! That Tie Fighter Anime was awesome! Disney needs to make an official Star Wars anime.
  3. It's good to hear from you GC! Nice to know at least one of us geeky nerds here has a girl. We've already got the winner announced from this GOTM (November) contest, so if you have the time, just send me a PM with the poll entries and I'll get a new one going. We got plenty of time (2 weeks) to get votes in for February. I'll then make a new GOTM for February and we can just update the banner/etc whenever you get the chance.
  4. You suck lol. I take that back.. I suck. Ok, now I won't accept one unless it's 6mil. LOL just kidding! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Nice one! I definitely need to read that guide then, because it is completely random to me! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Thanks for the suggestions. This very topic was just recently brought to my attention via PM from Draco. To be 100% honest and forthcoming.. I don't know what's going to happen. The last official communique I had with GC was that he was going to be very much less frequent to the site here, and that updates won't come as often as they had been. He's having a lot of personal real-life issues that's taking a lot of his time. This is very understandable. However, he was the primary driving force for getting us to where we are. All the pushes to Tom and the other Mods to get us our own dedicated forum, a special Mod-level permission scheme so we can edit and update the tables, the databases, etc. These were all initiated by GC, with me and Dazzle pretty much bringing in support. With him 95% out of the picture, there's a lot of work that needs done without him. A big contribution GC was providing was his lists of games we were asking for people to vote on. He also was the resident artist for creating the various banners/badges for the winners. He also provides the primary banner art we use for each new game's table header. The smaller stuff, like maintaining the tables with new updates, and updating the databases were being handled by me and Daz. All the MAJOR stuff was GC. Going forward, I was well aware of the fact we had not announced any new January updates. We don't have a GOTM yet, nor do we have an active running Poll to vote for February. I think it was decided via PM's that the next game we would play was going to be Moon Patrol, but we were (are) waiting for the official announcement from GC. The Christmas Competition kinda threw people for a loop too. I was very busy with work this holiday season and never had the chance to really do much else than vote for the games to play. All of the tables were being updated by GC (or maybe Daz, I dunno because I never even looked in that thread). Now that the Christmas Competition is over, we still haven't even announced the winner(s) yet. So that's definitely something else that needs to be addressed. There were some other tidbits we were getting excited about involving awards for meeting certain scoring criteria (badges/medals for achieving a pre-determined scoring plateau). These were in the works up until GC announced his early vacation from the competitions (I say vacation hoping that retirement was the wrong word!). We had other ideas too, to try to keep the competition fresh and going strong. Unfortunately it looks like the competition has stagnated and dried out. There hasn't really been any new scores submitted (aside from MO's 1940's games (thanks MO!)) so it looks like the community has lost interest. I, for one, hope this is just a holiday lull and not really true. I think what's setting people off is that idea that they no longer have the opportunity to win that GOTM winner banner, so they just stop playing those games. The truth of the matter is, there is still the overall leaderboard, and by submitting scores that are higher than the GOTM's winning score, you can still increase your position on the overall board and in fact take 1st place overall, even if you don't have the highest score on some of the other games. This is the jewel of our system, yet is constantly being overlooked to the point where once a GOTM game is over, nobody cares to play it anymore. I wonder if maybe we should just eliminate the GOTM altogether? Nah that's just silly. We get more community involvement when there is a new game and games to vote on. I hope we hear from GC soon as to where we're going forward with this board. I, for one, hope we can continue it. It's fun. That's all there is to say.
  7. Lol. I almost don't want to accept it unless you've hit 5mil. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. wow... You shattered your previous 1st place score.. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Coming this Christmas: Star Wars Adventures - Rogue One Coming Next Christmas: Star Wars Episode 8 Coming in 3 years: Star Wars Adventures - Han Solo Trilogy Episode 1 Coming in 4 years: Star Wars Episode 9 Coming in 5 years: Star Wars Adventures - Han Solo Trilogy Episode 2 Coming in 6 years: Star Wars Episode 10 Coming in 7 years: Star Wars Adventures - Han Solo Trilogy Episode 3 These are definite. There is no turning. Disney has already officially announced these, in that order.
  10. I am using the stand alone app. I will try to match using the screenshot path rather than the games path.
  11. Since this thread isn't locked.. I'll post a question reply.. So if I understand correctly, all we need to do is save the videos in the root of the screenshots folder for whatever gamebase you're using, and have them match in filename to that of the existing screenshot? If this is the case, how did you get the EmuMovies downloader to know what filename the screenshots were in? When I try to download Atari 800, all I get is 66 files. When I look at the downloads it's made, none of them match the screenshot filenames. For instance, my "Games" path goes as "\Games\B\Ballblazer_(1985)(Lucasfilm)[Tournament_Certified].zip". So EmuDownloader finds a match for that one, and saves it as "Ballblazer_(1985)(Lucasfilm)[Tournament_Certified].mp4". Then I look in my "screenshots" path and see "\screenshots\B\": ballblazer.pngballblazer_1.pngBut there are none that match my downloaded video file. I understand the download should go in the "\screenshots\" folder, with all the A, B, C etc folders there too. But this filename name doesn't match the screenshot filename. So GameBase wouldn't be able to match, and neither would GameEx for that matter. I could MANUALLY rename the video, and make an unnecessary copy of it to match the "_1" version as well. But that's way to tedious. I don't see how this method works. Maybe it's just the Atari 800 GameBase. I'll try another one when I have another free moment, but it looks to me like this isn't a viable solution. If GameBase uses it's own naming schemes, and recognizes 1 screenshot for multiple ROM versions, there's no way to make this work. The downloader will only be able to use 1 name, based on the ROM file. I suppose I could try a different pass with using the screenshot files, but I suspect there would be even less results due to the uncommon filenames.
  12. There's people saying we're all blind, but this was pretty much EXACTLY what JJ did to Star Trek as far as a reboot. Especially when you look at Into Darkness. Take an old screenplay, change some of the characters around, recast it, put in some pretty lens flares and make it a new movie. Hopefully Ep.8 will be better and not just a rehash of Empire.
  13. I was going to use something different, but oh well.
  14. Lol it was my fault, talking once again about my fucked up stepmom. LOL! So anyway... STAR WARS!!!
  15. Solution - Learn to type! I never look at my keyboard. I can even type the numerical keys along the top row without looking, something my dad can't even do. There are all sorts of programs out there to teach you. It's really not that difficult. I self-taught myself from single-digit typing when I was a kid playing MUDs, to the point where I could do it without looking much. Then I took a class in school that I aced because I already knew where the keys were, just didn't know the proper fingers to use when doing REAL typing. The following year I took a 4-credit class for office word processing. It was basically copying out text from a book and learning proper paragraph structuring (like 2 spaces between sentences and the whole "Date then 4 Returns then the address, then 4 returns, then the intro, etc" stuff). They even had a special advanced class the 2nd period where we could work on speed and accuracy. I had a 99% accuracy at 147 words per minute (according to wikipedia, 40WMP is higher than average, and anything over 100WPM is considered high speed). Got offered and joined a state-wide competition for high school students. Only 2 of us went from our school, I got 2nd place, she got 3rd. Didn't get a trophy or nothing, but I did receive a special certification that I put on my resume's to try to help me get a job. Never did help though. lol I would have liked to learn how to use a stenographer's keyboard though. Those are the ones they use in court because of the speed you can get to keep up with what is being said. They probably pay good money for them people.
  16. I think I dabbled in this when it was announced, and couldn't really get it to work. The problem was the way GameBase stores it's ROM filenames, and in turn the video paths had to match exactly or not at all. When using EmuMovies to scrape for videos, it failed because the subfolders weren't accessible. GameBase stores their files in subfolders based on their first letter. For instance, on Atari 800 if you look at the "Games" folder, they are split into A, B, C, D, etc. And in those folders are the files. So GameEx works with the "screenshots" folder because GameBase is already configured to that for it's location, and it already knows to use the subfolders. Since GameBase doesn't come loaded with videos already, we would have to scrape them ourselves, and point GameEx to that folder separately. I think when I tried this before, I couldn't make it work because the EmuMovies downloader couldn't work through subfolders, and save the files in a similar subfolder structure. Maybe this has since changed. But I feel the solution would have been to allow the downloader to scan and save in identical structures, and then have GameEx use that new folder for it's files. If the update had made it possible for GameEx to simply parse out a video path supplied by GameBase, then the solution would be to simply change out what GameBase is reporting as screenshots, and just plug the videos into those folders, replacing the files with videos. GameEx automatically puts a priority of videos over images, so it should be as simple as that. The trouble lies with the EmuMovies downloader being unable to remember and save in a structured folder/subfolder configuration.
  17. I never understood the whole charitable donation bit. Am I supposed to get a tax credit or something for doing that, and get more money back? What's the point?
  18. Uhg this argument again. Look guys, read the book, written by George Lucas. HE EXPLAINS THIS WHOLE THING..... The "Kessel Run" isn't a race. It's a widely used trade route and transport lane in hyperspace. Jumping through hyperspace requires multiple jumps to travel the great distances of the galaxy. Until the Millennium Falcon made it's run, the galaxy only knew of it to take something like 20 parsecs. But with Han Solo piloting and his "special" technical modifications to the hyperspace navi-computer, they were able to make the trip in only 12 parsecs. Shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Everybody else jumped around in a semi-circle while Han's adjustments manged to shave out a few jumps, thus making the distance shorter. So yes, the Millennium Falcon instantly because a galactic superstar because it was able to navigate a quicker/shorter distance. In other news.. got another reason why I'm ready to kill my stepmom move out.. We were at my Dad's sisters for Christmas Eve. My aunt asked if I'd seen the movie yet. I said "YEAH!" then Dad said "me to!". My stepmom turns in disgust at him, like she was mad he saw it without her. She then gets all huffy "how could you have seen it, it's still in theaters?! It just came out!" She really hates that I download movies after I pay $20 to go see it in the theater and then go and buy the BluRay too. She also thinks "The Mighty Ducks" Disney movie was too violent.
  19. I'm just shocked that they have such a low buy/trade value and then turn them around for a huge profit. I checked their website, they'll sell my box for $80-140 depending on certain factors. That's a 200% markup.I could bottom cut them and sell on eBay for $60 and still make more money than selling to them. It's just unbelievable that around this time last year they were probably selling around $250. http://www.gamestop.com/browse/xbox-360/systems?nav=28-xp0,1385-c4 They still sell brand new in box systems for $200.
  20. I posted this on Facebook, not sure how many of you guys are friends with me... So apparently, GameStop is being very CHEAP with their console trade in value. I was going to take my 360 in and trade up for a One. Turns out all they will offer me (according to their website) is $16 if I sell it to them, or $20 if I trade it. WTF kinda trade is that? I figure I can put a modchip in this 360 and sell it on eBay for $300 or so. I mean, that's insane. I think I'd rather just keep my 360 and keep playing the games that aren't on the One's backwards compatible list. If it was $50, I might consider it, but it should be worth more than that. It still has the clear plastic anti-scratch film on it. This reminds me of when my brother traded his complete Sega Genesis, SegaCD, Sega 32x system with like 25 games (including mine without asking) and got $10 bucks for the whole thing towards a Playstation 1 (valued at the time at $299).
  21. Good job. I know you've been working hard on this, and I'd hate to throw the rule book at you. I'll let it slide since you've been trying so hard. But your first posted screenshot shows you had 7 credits in the machine, and our rules are 1 per play only. Also, your initials have to be legit, we've turned down people in the past for that. But I know you mean well, so unless my team members disagree, I'll accept it. If they turn me down, your other score is still good enough to to beat KRC. Awesome! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. I say just go for it. I went and saw it Friday night, at 7:30pm. There was maybe 20 people in the whole theater. Maybe it was because I saw it in 3D. The 2D version might have been packed. Better yet, see it both ways and get the whole experience! Word of advice... don't bother with the 3D. It's still too gimmicky. For instance (without any spoilers), every single external space location shot was horrible. I was constantly getting cross-eyed watching it. They force you to focus on things (like the ship in the shot and not the planet behind it) and when you try to focus, all you get is double vision. There were 2 stars for each star in EVERY shot. It was driving me mad. So save your money on the 3D and spend it on a collector's cup at the concession stand instead. I wish I did. I'm just to excited and wanted to see it in the best possible way. Harry Potter and Hobbit were great in 3D. Star Wars, not so much.
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