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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I wish the "3D" option worked without the need for 3D tv's...
  2. Applauds to you my friend. I'm glad you watched the first one now and saw it DID make an impact in your review score. I knew it would. Maybe it's just because I grew up with a copy of Tron on VHS and watched it all the time, and I'm just a fanboy because of it. When I saw the proof-of-concept pitch "trailer" I was nerdgasming like crazy. But then when Legacy finally came out, it turned out that so much of it was just advertising to the world of CGI's latest cutting edge capabilities. Who better than Disney (of old) to usher in the new tech than with a sparkly new version of a movie way ahead of it's time. Of course, they took that idea and ran with it by remaking a LOT of their stuff rather than make new. Problem with Legacy though, there wasn't really anything original. Just altered perspectives and concepts. Should we do light cycles? Sure! How about the disc throwing? Yup! What about the tanks? Uh-huh. And the sailing ship at the end? You don't get it do ya?-we're going to REMAKE the same movie. Uhg. Just like Force Awakens. But I loved the eye candy. And I did like the whole idea of the starting plot and where it needed to go, Flynn is missing, his son discovers he's been trapped on the grid by his clone and rescues him. I liked that idea, but to bring it out they just rehashed so much of the same stuff. I would have liked it better if they had all new games, or different vehicles at least. But, I still loved the movie. Oh, yeah, and that freaky Zuse didn't need to be in there.. we needed more of Gem.
  3. Oooooh.. the hammer has been dropped. It's on now! I promise, I'll watch it before the month is over. I'm actually surprised I STILL haven't even taken it out of the overwrap yet. My digital code is probably expired by now. Actually, I just opened it. Got the 4k version. Coool, gonna enjoy it on my new 4k tv. Kinda bummed I have like a dozen 3D movies I bought that I'll never get to see in the 3D format since that fad died with home TV's. Actually, more than kinda. I have the entire Hobbit set in extended 3D, as well as like 6 of the MCU movies and the first 2 Star Wars "sequels". Anyway.. stand by.
  4. Alright alright! My problem with watching a movie based on a book is that I'm always let down. I'd rather read the book first, then enjoy the movie and compare scenes that were missing and be pissed about it. But, I guess in this one case, I'll watch the movie first, then read the book, and be dazzled by all the new stuff that was added. Gonna be a few days for me though. The way my work schedule is coming up, I'm not going to have more than an hour after work before I have to go to bed so I can get enough sleep for the next day. But I promise, by the end of this month, I'll watch it.
  5. @RIP-Felix What?! You've never seen the first one?! As many times as people tell me to read the book and watch the movie (Ready Player One) I still haven't done it. BUT... there's no excuse to having not seen the original Tron. And to watch the "sequel" first? Uhg, blasphemy! Man I'd mail you my copy of it on Bluray if I didn't have doubts about our postal service. Even if you don't have Disney+, you can probably get it at the Library, or find it online "somewhere". You owe it to yourself as a retro gamer. There's a lot more going on in Legacy that is a direct result of events from the first one. And a ton of easter egg nods. That might be why you're rating is so low, because you don't know the previous history. I'd say hold back the tears of the campy 80's CGI/rotoscoping, legit grin and bear it, and watch the movie for the story. Uhg, just can't believe it. It's like saying Empire Strikes back is a 5/10 because you've never seen A New Hope. Ok, that's just because I'm a Star Wars fanboy geek, and totally not possible. But still. You should always watch a sequel after the first one and not before it lol. It's like me when I was a kid and watching Temple of Doom before Raiders of the Lost Ark, not knowing it was an Indiana Jones movie (it doesn't say that in the title). Or watching Two Towers before Fellowship. I'd slap you if I could!
  6. Oh I see how it is... you just HAD to take me off the top-10 list. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Kinda catchy huh? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. I feel like this derailed because of my contribution about my brother's situation and how it ties in to everything happening in the world. It's like, we're dealing with a GLOBAL infection issue, but then things got lopsided with the whole "black lives matter" BS (all lives matter IMO, not just blacks.. .and no, i'm not racist) and dis-empower police nonsense. I mean hell, my home town is Columbus, Ohio, and they tore down anything relating to Christopher Columbus to prevent offense. But to change the name to "Flavortown" because Guy Fieri is from here is absurd. This world has just gone batshit crazy. But yeah, sorry for my initial derailment.
  9. Ok, yeah I want a set. About $350 is kinda steep though when I'm not in a budget for that right now. I read a bit more into it as far as details. It hooks into your mouse; so as long as you have Linux/Windows that works with a mouse it will work. Not sure how accurate aiming would be though. I have an air mouse remote for my TV and it sure doesn't line up when I point my remote at it and look down a line of sight. It's an Indigogo supported development. I'm already backing the Atari VCS, so I think I'll wait till somebody here gets one and can report/review it better.
  10. My brother drives for Uber, Rideshare, and Lyft as his FULL TIME JOB (idiot). Funny thing though, this global pandemic hit and he was instructed by his superiors that he was NOT to go out driving and pick up people, that the situation is too uncertain and too risky to do. So, he waited like 6 weeks to get state government supplied unemployment. They turned him down 4 times saying it wasn't a legit unemployment until laws and amendments were passed that forced local governments to consider his situation as legit. So in the end, it was approved and he got his $650 a week check plus 6 weeks of backpay. He told me that before he got this, he would spend more than half of his earned income as fuel to support his further continuation of his job. All told, he would be lucky to make $50 a day after 13 hours of driving around town hoping to get a near-by ping on his phone. Now, without having to drive around and waste gas, he's making more money per week than I do at my job making $16.50 an hour. Of course, he's going along with the mindset of a TON of our citizens now, that believe they can live off the unemployment and refuse to go back to work, claiming it's still an unsafe, risky hazard (even though his employer has already told him to get back to it). Nope, he's going to continue to sap the government for every penny they offer him until they officially stop funding the Covid-19 relief pay. I don't blame him really, considering he's making about twice as much sitting at home playing video games and not working. It just pisses me off too because my job (grocery store deli) was considered essential, so I've had to go to work every day and expose myself to potentially infected customers and risk bringing it home to my elderly co-inhabitants while other people just sit around and haven't done jack shit in 5 months. Oh boo hoo, lets get the federal government to step in and give us more free money with another stimulus check that we don't deserve because we're too lazy to work. All things aside, this has been a complete disaster on all fronts. There are definite reasons for a stimulus and definite reasons to continue unemployment benefits. I just get upset when I see people take advantage of it who are unworthy, while those who could really benefit don't even get the option. Like, we have "homeless" (are they really) panhandlers all over town and basically living on the corner of the parking lot where I work who could definitely use the stimulus to buy clothes, rent an apartment, bathe, and go out to find a job; but instead they give it to people who are already working and can afford to "stimulate" the economy if they just budgeted better. We got people who can go to work right now but chose to take advantage of the free hand outs because they're lazy and feel self entitled. America the fat and lazy. Woo. Anybody know if Canada has any cheap housing? Maybe I'll move to Switzerland, they're supposed to have really good paying jobs, low price housing, free government supplied healthcare, and the highest internet speeds in the world. LOL!
  11. Yup I saw that in my email today. Not really impressed. The same info as always, no big reveals. I'm actually surprised, since this is an FAQ (FREQUENTLY asked questions) that the most frequently asked questions weren't asked... "why so many delays with no detailed information" and "can you guarantee that the company is not bankrupt and will still be able to put the VCS into the hands of your backers by October?!"
  12. I'm still on board patiently waiting. The idea of them skipping out on a court summons does sound scary though. Without knowing details, there's probably a good reason. Mixed up dates, travel issues from covid-19, maybe the guy was sick? I mean, if Atari was serious about this, they would have at least made some effort to send in SOMEBODY to be present. Can't you get by with even just a lawyer representative? This all comes after Atari is announcing backer news with additional streaming service support with retro gaming, indie gaming, etc. I'm sure if Atari loses out on a court case, and possibly goes belly up from it, at least the backers should be protected with Indigogo to get something. They said consoles will be in our hands by October to get full testing and real reviews out in time for Christmas. Still, fingers crossed this is just a small blemish, even though the blemishes are adding up to a nearly crippled old man at this point. I'm still hopeful.
  13. Cool beans man! Take Mr. Krabs from Spongebob down a peg. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Agreed. It's even harder playing with a gamepad. But if you can manage a mouse, it's not too bad. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Psst, a lot of games were easier when we were kids! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. I've only ever made it to like the 2nd stage boss before running out of lives. And that was on my Sega Master System. Good game though! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. 5th place, not bad! Better than me! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. I think that's probably why I've never played it yet. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Man I hear ya! Simple enough to play, but I can't do any better! Another "similar" game to this I remember playing as a kid is Gremlins. Man I had a blast with that game once I learned what I was supposed to be doing lol. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Wow! Yeah that's really close. Hopefully I'll get to play some when my vacation comes up in a few weeks. Can't wait! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Can I be ashamed of games I've never beaten? Case in point... I've never beaten a single Sonic game. Specifically, let's just say Sonic 1 for the Sega Genesis. EVEN THOUGH I have used the level select code and have beaten every stage and the final boss multiple times. But on a console, with a good 3-4 hour play time, I typically run out of lives before I get to the final boss/stage. So yeah, that's disappointing. Also, I've never finished Sega Genesis X-Men. Again, I've used the level select and have played every stage and beat the boss, but I have not been able to do it in a single play through. My problem there is that the only way I've been able to beat Magneto at the end, I had to use the special hero call-on ability that blankets him with hits, but those are 1-use only moves and then you can't ever use them again for the entire game. So when I'm playing in a normal play through, I end up needing to use them in earlier stages, and then have to go it alone with nobody left, which for me is impossible. What really sucks, when I got the game for a birthday present, it included a special printout my dad made where he said he would give the first player (between my brother or me) $10 for defeating Magneto. To this day, we have still not done that. I tried to cheat and go right to him with that level select option, but he deemed that as a disqualification. So.. yeah. Honestly, of the 40 or so games I've owned in my life, I can say I've really only ever beaten Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Halo 3/ODST/Reach, Star Wars Force Unleashed/Force Unleashed II, and Doom 1. Pretty lame. Oh, and I beat Mortal Kombat 1 (Sega Genesis) on Very Easy once.
  22. They're not too bad. Some of them are better than others. Thanks for your submission to our "outdated" GOTQ. I know I'm overdue to make a new one. Things have been happening crazy in my life lately. C.Diff. infection around Halloween last year and then I had another hernia surgery around May (not to mention all this Covid-19 stuff and working a lot more to cover co-workers's leave, quitting, and vacations). Hopefully I'll be able to get a new game round soon. Of course, there are 2 other mods that can do that too.... ->nudge<- @GimmeClassics @DazzleHP ->nudge<- Anyway, thanks!
  23. Thanks for keeping me on my toes here! Nice entry too. First post and you're getting 2nd place! Not bad! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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