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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I still have my pre-fire Sidewinder joystick. I've never tried using it with my Xbox yet. Did a quick Google Search, probably not gonna work; unfortunately. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/force-feedback-on-xbox/493c6cdb-ca82-4075-b3d9-33e9e2595179
  2. Bad link. I'd be interested, but if it requires playing on PC I'll have to pass. My PC is waaaaay outdated now.
  3. I memory serves, I believe the pedal is used for things like ducking behind cover, or quick reloading. The page description says it's for games like TimeCrisis (Which I owned with an original Namco GunCon controller for PS1). The game is "on the rails" but has "scenes" of action with random pop-up baddies to shoot. When you need to duck into cover, you had to press a button on the side of the gun. I imagine the pedal would replace that, and was a feature in the original arcade vs. the home version (that didn't come with a pedal). I'm very tempted to buy one of these myself. I just got a nice bonus at work and can afford it. Just want to know how well it is. @Tom did you buy the recoil model? I had a Menacer for the Sega Genesis. Used it to play Mad Dog McCree on Sega CD (awesome). We also had a couple of cheap knock-off guns. A friend of ours growing up had an NES with a light gun and we played DuckHunt A LOT. It's definitely a cool peripheral to have and a lot of games are just missing from your collection without it.
  4. LOL!! Can't believe I missed this. A perfect example of pop culture meets classic arcade gaming. Ahh Robot Chicken never disappoints. Happy Belated Halloween all!
  5. I'd call that a fake. It'd be interesting if it's not, but come on. They had like 1 game back in the 80's they had developed to use their VR headset they were creating back then, and it flopped. I would say this is true ONLY if I saw an official announcement, from something like my subscription mailing list. Not heard anything.
  6. Crazy.. because he makes candles. Unbelievable.
  7. LOL!! I like that they're bringing in some Sega CD.. But what.. no 32X? The first model came with Sonic 1 and 2. This one skips Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I would buy it if only to get the updated versions of some of those games, and the unreleased games. But I dunno, doesn't really seem worth it.
  8. I agree. Pretty upset about the whole thing. It still has much potential, but they lack the fundamentals. Very short on staff. A lack of drive and motiviation from the higher level staff. No enticing timeline and release schedule/plans. They lack developers and engineers. I don't know why they haven't released games that Atari made years ago on older systems that run just fine in emulation. Not just stuff like Atari 2600, but even stuff they developed recently. They're still picking up the pieces on their underlying system backends. Not only is the hardware faulty and needing matured, the software itself is glitchy at best. The OS/online functionality is practically useless. I don't know if it's because it's running low level, but it acts like it needs a hypervisor supporting CPU. You can't "switch screens", like have a game playing and decide to watch Netflix. You have to close the program to open another. Even Windows 3.1 could do multi-tasking if memory serves. I'm tired of seeing "new" games being released that are purposely "retro-fied". The hardware, fractured as it is, is capable of so much better. I just wish they had more to offer. The ship is sinking fast.
  9. Cool.. I never had an OG Xbox though.
  10. I saw this recently in my Youtube time wasting. What gets me, malls are going away. Everybody just orders online. There's no reason for them anymore. I'd hate to be a business, with a great plan in mind (an arcade) just to be the only store open out of 100 possible stores. To make it look good (like they did) you have to spend so much money getting the games, paints, carpet, etc for the atmosphere. They even have open glass windows in the front. In my neighborhood, somebody would break in and steal all that stuff in one night. Granted, they probably have those metal bar things to close up at night. But still. A completely dead mall, with nothing but homeless people and bums "living" there, and here's this mega awesome arcade. My area had 3 malls. 2 of them are completely shut down and boarded up until they're demolished. The only one remaining is completely boarded up, with a makeshift plywood door to the entrance where you can go in and sit for hours in the BMV waiting to renew your license. It's full of illegal aliens from Mexico AND Somalia (mostly from Somalia). It's a trashy, dingy place where every thing IN the mall is boarded up. Not at all like I remember it as a kid. I'd hate to be these guys building an arcade in there. I hope nothing bad happens. I'd open up a storefront somewhere else. But hard to compete with Dave & Busters (never been there).
  11. Don't forget he was in 2 Star Trek Movies too... The Terran hostage in Star Trek 5 and the Klingon Chancellor Gorkon in Star Trek 6. He was also the slime scientist from the original TMNT 2 Secret of the Ooze. It's a sad passing. Rest in Peace.
  12. I’ll check them out. It’s nice to try things free and then buy. My ticket I submitted got response “sorry if we helped every free person we couldn’t help our paid people.” That’s lowsy. I did manage to figure out how to recover a Macrium backup but it’s stupid. Required me to set SMB1 and map a network drive before I could access it. It’s not worth going to all that trouble, especially if I can’t make a proper schedule.
  13. Well, here we are again. Go to turn on my computer, and it doesn't work. Just a black screen (BIOS prompt?) telling me to pick the correct boot device, insert a disk or reboot. Not sure what happened. I tried all the tricks; various disk utilities, Windows Recovery CD's, etc. I think the problem came out of the storm we had one night. My main PC is on a low wattage UPC ($50 at Home Depot, claims to be 315 minutes but is really only like 6). The result of a sudden power outage, and my configuration of 10-minutes then shutdown meant that the computer instantly started to shut down once on the battery and it drained faster than it took to do the safe shutdown. So in essence, it's more like I just pulled the plug. Windows was unable to recover, apparently blew out the boot sector. On the motherboard side of things, the BIOS got reset (which I noticed because it was dated 01/01/2000 and 00:13 minutes at 2 in the afternoon. I've spent the last few days reacquiring a good copy of the BIOS, rebuilding the settings, and repartitioning/reinstalling Windows 10. Been a trip, let me tell ya. I'm finally at a point where EVERYTHING is setup with the latest drivers, an no additional software yet. I want to make a backup, and this is where my dilemma is. In the past, if you look through my various threads, I was using software that is built in as a part of the WHS (Windows Home Server) package. I've since moved on to bigger and better things, now using UnRaid. The problem now is that WHS is no longer an option, and I need a different set of tools. In a more recent past, although still a long time ago, I was using Acronis to make drive images. I went back through my files and found the registration key I had bought for it. Installed the software and it says my key is no longer valid. Went back to their website and found that my "Lifetime" key was supposed to be grandfathered into their new "Annual" license method, but because I failed to submit a claim during the window that option was available, I'm not SOL. I can buy a new key, and supply them with monies every year. That seems a little unnecessary to me. Since my key is no longer valid without a new charge, I'm moving on to other things. The last day or so I heard about a utility called "Macrium Reflect" which is free (sorta). It is free so long as you don't use some of the advanced features like a Daily Incremental Backup. I figured sure, why not? Get the free version, try it out, and buy the licensed version if it does what I need it to do. Well... it does and it doesn't. Sure, it makes a direct image of your drive, partitions and all, and can backup to any location you want. However, the moment you decide you want to make a schedule, to have it backup weekly for instance, your computer stops going to sleep. Sure, you can FORCE it to go to sleep by pressing the keyboard key or using the mouse and telling it to sleep. But this is pointless. I want a system that is sleeping, wakes up at 1am to backup, then goes back to sleep. Apparently, the software is buggy enough that there's lots of people complaining about their computers not even waking up. I just want it to sleep, so I don't even know if I have that wake up problem or not. BUT.. I was smart about it. I made my "Day One" backup before creating a schedule. So I attempted to RESTORE that backup. Macrium has software in place to help you build a Recovery Environment to a CD, another drive, or in my case a USB Flash Drive. Plug the drive in, tell the BIOS to boot from it, a pseudo-Windows loads just enough to have Macrium load, and you pick your backup to recover. WRONG.... Turns out my server is unreachable. Sure, the NIC has a proper IP address, but the path is unavailable with some "unknown reason". It has an option to open up a File Manager and attempt to map a drive, so I did that. Couldn't connect to the server at all. It also has a command prompt, so I attempted to PING the server.. Yup, no problem there. So I give up. This software is useless to me. I tried to go into their forums to ask for support just to be stuck behind a pay wall (support is a PAID bonus, not available to free users). Then I found a way to contact the devs directly via a ticket system. Just to find out once I got the ticket all written that once again, support is a PAID bonus and they won't even let me submit it. So, yeah. What I'm looking for... incase that's all TL:DR (just found out that means To Long:Didn't Read!) I'm looking for a good backup software. I don't mind paying for it, provided it's not an annual fee. One time only. As for features, all I really need is something that care wake my computer up while sleeping, do it's backup, then quietly return to sleep. That may be tricky because even Macrium has a setting to tell it to sleep when it's done (which doesn't work). I just want it to sleep on it's own, not because a program forces it to (incase I'm still awake and using it). As for type of backups, as long as I can keep a regular backup, I'll be happy. Sure, daily backups, keeping the last 7th day and the last month's backup would be nice. But honestly, if I can just have a scheduled backup, that's good enough. As for recovery, I have to be able to restore over the network. Having a backup on another connected drive is ok, until you face a problem where all your drives are zapped at the same time. Thanks' you guys for continuing to be an inspiration and source for PC troubleshooting and experience!
  14. Now I want to play that game and see if I can see the names.
  15. Not sure how this works (although I already own the AAA games they mention). It looks like all you need is to be a Prime member, and you get these games for free. It also looks like it's a streaming type service, so if you have a Firestick for example you can just load the game up and play it if you have a controller. Am I wrong?
  16. I dunno.. I'm feeling it's more cash grab. Super pixelated "recharged" games no doubt. I'm a huge Atari fan. I just really feel like they've lost their way. They need to create a new IP that utilizes the capabilities of the hardware they created. I'm sorry, I'm just tired of these pixel games. Give me something NEW already.
  17. Meh no worries man. Wasn't even expecting any well wishes.
  18. He might still make an appearance, you never know. Although if you've not watched it, I DO know he is in Rebels. I'm really behind on my Star Wars stuff. I've only seen the first season of Mandalorian. Still have Bad Batch and Book of Boba Fett to watch. But knowing from the hype, I'm in for some good TV. Was watching the Star Wars Celebration 2022 Live on Youtube. They announced a couple of new series.. Star Wars Skeleton Crew, some show for kids (like YOUNG kids, not clone wars/rebels), the reveal trailer for Andor, talks about Ahoska, Visions and Bad Batch getting 2nd seasons.. They also showed the trailer for the next Star Wars game (sequel to Jedi Fallen Order, now called Jedi Survivor). I missed the first day, but it looks like they might have revealed Indiana Jones 5, and I know they did a trailer for the Willow series. Excited.
  19. 2 episodes in, and I'm crying for more Obii-Wan! A friend at work was like "Qui-gon!" Can you imagine how awesomely epic that would be if they brought him in AND it was Liam Neeson? What can be said about this show? It's amazing!
  20. Oh yeah, I still visit EVERY DAY lol. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  21. I loved my SegaCd. I never understood why so many system reviews for the SegaCD were mostly negative. As a kid, I thought it was the best thing ever. We didn't have many games, but the ones we did were amazing. The bonus benefit is that it worked as an audio cd player. We ripped so many cd's to audio cassette back in the day. Thanks for the review though!
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