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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I still have trouble with the bosses in this game, but seems like SOMEBODY *cough*KRC has no trouble at all! Hehe. Good score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Nice one! Moving right up the ladder! Thanks for you eager participation in our friendly little competition. Hopefully it will entice more people to play along! You're score puts you up into 1st place! Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. I use No-Intro as well. And to be honest, I haven't updated my ROMs in probably 5 years. I'm still using an old/outdated version of MAME too. It just seems a tedious task to have to go through and make sure everything is up to date. For consoles, there's probably NOTHING new, just names changed as you noticed. MAME however is always being updated to provide emulation to games that were never supported, or somewhat supported. Plus, I don't believe MAME uses a naming format like No-Intro, I think they just have their own. So if I were to update ANY ROMs on my system, it would be the MAME ones. And with that, you also have to get a new version of MAME to go along with it, so that's why I haven't updated in so long. Why fix what ain't broken?
  4. DUH? That's what I've been waiting for!!! Cool stuff!
  5. i havent looked, do they have their own mame too?
  6. Moving right along! I love this idea and can't wait to see the finished project. I still haven't registered over there yet, but I'm thinking about it.
  7. Yeah, looking back, I probably should have set the difficulty on Hammerin' Harry to HARD. Looks like a lot of the games from TwinGalaxies used a harder difficulty whenever it was available to be chosen. We're just being nice here and I went with the defaults. Galaga on Rank D was insane, I should probably go back and play it again sometime.
  8. Attention murve33; something GC forgot to mention... if you have a list of games you'd like to see added to our competition, you CAN request them in our POLL thread, and we'll get them added to the polls eventually. Each month is a new set of games recommended by everybody, so you can add yours anytime you like.
  9. Yeah I can't upgrade the PSU because it's one of those micro/slim desktop cases that has a pre-designed PSU for the case. I suppose if it really WAS needed, I could do some searching around, but I don't think that's the problem. @Adultery; it's like it's BlueScreening and insta-rebooting. You never see the BSOD but that's how it's acting. We did 3 passes of it trying to recover, and each time the results were the same. It DOES look like, via the logs, that it is crashing at hardware level (like it's detecting new devices or something). @Draco; I believe you're correct, and that is what my assumption was going to be with the "footprint" or digital fingerprint of the hardware. Change something MAJOR and it flubs. I think I remember having to reinstall Windows 7 when my own Primary mobo died a year or so ago for the exact same reason. At least the "old" drive is accessible. We can get in there and save off all the important stuff. He's decided he'll just go ahead with the upgrade to Windows 7 and just start from scratch with reinstalling software. I think it's a good call. Now all we need to do is figure out what this thing is: ME Bios Extension module execution has halted. Theres a long BEEP to alert you something failed. I did some Googling, and found some people having similar issues. Not sure what causes it or what to try. I have already tried one suggestion of removing all cables and the battery, power on (clear out caps) reconnect everything (resetting BIOS) and starting fresh. It still does this. The only other suggestion recommended is to update the BIOS but I can't for the life of me find where to do that. HP's website has a page for this computer. You click the DOWNLOADS link for that specific computer, and it takes you to a search engine. You type in the Model number, and it takes you BACK to the product page, not the downloads. So it's an endless loop. If somebody can find the proper BIOS update, that'd be great! It's a DC7700. The box says DC7700SFF, but I assume the SFF just means "Small Form Factor" since it's not a tower or ultra slim. UPDATE: I found the downloads to the firmware, etc. I was originally trying to do it on my Kindle which apparently doesn't do JAVA very well for displaying the results. I had it right all along. Just waiting for dad to go through the update process and see if it fixes it. Thanks for the tips guys.
  10. Well we decided it's gone. I removed the RAM and the battery, and connected the monitor to the mobo directly and it still fails to render a display. I found a link on HP's website for troubleshooting when there is no display but the computer powers on. I tried everything they said to with no luck. So we went to the Computer Store and bought a refurbished HP desktop (not mini-tower) that was $99. Very low end, but just a little better than what he had. The only problem at first was that it only supports half-height expansion cards, so the graphics card we originally had in there won't work. Also, we decided to pull the old HDD and put it in the new computer along with the tiny 80gb it had installed. When we first booted up, it's flashing some kind of error about a BIOS module needing upgraded. Not sure what that was all about. We were able to SEE a display though, and that's a lot better than where we were before. The "BIOS" is accessed via F10 instead of DELETE like everybody else. I say "BIOS" because it's actually an HP Configuration utility with no apparent way to access the true CMOS. We didn't see any way to update the drive boot order either, so we ended up taking the case off again and switching the SATA cables around. Now we have a new problem. Windows tries to boot off the old drive then the computer restarts after getting so far. He even tried booting into Safe Mode and it crashes. After all that, I asked him if the Windows 7 Drive will boot.. He just came in to say the Windows 7 installation wants the Product Key, and they didn't include one in the box. NOW he's telling me he found it stuck on the bottom of the case! ARGH! So anyway, we got a new computer. It's just a temporary fix until he can get a better one. He doesn't like the "desktop" style, and I don't like that he can't upgrade the expansion slots. So, yeah. Any idea why Windows (Vista) would only boot so far and then crash and reboot? He tried going through the Windows Recovery and it didn't help either. Could it be that it's crashing while attempting to identify the new hardware because it's a completely new setup? Or is it perhaps drawing to much power that the dinky 240-watt PSU can't support the added HDD?
  11. LOL! I don't understand a word you're saying. Probably lots of tips and stuff, darn I wish I knew Spanish! And I took Spanish in High School! Oh well, thanks for the video!
  12. Either take out the space in your path "Vectrex Roms" or put quotation marks around [ROM] in your command line. See if that does it. I'm not sure about the black and white, probably a setting in the emulator somewhere. Remember, Vectrex IS inherently black and white anyway, it used a color overlay screen to provide colors.
  13. No I haven't tried removing the battery or added graphics card. I will try those tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. And you're right Draco. Thats why I mentioned I tried everything EXCEPT taking everything out. I will try removing the graphics card and reset the BIOS. If that doesn't work, I'll try removing the RAM sticks. It's still all original hardware except for the the added graphics card. I bought this as a Media Center for my dad, and added the graphics card so he could get an svideo out to the tv. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow (or whenever I feel better) to try a bit more hardware yanking type troubleshooting.
  14. February 2014 GOTM Winner: KRC - 182,000 (link) Hammerin Harry Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 KRC 182,000 2 Yung-Jedi 97,000 3 ExedExes 96,400 4 helpman 66,600 5 Luigimaker 54,500 6 wolfman24 51,600 7 Floyd Turbo 50,800 8 rtkiii 47,400 9 GimmeClassics 41,700 10 millerbrad 41,200 Last Updated by hansolo77: 05-05-2019 murve33 - 35,700 (link) Mame Offender - 34,700 (link) hansolo77 - 24,500 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Hammerin' Harry: ROMSet: Hammerin' Harry (World) / hharry Lives: 3 Difficulty: Normal Continue Limit: Yes Allow Continue: NO Demo Sounds: On Service Mode: Off Flip Screen: Off Cabinet: Upright Coin Mode 1 Coinage: 1Coin/1Credit Special Rules: Continues are NOT allowed! --> Note: TwinGalaxies remains DOWN. The above settings are the default, and should be just fine. You do need to change Allow Continue to NO since TG never allowed continues. # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > pending -Han
  15. Awesome job! You took your previous score of 215,109 and added another 100k to it! That score was also submitted in the the time limit, so congratulations are in order as well for becoming the latest in a long line of GOTM Winners! With this achievement, GC should be in touch with you shortly with your badge of honor. Wear it proudly! Good job to everybody who participated in this month's GOTM. We had a lot more participation in this game then we did the last, and it was a lot more fun! The controls for this game were funky, but it looks like you guys got the hang of it. I wish I did, but the 2 or 3 times I tried I sucked WAY to much. So way to go guys! If you're just joining us, please feel free to continue submitting scores for this game. The GOTM contest is over, but you can still submit scores, overthrow ExedExes, and move up your position on our Leaderboard! See you guys at the next GOTM! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. Still sick ya know. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. +2 to ParaJVE. It's what I use. I just thought I'd support his setup, since he's trying to use MESS.
  18. It's a PC, not a laptop. It was bought brand new PRE-FIRE and has been working fine for years. In fact, it was working earlier today. Dad left to go pick my stepmom up from work, she came home, turned it on, and nothing happened.. just the powersupply, cpu, and videocard fans came on. She waited 5 minutes before deciding something wasn't right and called dad up to help, which in turn got me involved. The motherboard DOES have a speaker, I can see it very clearly. However, I'm not sure if it ever beeped. That makes sense though now that I think about it.. Mine beeps when I turn it on (although it's mostly in standby so I hardly ever boot from a cold start). Back in my tech support days I would identify the ERROR beeps, like 4 beeps, etc. This one isn't beeping at all. I also DID mention I tried other graphics ports: "I tried plugging the monitor into the adjacent port on the video card but it changed nothing. I also tried plugging the monitor directly in to the motherboard but that didn't fix it either." I'm not sure what else to try. If it was the video card, then the onboard would work. If it was his monitor or cables, MINE would work. If it was something on the mobo (ram/cpu) I would think there would be error beeps (or as Adultery says, NO beeps). I'm not sure actually how old the computer is, it came with Windows Vista, so it's not THAT old. It's an HP, and I have a serial number, perhaps I can get it checked under some warranty. My computer is busy doing a virus scan right now, but when thats done I plan on connecting his HDD to my system and attempt to save things like Pictures and eBooks for him incase we can't get it back up and running. I exhausted a good hours worth of trying everything aside from disconnecting everything from the MOBO and installing stuff one at a time. Also, I'm sick with a sinus infection that's beating the crap out of me, so I had hoped I was overlooking something to try (hence my posting this thread).
  19. I need a little help troubleshooting my dads computer. It suddenly stopped working. The computer turns on, but there is no display. He thinks its the hard drive, but i checked it and it spins up and clicks away fine. He noticed the HDD activity light doesnt come on which is why he thought it was the HDD. I told him even if the HDD was unplugged he should still be able to see a display and be able to enter the BIOS. I tried plugging the monitor into the adjacent port on the video card but it changed nothing. I should also mention that the video cards fan DOES work, so its getting power. I also tried plugging the monitor directly in to the motherboard but that didn't fix it either. I thought it might have been his monitor dying or something with the cables, but it didnt work when i plugged it into my own monitor with my own cables either. Im not sure what else to try. If the RAM or CPU had died, surely the onboard speaker would give error beeps, which its not doing either. So yeah, anybody got any other ideas before I tell him its hosed and get a new one (whilst saving the HDD of course)?
  20. Yeah my dad went as far as to setup a BIOS lockout password that you needed to enter before the PC would boot up. That is, until I got wise to how it worked and just removed the battery. Dad wasn't to happy about that.
  21. Awesome, I wanna see a popup menu (like pressing the Xbox Guide Button on 360). It's definitely a pipe dream, and I imagine it would take rebuilding GameEx (hint hint) to make it happen.
  22. Thats a cool find. I remember the hype of SMB2 and how people couldn't get their copies. SMB3 wasn't even thought of yet, and that was this all over again. I miss those days. I'm glad for emulation and the fact that we can all go back and remember a time without terrorists. Oh, and parents thought THOSE games were violent? Wait till you see your -10 year old playing Call of Duty. What the hell is wrong with parents? I'm sick of playing games like Halo 4 online and getting told smack by a prepubescent child. The game is rated M... M!! You shouldn't even be playing it.
  23. OOh final day drama! It's a race to the finish! Good luck!
  24. Try setting (temporarily) the debug to true. That will PAUSE the command GameEx sends before launching the emulator. Take a look at the command line it creates. I'm willing to bed there's something wrong somewhere. For instance, the RomPath you have specified doesn't exist, or maybe the path to your command. Something else; you say you just got the emulator. MESS requires the ROM files for each system you plan to emulate. Simply having the MESS program won't cut it. You need the ROM/BIOS of the system. That's the 2nd word in your command: "mess.exe vectrex -cart "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -view "[ROM]" -joy -now"" Make sure that you have that in the correct path (I believe the system roms go into the /roms/ path of MESS and are required to remain zipped. Hope that gets you somewhere. You could also try running the last game via the start menu. That way you skip GameEx completely and can guarantee the problem is just with your settings and not something with the emulator. Find it by going to Start->All Programs->GameEx->Utilities->Run Last Game
  25. I'll really have to check into this now if you're for real going to work on a way to incorporate it into GameEx. Sounds like a great new project for you Adultery, now that the HighScore stuff seems to be pretty much taken care of (thanks by the way!). Can't wait to see what you come up with.
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