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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Is it me, or is the render of the droid off-center causing it to bevel to the right? Other than that, it looks great!
  2. I know, I'm guilty of doing the same thing. It's not a big deal, it's just questionable; ya know? I'm sure you're completely legit, we just want everything to be fair. Not picking on you or nothing.
  3. LOL whats with the guy in the yellow spandex? Happy Birthday Circo. Keep doing what you do, for another year at least!
  4. Didn't move your position any, but it makes the 3rd place score that much more harder to obtain! Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  5. Yeah this is a gem. I never heard of it till this competition. I liked it. The only problem I had was trying to get everything and the screen kept scrolling to fast! Nice score, puts you in 6th! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Might be your settings some where. Or maybe you were running something in the background taking system resources? I don't remember this being choppy for me. All I remember is the insane amount of shooting and my lack of thumb power to keep up! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Yeah my lack of control is what did this game in for me. Not many people have spinners on their cab (if I even build one, it will DEFINITELY have one ) and the mouse controls were finicky trying to get the sensitivity right. So anyway, hats off to you for at least submitting a score for this game. I played it on the Atari 800, using a paddle as well. A spinner/paddle is the best controller for this style game by far. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. I didn't know what a HOTAS was either. Glad you found an informative description. ANYWAY.. that game looks cool. I wish Star Wars Galaxies wasn't cancelled and all their servers shut down. I used to LOVE playing that game and the "Jump to Lightspeed" expansion made it the absolute best. Free control space fighting sim. I haven't played The Old Republic since it went free-to-play. Does anybody know of the latest expansions that brought flight to the game is also Free control, or if it's still locked to rails like it was upon release? Since I'm talking about Star Wars, lets bring this thread full circle eh? You guys hear the latest about Star Wars Episode 7? What about the new "Star Wars Rebels" animated show to replace Clone Wars? AND what about Clone Wars?; Do you think Cartoon Network will air the "lost episodes" of season 6? Or do you think they'll release a full Seasons 1-6 bluray set to replace the current Seasons 1-5 set? I'd hate to buy the 1-5 if a 1-6 is on its way.
  9. I take it you found it then? There's a lot of stuff like that in GameEx that's kinda secret. It's not hard to poke around and FIND it, but if you want to know how to do a specific thing, it's easier just to ask. heh Just wait till you get really fancy and decide to build a custom list, or design your own theme. Let us know if you need help in the main/general forum. That's what it's there for!
  10. Nice one KRC! Snuck right in there to 2nd place. The bar is raised now to be 100k minimum. Wish I was better at MAME games. :D Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. I play this with a mouse too. I thought everybody did. <shrug>
  12. It's definitely an improvement. Further securing your second place! Updated OP, DB, RSS EDIT: Ooops, I mistook you for ExedExes! Shame on me! All fixed now. Nice first entry (not improvement!)
  13. Kids today just don't know. Sounds like something my dad would say when I was a kid. We had Saturday Morning Cartoons, Nintendo/Atari, Bikes, VHS tapes that never get scratched and unplayable, cassette audio that didn't skip when you listened to it (cd-walkmans SUCKED). I miss those days. Now you got your 4k resolution HD tv's, with no cartoons on saturday morning, and music is digital (mp3, etc) and will never skip or degrade, DVD/BluRays that don't require rewinding, cell phones. nobody goes outside to play anymore. Tang and Kool-Aid was the beverage of choice. The IceCream man meant ICE CREAM and not a drug deal. <sigh>
  14. Thats just the layout view. You can change that right away by going up to the top most menu options if you're using the default style themes.
  15. Yeah I saw that. My problem is that it's an old MOBO and it's max capacity for for SATA drives is 1tb. My only option is external via USB, and those puppies get expensive!
  16. Thanks for the tip. Seems like cheating/endurance but it's a feature IN THE GAME so it's cool with me if you use it!
  17. WOW When you say you're taking it back, you're not joking! You added almost 2mil to your previous score. Good job! I'm not worthy. heh Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. This is another game I remember playing as a kid on my Dad's Atari 800. The first move I'd always make is a straight line in the middle taking 50% right off. I'm not sure if it was this game, or maybe a sequel, but I remember there being 2 of those bouncing lines and I'd often cut the 2 of them in half, each on their own side of the board. I'm going to have to come in and see what this looks like in MAME. Typically, MAME games look better than their Atari home versions do. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Nice, you improved your last score, and re-took 1st place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. For file hosting, I guess anything would do. FreeNAS, etc. But I really need something to be able to remote desktop with to do things like monitor the hard drives (mine have a good life, then seem to fail unexpectedly...), run uTorrent, offer website services, have a built in anti-virus solution, etc. I'm sure there's plugins and stuff to give me what I'd want with FreeNAS. My biggest hurdle though, as I said before, would be the temporary relocation of all the current storage to a temporary medium while the new OS and drives were re-prepared. Unfortunately, my TOTAL storage being used (before the duplication) is over 5tb, and I can't afford to just go out and buy (if they even make them) a 5tb drive. I could break it up into smaller sections (like music on one drive, photos on another) but even that won't work where the system will require an additional drive or 2 or 3 to be installed simply to copy things off the current storage configuration.
  21. Yeah, I just have a lot of data that would need to be backed up on an additional drive prior to formatting and installing a new OS, which I don't have. My setup right not just WORKS. There's nothing wrong with it. I hate being pressured into getting into some new software, etc, simply because Microsoft doesn't feel it's product was popular or mainstream enough for them. I hate that Microsoft pressures you into BUYING a software, then just up and call it quits. Of all versions of Windows, the WHS v1 was the only one I was excited enough about to actually want to install. It's a real crummy business practice to sell something and call it quits later. I feel everybody's pain with Windows XP.
  22. Ew... I don't know anything about Linux. I want to learn, but I've been involved with Windows for sooo long, it's to high a chore/task for me. I remember trying to install MythTV years ago, before Microsoft invented their Media Center. That was where I discovered how much there is I DON'T know about it. Is Microsoft calling it quits on the Home Server brand of software altogether, or is it just the original 2003 (Version 1)? Do any other OS's, such as just straight up Windows Server do similar?
  23. Yeah I wish I had an arcade stick controller. I would probably be better. I can't shoot fast enough with my thumbs to make it worthwhile. Good score though! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  24. I've heard of FreeNAS. Does it run in Windows like a utility, or is it like it's own OS?
  25. Sorry I haven't chimed in yet. Everybody's already said it though! These look awesome!
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