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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Nope, I can get it to work maybe 25% of the time if I load MAME directly and search through the game list that way. If I do it in GameEx, it's completely crash-city.
  2. It's wierd that I got it to load up outside of GameEx though. I dunno, I'll worry about it later.
  3. My system is unbelievably stable, and lots of other roms are too.. its just the Tetris Grand Master one that does this. Might it possibly have something to do with GameEx hiding the desktop?
  4. Yes, when I do it through MAME directly, it also crashes.. thats why I looked for a log. GPU is an nVidia GTS 250, I haven't done any driver updates in a LONG time.. I'm not overclocking anything. I did discover a way to enable logging in MAME, when I did, this is what I get: Physical width 1920, height 1080Soft reset'maincpu' (BFC001C4): unmapped program memory write to 1F801000 = 1F000000 & FFFFFFFFBad memory? I'm gonna try a system reset to see if that solves it. Also, after I enable the error logging, I was able to play the game through MAME directly. Once I did it through GameEx though, it crashed it again. Update: Reboot didn't help.
  5. So I've been kinda out of the game (pun intended) for awhile with health issues and real life problems. A recent chit-chat over in Social got me interested in maybe doing some more troubleshooting to get PS2 emulation working. Anyway, I decided tonight to real quick load up GameEx and try my hand at this month's GOTM competition for high scores. Well.. everything was out of date, so GameEx updated. Now I can browse all the games, etc like before. That part works. When I try to load the game up though, all I get is a general failure that MAME crashed. Close that window and it takes me back to GameEx. I tried loading up another game that I KNOW works (I have a score posted for it already), and the ROM loaded, but as soon as I closed it, MAME crashed again. Is there any logs or anything MAME creates that I can look at to try and figure out why it keeps crashing? Am I maybe just overdue for an upgrade to MAME and it's ROMs? I hate the idea of going through the whole process again when I know my current version was working last time I played with it.
  6. hansolo77

    PCSX2 Peeps

    Yeah I was actually trying to play Bounty Hunter on the Gamecube. Not very enjoyable at all. I haven't tried to emulate the Dreamcast yet. I will try those slider tweaks later and see if I get any kind of speed boost. It's strange though, when I hit TAB to go turbo, and F4 to disable the framelimiting, things start flying. So I wonder if there IS setting somewhere that's causing slow downs.
  7. hansolo77

    PCSX2 Peeps

    Thats not the point! I can't find my PS2 for one thing, and another; it would require the R/W/Y cable and my TV doesn't have those connections anymore (only HDMI). So the fact that I could emulate it, and play my games again, it's a sweet thing. I have a USB adaptor for my Playstation Controller, plugged it in, got all the buttons mapped right. Started up FF12. The opening video is still kinda stuttery, but a lot better than it was before lastnight when I was tweaking it. I haven't made any changes to anything. When the game menu came up, I started it, and the controls are wonky. Maybe it's just cause I'm not used to the camera controls yet, but they seem backwards. Anyway, the game was still pretty choppy/stuttery but it's managable. Compared to my emulation of the GameCube, it's actually pretty good. I'm a little confused though, since I thought the GameCube was before the PS2 (N64 was around with PS1). Anyway, I can play Super Mario Sunshine (*cough*sucks*) and Mario Kart on it, but the Star Wars games I WANTED to play have like 10fps issues that it's unbearable. The PS2 however, I'm getting 50-60fps with just some occasional stuttering (might be because my system is doing something in the background). I'm definitely coming back to this when I have more time.
  8. hansolo77

    PCSX2 Peeps

    The MVU Flag Hack was already enabled. The Multi-Thread hack I don't think I should enable since it says it's only for 3+ cores, while mine is only 2. For the EE/VU Cycle Rates to 2, are you talking about in the SpeedHacks tab, the sliders? As for Vsync, I did actually enable it, and with the Dynamicly Toggle so it would only work when it has the framerate to do it in. I'm already running GSDX d3d11.
  9. hansolo77

    PCSX2 Peeps

    I tried setting up PS2 emulation a few years ago with no success.. My system just seemed to be able to load games, but not make them playable since rendering was so slow. I remember I had to turn off all sound, and have the resolution at 320x240 just to get it to display, but everything was still extrememly choppy. My friend at work gave me his old copy of Final Fantasy 12, which I had never played. I intend to play it on my own PS2, but I thought I'd give it another go since your topic piqued my interest again. I spent probably 3 hours last night getting it to work satifactory. I have am running in native resolution (a plus) and with sound (another plus). I spent so long tweaking things, but I have yet to actually see how a game performs "in-game". I was originally running FF12 directly from the disk in my drive, and the opening video was really stuttery and I felt that if I couldn't get it smoothed out, the in-game stuff wouldn't be any better. So I spent the whole time trying to figure out how to make the opening video smooth. What I ended up doing was making an ISO of the disk and run the thing off the HDD (so the dvd drive wasn't constantly spinning up for access), setting the audio to allow skipping rather than timestretch, and output the audio in exclusive mode (it seemed to bypass anything the system was trying to do as far as conversion and just output directly to my AMP. That caused me to control the system volume from the amp, and not the windows volume). I also tried to enable the speed hack to use use the SOFTWARE renderer for the FMVs, but that caused a lot of stutter afterwards, so I left it alone. When I get back from work today, I'm going to see how the actual in-game stuff runs.
  10. It has been awhile since I installed anything new and aquired new or updated artwork. As it sits right now, my system has an [Artwork] path which is sorted and has boxes, carts, screens, titles, manuals, and 480p vids of everything that was available at the last time I updated. It is currently taking only 50.3gb of space. That, however, does not include MAME as I have that stuff nested inside the MAME folders. All of everything is stored on 1x500gb drive, that includes all systems, emulators, roms, artwork extras. I currently have enough room for another 56.2gb. I'm not sure why sigzler's extras is taking up 400gb. Perhaps he is including highdef themes for GameEx, or maybe a bunch of Hyperspin stuff (I know those can get rather large).
  11. Don't get me wrong, I smiled through the whole thing and chuckled a few times, but I didn't like it enough to share it. I guess I don't get that kinda humor anymore. It's like foreign jackass and I hated that show/movie too.
  12. Guy needs to die. No respect. I work at a grocery store, and would hate to see some nutball running around knocking over display for attempted humor.
  13. You need to go into your control panel settings on the forum, look at the signature area. From there, you just post the picture to your gamecard (http://www.gameex.com/gamecard/Cnells2000.png) and if you want it to link, just click on it and make a link for it to your gamecard stats (http://www.gameex.com/community/gamecards.aspx?gamecard=1&id=cnells2000). Unfortunately, that's the best you can do right now. Those who have the fancy "new" style gamecard are simply beta testing a new version of it, which probably won't get released for general public access until after EVO is out.
  14. Thought you could sneak in here with a birthday and not expect a big thread just for you eh? Think again! Happy Birthday bud!
  15. I'm just going to have to break down and watch this. I don't have BBC America (don't have a cable box in my room) so I can't watch new episodes. But I can downstairs. Dad watches them. I want to go back to the beginning and watch from the start. A lot of people say I shouldn't, that the "reboot" is the only one I really need to watch. But I'm a believer in seeing stuff the way other people did. Like, right now I'm watching Battlestar Galactica, from the 1979 season. Then I got Galactica '80 to watch. Then the movies. Then the "reboot", then Caprica. I like to see how it was originally so I can see what they changed.
  16. I'm terribly sorry for your loss NP. Try not to dwell too much on it. I can only imagine what you're going through. I haven't had a death in my family since I was 12 (unless you count my cat) and that was my uncle. An immediate family member has got to be a million times worse. I know I don't know you personally, but just hearing about it and writing this message (thinking about my own family) has actually got me teared up and weepy. So take heart in knowing that she loved you very much, it was why she gave birth to you instead of abortion. Just remember you'll see her again when your own time comes. Rejoice in that. And all your friends here in GameEx and every where else you go, people will be waiting for you and welcome you back when you're ready. Don't feel rushed. Mourn for as long as it takes. 2 Timothy 4:7 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
  17. The blog post you linked is interesting. I've heard about Comcast's monthly cap, and it's one of the many reasons I'm glad I don't use them. I can't believe they never told him it included upload bandwith as well, and that his backing up (LEGALLY) of his pictures and music to the cloud is what caused his perma-ban. That's rediculous. Comcast can go shove their cap up whatever they hole they think it'll fit in. Luckily for me, my only problem with my ISP is that we pay for 10mb down but only get like 2.2, and our upload rate is like 56k baud style. Nothing can be done about it either. Because of the community we live in, Time Warner is the only cable company allowed to provide service. TW has said the speed problem can be easily fixed with a fiber-optic upgrade to our undergound cables, but it would require the approval of the community. The problem with that, our community is full of senior citizens who don't see the need to upgrade a service they don't use. Those that would consider it however shoot it down because it would mean an increase in their service bills/mortgage on the condo/condo association fees/etc. So we're stuck. Anyway, nice that you found the record of Andre!
  18. EmuMovies has more than movies too... he has all the snaps, titles, box arts, manuals, etc too. If you don't mind waiting for the downloads, its a better way to go I think. If you order the discs, you have to PAY for them, plus shipping I believe. So downloading would be free (with the account subscription of course).
  19. All my vidsnaps that I have are "Video_MP4_HI_QUAL" which when looking at them are all 640x480 resolution. I haven't updated in a long time, so there may be better qualities now than there was before. However, if you have a HUGE rom collection, remember each of these video collections are rather large in size. My NES collection alone has 1.90gb of data. I got all of mine through the downloader too. Something else to consider is the theme you are using. If your theme has a smaller "window" for the artwork, the 240p option might be a better choice since you're not really going to need the higher resolution.
  20. The KOTOR series is great. It helps if you like the genre and the universe. I had no specific dislikes of either one of them, to say whether 2 is worth it or not. I can say, that if you decide you want to play the TOR (MMO) one, it's WAY better if you've played the first 2 games before hand as all the stories tie in together great. TOR is also free2play now so there's no reason not to get it! The SimCity I was refering to is actually the port to the Atari ST. Dad was a massive Atari fanboy back in the 80's. He owned 2 Atari 800 computers and the Atari ST. Then he started getting into the PC side of stuff as Atari slowly phased themselves out of the hardware market and focused more on software. I had a really cheap flip phone like a decade ago that I downloaded SimCity on. Good memories.
  21. I wish I had time now a days to sit (or lay on my bed as per customary at my house) and play those RPGs. I'm really far behind! I played Final Fantasy 7 straight through. Never got to the 2nd disk on Finaly Fantasy 8. Never played Final Fantasy 9. Played Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 straight through. On my Xbox360 I've played about 80% of Final Fantasy 13 but lost interest. Having never owned an (S)NES I missed out on the greats of Final Fantasy 1-6 and the Zelda games. I played Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (psx) all the way through but never got the chance to play Eternal Blue. I played the first Xenogears all the way through, but none of the sequels. I owned Suikoden 1 and 2 but never got to play them. I also owned Breath of Fire 7. I played through the first disk of Star Ocean: The Second Story (psx) but none of the others of the series. I played (but don't remember if I completed) Legend of Lagia and Legend of Mana. I also only played the first disk of Legend of Dragoon. Ultima was a PC game right? Somebody made a rudementary hack for the Xbox360 (required RGH/JTAG to play) of Ultima 7 but I have no idea what I'm doing in it. MMO's seem to be taking over the market of the RPGs nowadays. I asked my dad what his 10 favorite games were. It really shows his age compared to mine: Donkey Kong, Centepede, Q-Bert, Pole Position, Tempest, Kaboom, Sim City (the original 1st version), Crue Ball (Sega Genesis), Solitaire (hyuck), and Crosswords.
  22. Guess is my turn. I have no particular order here, but these are all games I truely love: 1. Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - First true RPG experience, will never be the same. 2. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 (NES) I never owned the console or the games, but my friend growing up did and we played it afterschool... for hours... everyday... 3. Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, 3 (Genesis) The first "next gen" console we owned and the first games we had for it. 4. Half-Life (PC) - Somebody else mentioned it, and I had to add it too. Better than Doom and Quake, it had a true story to the game. Counterstrike was pretty epic also. 5. Star Wars Galaxies (PC) - My 2nd MMORPG (Anarachy Online was the first) and I was madly in love/addicted to it! 6. Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - My dad's era of games, but the best game on the Atari. I would play it for hours. 7. Halo, etc (Xbox Brand) - One of, (if not the) best 1st person shooter game series for consoles ever made. 8. Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast (PC) - Years ahead of Dark Forces, it introduced true Star Wars lightsaber fighting against other players online. 9. Sudoko (Pen & Paper) - You said best games, not just video games. When I learned how to play this, I've decided it's so much better than crosswords and seek/finds. 10. KOTOR, KOTOR2, TOR series (PC) - I played the originals and now am addicted to the MMORPG!
  23. Those sneaky little buggers. I didn't know there was a diagnostics screen to change settings in. Is this typical for all Wiliams games? If so, we'll have to keep a closer eye out when adding new games.
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