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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. LOL Stupid game ever! I got the worms maybe twice in all the credits I tried to play.. if the ant get your tongue, your dead, if the worm gets your tip..you're dead.. Stupid, STUPID game.. Score: 2,050 Level: 1 Initials: HAN Proof:
  2. ..yeah um.. i think we missed that one.. Here's my 1st posting (not 1st attempt)... Score: 127,230 Level: 1/2 way through Second Level Initials: HAN Proof: (If nobody catches it, I will update my score in boards/DBM. Got company over, we're competing on games, so I might have a few more to post. )
  3. I still can't get to the 2nd stage. I HATE DONKEY KONG! lol
  4. Let me know if you come up with anything. I have a pair of nice Anaglyph glasses I bought from Amazon. All plastic (no cheap comic book cardboard cutouts). I got them so I could play Batman Arkham Asylum on Xbox360 in 3D. It was really cool. I don't really LIKE them, compared to today's technologies with the 3D tv's. But the trick works, and it's nice to play with. I know Virtual Boy was designed with 3D in mind, but I haven't spent much time going back to mess with it since I got the glasses. I was experimenting just the other day with my graphics card's 3D. The driver was configurable for me to be able to use the Anaglyph glasses, but I couldn't get the color or separation correct, it just looked "off'. But yea like I said, let me know if you figuring anything cool out.
  5. Hate to butt in here, but wheres the screenshots?
  6. The DSU will automatically sort your extras for you. For instance, I have everything on it's own drive (roms, emulators, extras). That drive is "M". I created a folder on "M" called "_Artwork". I like to use the "_" to make sure it is at the absolute top of this list. I told the DSU to download to the "M:\_Artwork" folder. Now, when I download things with the DSU, it sorts them like this: M:\ M:\_Artwork\ M:\_Artwork\Nintendo NES\ M:\_Artwork\Nintendo NES\Box M:\_Artwork\Nintendo NES\Cart M:\_Artwork\Nintendo NES\Snap M:\_Artwork\Nintendo NES\Title M:\_Artwork\Sega Genesis\ M:\_Artwork\Sega Genesis\Box M:\_Artwork\Sega Genesis\Carts M:\_Artwork\Sega Genesis\Snaps M:\_Artwork\Sega Genesis\Titles etc.
  7. Strangely enough, I completely removed everything DEMUL related and re-extracted the version 0.57 and it defaults to DX11 as the driver to use. That's not a problem though, since DX11 on .57 works great. Once I removed everything and put the 0.58 in, it defaults to DX10, and plays fine in windowed mode, but is scrunched for full screen. I tried to switch it to DX11 (since it worked so well in .57) and it was the correct aspect ratio, but very slow. It takes like 3 seconds for the NAOMI logo animation to complete, where as it should only take about 1/2 a second (with the other driver config). I tried various configs of DX10/DX11 on .581 and .582 also, and they all do the same thing (play great DX10 windowed, scrunched fullscreen, DX11 unplayable). So I guess I'm going to have to go back to .57. I'm curious to try that other addon program, but if it is required to always be running, I don't think I will. It'd be ok if I can configure GameEx to run it as a launchbefore or something, but I don't want it always on. I'll check into some more perhaps on Sunday (my next day off).
  8. It was working fine until I upgraded to the latest 0.58 version. I'm thinking about trying to go back to the previous version to see if it is fixed that way. HDTV output, native resolution is 1920x1080. I'm just trying to use DEMUL lowest resolution (640x480). I'm a bit afraid about that bug report. Doesn't seem right to completely cut off DX10 as a valid controller. I still have a DX9 card in my spare MAME system. And what is the ArcadeVGA card rated at? I'm sure it's not DX11.
  9. Yeah I actually removed everything from the previous version and tried to start from scratch as a starting point. DX11 works, but it is too slow and choppy. DX10 works great though (I think my card is only DX10). I looked at the ini files, the only thing that almost was a possibility, was the gpu ini, as it had a setting called "aspect ratio". Unfortunately, changing it was doing the same thing as if I was chosing it in the Demul menus directly.
  10. If you allow GameEx to merge your sets, there is already built in support. When you select a game, it will take you to the description page, and then list all the other rom versions for you to chose from.
  11. DEMUL is the emulator to use when you want to run Sammy Atomiswave and Naomi/2 arcade systems. I had my system all setup great, then I decided to do a full upgrade. All of my roms are being updated, and the extras. I'm also working on upgrading the emulators that run them. So here I am, upgrading DEMUL from 0.57 to 0.582 WIP. At first, the emulator wanted to run using the DX11 graphics plugin, but it was so slow and choppy I decided to try and downgrade it to DX10. A huge improvement! Now when I play a ROM in the window mode, it has the proper aspect ratio, but when I go full screen, it's squished in, with a tremendous amount of black on either side. I'm talking 4:3 in widowed and almost 4:1 full screen. I checked the settings and I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. If I set it to 16:9, the image fills the screen (except for some games have a little of black edge on the sides) but everything is pixelated like it wasn't meant for that resolution. If I use stretch, it removes the black edges and fills completely 16:9, again with the bad pixelation. The only other option is the 4:3 mode which, as I said, is squished more than it should be. What should I do?
  12. Thanks for another great update! A feature I probably won't use (I don't have UPlay or Origin) but it's nice to know its there. Better than the rest! Also, the first post says it was made on May 4, 2014.. kinda weird that.
  13. It's cool. I haven't even setup my GameEx to use the RSS so it's not something critical for me. I'm sure there are other people that DO use it though, so whenever the update is released, I'm sure it'll all work itself out.
  14. I personally don't use the snapper. It requires you to build a custom compile of MAME (and I just did that, and completely forgot, again). That might be your problem. Please refer back to THIS THREAD for further help with it.
  15. Minor problem.. I'll post it and hope to get back to it tomorrow and somebody has an answer... After compiling, and transferring all the updated roms, I rebuilt the romlist in GameEx. When I had something like 16k, now I have only about 8k. Plus, there are like 10 versions of the same game now showing up as well. So in reality, I might only have about 2000k. However, when I look at the roms folder, I actually have 29,503. I'm pretty sure I have all my settings in GameEx correct.. what is wrong? Does GameEx need an updated set of dats?
  16. 400K?!?!?! Holy Crap! I made it past Neptune (or was it Uranus? I don't remember, the 2nd planet anyway) Score: 65,350 Initials: GAN (I was in a hurry and missed the H by one letter lol) Settings per OP Updated OP, DB, RSS (although the DB/RSS might need doublechecked, I got an error message about an unhandled exception..)
  17. Yeah I was just noticing that Draco.. think I'll just stick with MAME and MESS separate builds for now. Plus, I'd have to do a major overhaul on the GameEx side of things and I don't really wanna do that. Thanks for the link to MESSUI though Adultery, I will use that when I compile the MESS program tomorrow. Also, tthurman.. YES, the latest ROM set (using clrmame) and the latest MAME build (0.154) fixed Tetris the Grand Master, so watch out high score competition, I'm on my way!
  18. I haven't actually tried to play it yet. I'm in the middle of getting the romset updated first. I just wanted to have the compiler ready. What is UME? Is there a MESS UI I can get somewhere?
  19. It's been a while since I've updated and recompiled... it's running a compile now with the 0.154 version. Seems to be going good so far. Quick question. I also use MESS, and according to the MAMEDEV download list, the MAME and MESS sources are combined. How does MameCompiler handle MESS? Is there anything different I need to do? I think the last time I got MESS, I just grabbed a precompiled version.
  20. I'm about to do a major update on my system, does this program still work with the latest sets?
  21. I don't have Origin. Thanks for continuing to update though Tom!
  22. Well, aside from the FIRE causing everything in-house to be built brand new, everything around us is 1960's era cabling. Nothing has been upgraded, and we are in a very busy neighborhood. It's not downtown (capital of the state) and it's not quite suburbs either. We're still in the county, and the city takes up 80-90% of it. Everybody is more concerned about cable tv than they are about internet. And it's actually gotten to the point where you see MORE dishes on houses than you do anwhere else around here. Why? Because we're only offered ONE cable tv provider due to licensing and contracts with the commnity, and TIme Warner just sucks balls. At least they haven't introduced a bandwith cap (rumors were being spread they were going to limit to 200gb a month) which would kill online gaming and streaming. They already cut out USENET completely, and I have to get my goods through that via a 3rd party subscription. The new modem they gave us is nice and light though, and the lights aren't as bright so they won't be as obtrusive when I try to sleep. That's about it. Luckily, I'm still online without the modem dropping the connection and rebooting, which is a plus.
  23. hate you Our modem has been cutting out lately.. we got online with tech support chat and the guy was like "your modem was given to you in 2009.. you should just exchange it for a new one, should solve your problems". So dad took it back today, we plugged it in, and wouldn't you know? NO CHANGE. In fact, speedtest.net is now reporting speeds a tiny bit slower than before. But hopefully the modem will stay connected longer now than rebooting itself like 2-3 times an hour. So far so good anyway (knock on wood).
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