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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. I saw this posted on freezy's github. Hope he can fix it quickly https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/issues/195
  2. I always have issues that doesn't need to happen ..
  3. thanks mate. Definitely use them ! These looks pretty cool ! Demo : 20191029_162411.mp4
  4. Removed text
  5. Wow ! These looks pretty awesome ! I have arround 800 vpx tables. Can you make the other 750 tables too ? Just kidding ! Good job mate. Hereby I say that you are an artist. No.. wait ... hereby I promote you to guru !
  6. I'm a bit lazy (but you properly already knew), but what are the parameters for pinball wicked for multiplayer?
  7. Awesome @joyrider3774. Not able to test today. But will check tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes EDIT : Tested this morning. Upgraded to 3.0b24. Started all tables again (looks like it is saved in CBsettings.rbd and/or bingoprograms2.rbd) And all works like a charm ! Now I only need to have plunger support to get the plunger working Thanks Joyrider for all your help with Joop on this ! Not sure if anyone wants this, but made the system logo a bit transparent.
  8. I know @joyrider3774 created a nice tool : https://github.com/joyrider3774/PinballX_Launcher_app After selecting an FX3 table it will shows you th enext screen for 5 sec and you can decide how many players and in classic or not :
  9. Nice catch. First time I hears that. How do you launch doflinx ? I have a wchedule tasl running doflinx at startup. And pbx is starting, but will start a bit later to identify all the monitors
  10. Updated to V2.4 Speed up code. instead of 7 sec per video it is now below 1 sec per video. Creating 3 video's (including checks etc) takes 3 seconds !
  11. awesome ! Let me know if it is faster for you @scutters
  12. Uploaded version 1.1 Added support for NVIDIA GPU rendering. In my case the video's generated 55% faster. Not sure if people still using this, after implementing GIF overlay in PinballX.
  13. Ok. One step back. Where do you use the cectray for ? Also navigation within pbx ? You mention you use it to turn on the playfield. Is the playfield not turned on when you power on your cabinet ? What controler do you have for your buttons ? How are your monitors defined in windows ? Sorry for all those questions, but never seen this issue before. I still think it is a configuration issue in pinballx, but we need to figure out what's causing the issue
  14. Hmm.. that doesn't make any sence. Even the vpx not loading doesn't make sense to me Is this issue (with focussing) happend with a specific version of pinballx?
  15. You can make a copy if your ini file, and try to adjust the setting to see if it helps
  16. Well... maybe you know how it goes.. First it is on the backlog for weeks, than the product owner decide to put it n a sprint plan, but takes some months... And before you know, it is never implemented (just kidding) Yeak, backup isn't difficult to change, but all under 1 directory make a restore easy... and yes.. I am a lazy IT admin
  17. Are the dimensions and start positions correct of your screen (how it is setup in Windows)? According to your ini file : [Display] windowwidth=480 windowheight=270 windowx=850 windowy=331 [BackGlass] width=1920 height=1080 x=0 y=0 [DMD] x=10 y=335 width=1910 height=475 Looks like your all your 3 devices are put almost on the same screen. And check the dimension of your playfield. Or is the resolution 480x270?
  18. Awesome. Can you also ask to have the loader not in user profile but in a directory by own choice? I really want to have all under c:\pinball, this makes my backup much easier
  19. Please attach your logfile and your ini file
  20. Wow ! Lot of info overhere... Away for a week and changed a lot of stuff Thanks guys for the tutorial.
  21. the launching issue was fixed by using Pinball fx3.exe as launch instead of using steam.exe
  22. Try to run pinballx as admin, run a table, play an hit the exit button. This should work
  23. Nice work @scutters!
  24. Looks nice and good way of showing info ! Do you extend the backglass in vpx on both screens ? I like the idea, but not sure if this fit in my backbox
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