hey guys, i have two questions for you. maybe someone knows a solution: i installed ultrastar yesterday which is a singstar (ps2) clone for pc. it works quite well. i wrote a little ahk script to translate the arrow keys, esc and enter (the ultrastar selection keys) to my corresponding x-arcade keys. This works great! I used the "treat as 1 pc game" in gameex and it starts directly into the program! The only thing is when i exit the game i return into gameex with the listing of the ultrastar directory. Instead i would like it to exit back to the main selection screen of gameex! is this possible? the other problem i have: i use ps2 microphones with ultrastar.these are usb microphones. in order to hear what you are singing you need a little program called audiorepeater. i wrote a batch file and put it in the "launch before" field in gameex setup so i can listen to what i sing in ultrastar. but how would i do this with my standard cdg+mp3 setup in gameex? is it possible to write an ahk script like ifwinactive=karaoke directx then start audiorepeater? does soemone know the exact command or is there another way to start this program before karaoke starts? i dont want to run audiorepeater all the time since it takes away some serious cpu power! does anyone know a solution? frequency? bkenobi?