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Everything posted by chriss

  1. oh man, du müsstest mein chaos sehen
  2. interesting post mate! i'm also about to switch to no intro now to get cleaner results and to use circos avi's. Since Circo (emumovies.com) only offers videos for US versions of games I'll just get the newest no intro set, then unpack the roms and filter for the [uSA] ones! Then I should have a clean list with all the roms having videos! I wonder about Gameex support of No-Intro Sets as well though... sometimes it would be nice to have the choice which version of a game you wanna play. With the way I want to do it you would also lose the chance to play titles like Back to the Future 2 for SNES which was only released in Japan. I don't know if this is a big loss though
  3. i dont wanna get off topic here... just a quick question, do you guys know if circo switched all snes, nes, genesis avi's to the newest no intro naming convention now?
  4. frequency, you seem to be the kind of guy who remembers all of his friends birthdays right
  5. i never dealed with the databases in gameex before because i didnt see a need for it but sorting by categories is really a neat feature! do the databases follow a certain naming convention? because atm my roms for snes, nes and genesis are using the Adultery dat he posted a while back...
  6. sorry i should have explained further! digital leisure and daphne agreed on working together. with the new version of daphne you can download a torrent with the hd version of dragons lair and space ace. these files will be encrypted. in order to get the real mpg's the program will ask you to put in the digital leisure dvd. after that the decryption starts. (it will convert the files to "real" mpg files) so in your case dragons lair hd will become playable through daphne. i did that over here and it looks really gorgeous! if you have done that you just have to look throught the files and find out which one is the attract video.you will need to edit this mpg to your desired length and chop off the loading part from the beginning. virtualdubmod should be the right tool to do that. if you need any further help with this just ask me! here are some more infos on this: https://www.daphne-emu.com/mediawiki/index....gitalLeisureDVD
  7. you could also use the mpg files itself from the digital leisure hd release
  8. thanks for the update! i usually miss new mame releases. believe it or not but this forum is the only one i visit for all my emulation needs!
  9. well i guess you use gigabit lan, correct? so it can't be due to the speed of your network connection! it sounds like gameex is rebuilding the index file every time you display the cue list. usually gameex should only do this on the first startup. do you have this issue only with psx roms?
  10. nice work man! i already un-ecm'd all my psx games a year ago when i saw no other way using the games in gameex. for most new users this batch file might come in handy!! especially if you want to update or continue seeding the torrent packages !
  11. I'm sorry to hear this mate! i know you are right! i still have an empty 250gb especially for the backup! it just sucks to get the hd out of the cab... i tried to use a bootable usb drive to boot into pe and use driveimage or ghost but i cant boot from the pen drive. it is working as a bootable device on my other computers though. so maybe i have to attach a dvd rom drive somehow or really try to get the hd out of there! I think you got me going again, I will do this today!
  12. i constantly thinkabout backuping my 250 gb hard drive in the arcade! but then i think i could download everything again in case it crashes (chkdsk already found bad blocks on it so maybe it wont take much longer before it dies). i dont have personal data on there so it wouldnt be a bad loss it would still suck to find all the goodies again! i'm sorry to hear about your crash, bezerk! good luck in getting all the files back quickly!
  13. did you diable the info page by accident? you can look this up in you emulator configuration! when you disable it it will not show the "play this game" page but directly start into the game
  14. just wanted to let you guys know that frequency wrote a little script to launch audiorepeater.exe whenever i go into the karaoke section of gameex. so if someone of you should ever think about using the original ps2 singstar mics for a gameex karaoke session frequency's program might come in handy! we had some problems with minimizing windows but in the end it all worked out! I hereby wanna thank frequency for being awesome!
  15. thanks for the hint! Now the second problem: How can I start a program (audiorepeater) together with the karaoke implementation in gameex? as often suggested here in the forum to have this option available for mame and zinc now i would like to have a "launch before" or "launch also" for karaoke. I thought I could use ahk with a ifwinactive command to let the audiorepeater app start whenever a cdg song is selected. I looked at the taskmanager and gameex seems to open the cdg files itself without the help of an external program. so it seems like I cant do it this way. any other suggestions to start audiorepeater when a cdg is being played through gameex and to stop this program when the karaoke song is finished? it must be possible somehow...
  16. i play divx just fine in gameex. the videos have the correct aspect ratio. maybe some of your divx files were encoded with the wrong aspect ratio settings, thats why you have to adjust them manually. how do they display out of gameex? if they display fine then you should consider uninstalling all video codecs you have (divx and any kind of codec packs) and install another codec pack! if this is not the answer in your case a simple ahk script might help! something like ifwinactive "Windows media player" type key 1 (this is not actual ahk i just try to think what this program would have to do) so its really simple. if you ask nicely maybe one of the ahk scripters over here might help you out. I heard tempest is amazing!
  17. than i must excuse myself, i simply didnt know this! sorry mate, i didnt mean to leave you out of this!
  18. sorry tempest! i just know that frequency is into karaoke and that bkenobi knows ahk! no offense! i know you've been really helpful on many occasions!
  19. hey guys, i have two questions for you. maybe someone knows a solution: i installed ultrastar yesterday which is a singstar (ps2) clone for pc. it works quite well. i wrote a little ahk script to translate the arrow keys, esc and enter (the ultrastar selection keys) to my corresponding x-arcade keys. This works great! I used the "treat as 1 pc game" in gameex and it starts directly into the program! The only thing is when i exit the game i return into gameex with the listing of the ultrastar directory. Instead i would like it to exit back to the main selection screen of gameex! is this possible? the other problem i have: i use ps2 microphones with ultrastar.these are usb microphones. in order to hear what you are singing you need a little program called audiorepeater. i wrote a batch file and put it in the "launch before" field in gameex setup so i can listen to what i sing in ultrastar. but how would i do this with my standard cdg+mp3 setup in gameex? is it possible to write an ahk script like ifwinactive=karaoke directx then start audiorepeater? does soemone know the exact command or is there another way to start this program before karaoke starts? i dont want to run audiorepeater all the time since it takes away some serious cpu power! does anyone know a solution? frequency? bkenobi?
  20. does anyone else use this feature?
  21. chriss

    nulldc question

    i think greatflash once recommeded me magiciso to convert my images... maybe ultriso works as well. CDI is a very rare format, i only ever saw it in connection with dreamcast games. but i think it is woth a try using these programs! good luck!
  22. hey guys, i remember that when i put in a usb drive gameex would ask me if i wanna load the media on it this is somehow not working anymore... i guess i forgot the option to switch it on somewhere... the usb drive shows up in windows explorer! where can i switch it back on? thanks for any help!
  23. word
  24. thanks for the info tempest! two little things: i wouldnt describe huffyuv as lossless (it compresses to half the size of lossless approximately) and the HD releases of digital leisure (space ace, dragons lair) are more than just a recording while the video is being played. They look even better than the original laserdisk releases!
  25. maybe the best way would be to use a wrapper to click on the social club login in order to start the game through gameex. the launcher has the securom protection so it has to be started. not that i would use cracks, this is a clean forum here so no crack discussions just this short hint assuming you have the original dvds of course: the razor1911 patch for 1.0.2 only replaces the launcher exe but leaves the original exe as it is. apperently thats all it needs to run the game without cd (+ the dll file of razor)
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