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Everything posted by chriss

  1. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    i'm not 100% sure.... maybe i should switch to BYOC for this question ...
  2. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    thanks for your quick hint bk i found a wrapper for exactly this purpose on byoa http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=48982.1160 will check it out now! another quick question... for psx games I only get the light gun to work with psx 1.13 when i select the guncon in epsxe the gun is not working.. any clues why?
  3. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    baby poop anyway, I now got the digital leisure versions of lightgun laserdisk games like mad dog mccree. when I start the exe it only displays in a window and I gotta press f to make it fullscreen. what do you guys think would be the easiest solution to let the game switch to fullscreen upon start? do you know if these digital leisure exe supoort command line? i already tried -f which ddnt do anything... If i use the "treat as one pc game" option to set up the game (then use the map keys function) it would clutter my main list of emulators with these games...or am i wrong here?
  4. sorry, senor lopez... what is the timer supposed to do? for pc games you normally dont need to refill any credits.
  5. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    thanks m8 didnt know that! I turned crosshairs off now, this was really easy to do!
  6. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    thanks bk... the thing is I use mame plus and just removed the nag screen by editing the uncompiled files... does anyone know in which file to look for to turn of cross hairs?
  7. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    Hey guys, my lightggun arrived! and now i still need some help with the setup... i mounted the sensor bars left and right of the cab and it nlooks quite ok since my cab is black. now my quesstion: when i play bang i see the Target spot displayed on screen. how can i switch this permanently off? f1 switches it off for one session...
  8. chriss

    rar support

    call me a noob but are there so many updates to the pc engine isos? i don't emulate pc engine but if you got a bunch of isos and got them working by recompressing to zip you should be fine or you just keep two versions.. the rar for updates and the zips for play
  9. pretty cool! although it looks like your neck will get pretty stiff after a while...
  10. chriss

    rar support

    the unpacker for rar is freeware but packing stuff with rar is not for free... i can understand tom if he doesn't want to implement this format into gameex. so the only solution right now would be to repack your isos to 7zip, which is an open format and compresses better than rar
  11. this game looks fantastic. The folks at Sony already expect this game to become a console seller.
  12. i hope you figured it out m8. a little off topic hint: I'm just playing legend of zelda: ocarina of time with hi res textures! looks really beautiful. you can get hi res textures for the rice plugin (or glidehq) over here: http://www.emutalk.net/forumdisplay.php?f=110
  13. so do you want a movie to display before starting gameex? if yes, then just define the directory where your startup movie is in and make sure there is no other file in this directory. choose a different folder for the rest of the movie files
  14. or you just map mame to a different audio card then the jukebox that would require two soundcards though
  15. i used instantsheller and don't have this issue. I just changed the desktop background color to black and that did the trick. do i understnad you right that this doesn't work for you?
  16. i think this was asked before and as I recall it there isn't really a possibility to not display the jukebox option while having random music at startup
  17. mame plus has high score enabled by default! no need for a patch... i can really recommend using mame plus. I'm using it for half a year now and I'm really satisfied with it! I just updated the tutorial to work with 0128! Give it a shot, it should be easy to do it! if you have any questions, go ahead and ask me!
  18. chriss

    lightgun games

    tempest knows people who incorporated the sensor bars very smartly with their cab... i think i will just put them on the outer side left and right... lets see, maybe they are too far away then. I will know more tomorrow hopefully!
  19. i have jukebox music playing when gameex starts up. i remember it took a while to figure out how to configure it. maybe i can help when you post your log
  20. yes, I use MamePlus with 2xSai http://mameicons.free.fr/mame32p/ looks better this way on my crt! I wrote a tutorial here in the forums on how to compile mameplus to get rid of the nag screens. http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?s=...ost&p=44562
  21. chriss

    lightgun games

    yeah, house of the dead is a must! i'm using your loader for hod3 already but so far i was using the wiigun which just wasn't kicking it in terms of response times... I'm getting the ems topgun II http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-1i-49-...ms-70-2vss.html atm it's still at german customs I had to send them a copy of the receipt so I hope I'll now get it after the weekend!
  22. chriss

    lightgun games

    hey guys, my lightgun will arive on monday and i would love to play time crisis, isnce i loved that when i was younger... is there lightgun support with one of the psx emulators? what other lightgun games are your favorites?
  23. helloween is the stuff where you carve out pumpkins right? somehow its sad we don't celebrate it over here... my canadian girlfriend is going as a part of the master collection, i think she is dreamweaver! anyway, happy birthday from me as well!
  24. there was a discussion before about this. you can't play console games in attract mode for the time being. but pressing the coin button let's you play mame games which works really nice on my cab!
  25. palmore, do you have a garage sell coming up? i would be there!
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