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Everything posted by chriss

  1. if you just want specific games that are categorized as clones to show you can put the name of the rom in the don't filter section
  2. or maybe have two seperate buttons like page up/down for alpha paging. this feature seems to confuse most people who were on my arcade. pressing a button and then flip through the pages with the joystick... I would like to have the left joystick on my arcade for normal scrolling and the right joystick for flipping
  3. thats weird... I use an x-arcade with gameex and the second button is Left Alt. The button works on my end. I defined the keys myself and right now I use it for Alpha Paging. Here is the controller layout i'm using (standard) http://www.xgaming.com/support/questions/1...ogramming+Guide
  4. thanks for letting us now! i dont have .130 set up so i can't confirm this bug but this makes me not even want to update atm
  5. well you can change the audio codec for the videos with virtualdub. select for video direct stream copy and for audio choose full processing mode. then click on audio -> compression and choose a different codec. then again go to save as avi. if you dont know whcih audio codec to choose i recommend googling for the radium mp3 codec. that should definatley fix this issues if you only experience the pop sound for one set of videos...
  6. thats the thread i was talking about: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?s=...;showtopic=6910
  7. i was following the thread closely I just didnt know what your plans were with the obtained infos! thanks for making this clear! I know this is about extending the capabilities of cfg magician... but wouldnt it be possible to recompile the drivers with cocktail being the standard dip switch setting?
  8. hey jombee i remember there was a discussion about missing model 2 games in gameex. i think tom has to add new titles to gameex if i remember this right. just do a quick search for it. sorry, i'm too lazy to do it myself
  9. try uninstalling all 3 codecs and install a codec pack like k-lite codec pack or vista codec pack (works for xp).
  10. so would that mean you have to recompile mame with a changed segag80r.c driver? i'm just trying to follow what you found out, tempest! i love your dedication to this problem mate!
  11. if you want to edit the pop out at the beginning, use virtualdub! go to video, select direct stream copy. then go to audio, select direct stream copy. now go to the beginning of the clip and play it. set the in point behind the pop sound. then click on file -> save as avi this tool is really easy to use and non destructive! I agree with imbezerk though. I listen to 80's music while skipping through the games list!
  12. wahoo, thanks for your quick summary! This thread really throws in a lot of interesting ideas! I agree that for real collectors the only way will be to leave the rom sets untouched. But I also think that there wont be a lot of interesting updates to these sets (i mean rom-wise) so I don't see a reason for updating my no intro sets anymore. I'm pretty sure that all my friends who are looking for snes roms on my arcade will find the ones they know from their childhood. Thats why for now I only keep the USA roms mostly because every game then has a video from emumovies with it. Out of convenience I wouldnt be a big fan of option 3. Going through a list with thousands of games and having the same name appear over and over again seems a bit confusing to me. So the only real update to my set as it is right now would be to have available languages in a submenu (the way JK showed it in his screenshot). The main list would only consist out of one game title and then you have language icons in the submenu. But I think for now I just stick with having all the roms that were released for the US market. I guess I'm a lousy collector but thats really all I need for some quick retro gaming pleasure!
  13. 550$ doesnt sound too bad! i just checked on the apple homepage and they now put nvidia gfx chips in the mac minis, that means your media/arcade machine would not only look very chic but also has enough power for dreamcast emulation! i wonder if tv out is supported over boot camp though...
  14. i didnt look much into emulation on a mac system so far but from what i've heard aome emulators run way better on windows machines (or get updated more frequently). i just know from a friend who installed a psx emulator on a mac and hes not quite happy with that. he uses boot camp mostly for psx games. so if you get a mac you should think about using boot camp. but many mac people try to keep their systems free of microsoft products...
  15. chriss

    hi def themes

    I havent seen greatflash around for a while now... but i'm pretty sure you can get a hold of him when going to his website: http://www.greatflash.co.uk/
  16. are you sure this happens exactly after 1,5 hours?
  17. apparently nintendo wasn't allowed to name it star fox in europe. they had some copyright issues with another company holding the name (like gmail in germany) anyways, fortunately most games have the same name no matter in which country they were released so if there are two entries for a couple of games in my cabinet's game list I wouldn't mind it. Germans would look for Lylat Wars if they wanna play the game and Americans on the same Arcade would look for Star Fox so I think it would be even more confusing sorting it under the same name...
  18. there is an option in the tweaks section of gameex setup. you can change the way gameex searches for snaps (exact match or fuzzy i think) did you try changing the option over there? I dont really have any kind of speed issues when i go thorugh my list, it works flawless with the emumovies videos!
  19. I heard that 82% of the gameex users are female, right?
  20. yeah, well i guess its true Vi are not fah avay from da stereotypes! Anyways, before this thread disappears on second page and is thereby send to the graveyard I still hope that Tom has maybe something to say about this. Tom, in case you are reading this: is there a plan to support no intro in gameex?
  21. i have the same issues with a wired ps2 controller that is connected to the machine via adapter. it works fine but when i leave it in gameex menu for lets say an hour or even less it becomes unresponsive! Its my second Gameex setup that is basically a karaoke machine that can be controlled by the joypad. It has some emulators on there but the friends I build it for are using it almost exclusively for karaoke. I just told them they should restart the system whenever it becomes unresponisve so it became kind of a habit. This is maybe a good opportunity to pick up this problem again and see if this is related to a bug in the way gameex handles joypads. I never had such problems when using keyboard (xarcade) as an input source. Anyone else using joypads to control gameex? If you guys dont have this problem maybe it makes sense to compare logs!
  22. if you have a nvidia gfx card, revert your driver back to 66.93 it's nr. 15 in the list bkenobi mentioned. That fixed it for me!
  23. well, that didnt take long mate! I'm happy you got it figured out so quickly!
  24. you cant ask for better quality, trust me!
  25. i also have the tab issue everytime i switch from windows desktop back to gameex. I don't have the newest version but here's a little suggestion, maybe you can put this feature on one of the f keys, tom. it doesn't seem to be a feature you need a quick hotkey for
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