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Everything posted by chriss

  1. depends on your video card if you have an older nvidia card try using tvtool! it gives you an easy interface to change you tv out options!
  2. same as tempest besides the xarcade I have a lightgun attached and two psx controllers. with these i play all console games. It would be nice having a few setups but i really like having the choice on one setup as well!
  3. it would be great to rate themes and then sort this page by rating or most downloads... just a suggestion
  4. why do you want to use alcohol to mount images? did i miss something? i set up epsxe to just launch the iso files...
  5. nice project, man! can't wait to see more pics
  6. thanks tom! i'm glad this controller bug is fixed now
  7. i don't know if that's the only way but i just pm'd tom speirs...
  8. same here one of the biggest things are naomi support, which is great! but it only supports 1 player i think.. i don't think that a lot of new games are supported by 1.03 so i still ahven't updated!
  9. all US releases, yes
  10. if you want videos for your nintendo sets you have to pay for it. gameex users get a special deal and only pay 10$ instead of 20$ for a 1 year ftp subscription the videos can be chosen in different qualities and the high quality ones are really high quality. If you are using no intro sets for eg snes and nes the videos will display in gameex right away! Best way to have a cool cabinet rom collection for consoles in my opinion!
  11. i finally got it working! turns out it was the attract mode that was enabled but had nothing to play. now i have set attract mode to nes and snes games. when i use the controller to return to gameex when attract mode is on it works! tested with 2 hours of inactivity and controller is still working!
  12. sorry, it took me a while to get back to this problem! i just figured out that on the system I had the controller issue with 9.76 was running.. so this problem was not introduced by 9.9x here is the log: 18:13:22.3 17.04.2009: GameEx: Version 9.76: Starting Log 18:13:22.3 17.04.2009: Operating System Platform: Win32NT 18:13:22.3 17.04.2009: Operating System Name: Windows XP 18:13:22.3 17.04.2009: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600 18:13:22.4 17.04.2009: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed 18:13:22.4 17.04.2009: .net Framework 2.0 Installed 18:13:22.4 17.04.2009: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor, 511MB 18:13:22.4 17.04.2009: 1,05Ghz 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Running Randomize() 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Loading PlugIns 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Running Misc startup tasks 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Setting Menu types 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Opening Configuration File 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Getting Configuration Values 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Using Theme: Default - Media Center V1 18:13:22.6 17.04.2009: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Media Center V1 18:13:22.7 17.04.2009: Launching HideOS.exe 18:13:22.7 17.04.2009: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's 18:13:22.7 17.04.2009: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance) 18:13:22.7 17.04.2009: Hiding Taskbar 18:13:22.8 17.04.2009: Is Media Center running? 18:13:22.8 17.04.2009: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values 18:13:22.8 17.04.2009: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode 18:13:22.8 17.04.2009: Media Center Mode 2 18:13:22.8 17.04.2009: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems 18:13:22.9 17.04.2009: Custom Game Device Input enabled: Getting custom codes 18:13:22.9 17.04.2009: Snap Delay set to: 6 18:13:22.9 17.04.2009: Get other settings 18:13:23.0 17.04.2009: Using DirectInput for keyboard input 18:13:23.0 17.04.2009: Start work for Form 18:13:23.0 17.04.2009: Getting Original Screen Size 18:13:23.0 17.04.2009: Opening Database Connection 18:13:23.2 17.04.2009: Initializing Component 18:13:23.3 17.04.2009: Retrieving resolution setting 18:13:23.3 17.04.2009: daphne Path is: F:\daphne 18:13:23.3 17.04.2009: daphne EXE file is: Daphne.exe 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Use daphne on. Daphne.exe will launch games 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Loading Controls.ini map file 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Using 2D Animations 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Using Title Font: Verdana 18:13:23.4 17.04.2009: Initialising DirectDraw 18:13:23.5 17.04.2009: Applying GameEx is Loading Image 18:13:28.0 17.04.2009: Creating DirectDraw Device 18:13:28.0 17.04.2009: Using Device: Primary Display Driver 18:13:31.0 17.04.2009: 62mb video memory available 18:13:31.0 17.04.2009: Setting Resolution to 800x600 32 bit color 18:13:31.0 17.04.2009: Creating DirectDraw Surfaces 18:13:31.0 17.04.2009: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode 18:13:31.0 17.04.2009: Creating Back Buffer 18:13:31.1 17.04.2009: Loading graphic Surfaces 18:13:31.1 17.04.2009: Display is running at: 800x600 32bit color, 60hz 18:13:31.4 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Flags 18:13:31.5 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs 18:13:31.6 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Volume 18:13:31.8 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Arrows 18:13:31.8 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text 18:13:31.8 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Toolbar 18:13:31.9 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds 18:13:33.2 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls 18:13:33.2 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo 18:13:33.2 17.04.2009: Creating Surface Unselected 18:13:33.3 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit 18:13:33.3 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Snaps 18:13:33.3 17.04.2009: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars 18:13:33.6 17.04.2009: Creating Fonts 18:13:33.6 17.04.2009: Creating Game Font 18:13:33.9 17.04.2009: Creating Game Font Faded 18:13:34.2 17.04.2009: Creating Title Font 18:13:34.3 17.04.2009: Restoring Title Font From Cache 18:13:34.6 17.04.2009: Creating Menu Font 18:13:34.8 17.04.2009: Creating Font Black 18:13:35.2 17.04.2009: Creating Font Black Small 18:13:35.5 17.04.2009: Fonts Created Succesfully 18:13:35.5 17.04.2009: 11mb video memory left available 18:13:35.5 17.04.2009: Creating instance of global keyboard hook 18:13:35.6 17.04.2009: Loading Custom Emulators 18:13:35.6 17.04.2009: Loading Emulator 1: Nintendo NES 18:13:35.8 17.04.2009: Loading Emulator 2: Nintendo SNES 18:13:35.9 17.04.2009: Loading Emulator 3: Sega Mega Drive 18:13:36.9 17.04.2009: Text/Language: Custom 18:13:36.9 17.04.2009: Applying Language/Text 18:13:37.4 17.04.2009: Initialising Bass Audio Library 18:13:38.4 17.04.2009: MAME CMD options: -triplebuffer -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo 18:13:38.4 17.04.2009: Loading last used Game List 18:13:38.4 17.04.2009: Setting Music Volume 18:13:38.4 17.04.2009: Loading music 18:13:38.6 17.04.2009: Error accessing Windows Media Player, check you are running Version 9 orelse above 18:13:38.6 17.04.2009: Turning off Jukebox 18:13:38.6 17.04.2009: Sound Disabled 18:13:38.6 17.04.2009: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support 18:13:38.7 17.04.2009: Using Device MP-8888 USB Joypad 18:13:38.7 17.04.2009: Initialising DirectInput for Keyboard support 18:13:38.8 17.04.2009: Initializing MCE Remote 18:13:38.8 17.04.2009: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx! 18:13:38.9 17.04.2009: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame 18:13:40.4 17.04.2009: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully 18:13:50.7 17.04.2009: Running: cmd.exe /c F: F:\daphne\Daphne.exe lair vldp -framefile f:\Daphne\framefile\lair_HD.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir . -useoverlaysb 1 -fastboot -bank 0 11011001 -bank 1 00100111 -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -x 800 -y 600 18:21:03.3 17.04.2009: Starting Attract Mode 18:21:03.3 17.04.2009: Reading MAME hall of fame 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Background: F:\Nes\Snaps 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Custom Background Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: F:\Nes\Snaps 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 1: 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 1 Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 2: 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 2 Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 3: 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Custom Art Path 3 Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: c:\emulators\Nintendo NES\Controls 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Instructions Path: 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Instructions Path Does not exist 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Database: [Console] Nintendo NES 19:01:20.0 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: F:\Nes\Titles 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Box Art Path: F:\Nes\Boxes 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Box Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Cart Art Path: F:\Nes\Cartridges 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Cart Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_1: Manual Path: F:\Nes\Manuals 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_1: Manual Path Does not exist 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Background: F:\ZSNES\Snaps 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Background Does not exist 19:01:20.1 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: F:\ZSNES\Snaps 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 1: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 1 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 2: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 2 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 3: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Art Path 3 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: c:\emulators\Nintendo SNES\Controls 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Instructions Path: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Instructions Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: F:\ZSNES\Titles 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: F:\ZSNES\Boxes 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Box Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: F:\ZSNES\Cartridges 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_2: Manual Path: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_2: Manual Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Background: F:\Mega Drive\Snaps 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Custom Background Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: F:\Mega Drive\Snaps 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 1: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 1 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 2: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 2 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 3: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Custom Art Path 3 Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path: c:\emulators\Sega Genesis\Controls 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Control Panel Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Instructions Path: 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Instructions Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Database: [Console] Sega Genesis 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: F:\Mega Drive\Titles 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Box Art Path: F:\Mega Drive\Boxes 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Box Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: F:\Mega Drive\Cartridges 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path Does not exist 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Validating: Emulator_3: Manual Path: F:\Mega Drive\Manuals 19:01:20.2 17.04.2009: Warning: Emulator_3: Manual Path Does not exist 19:01:32.4 17.04.2009: Exiting GameEx! 19:01:32.4 17.04.2009: Saving Settings 19:01:33.6 17.04.2009: Disposing Plugins 19:01:33.6 17.04.2009: Closing database connection 19:01:33.7 17.04.2009: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit the system worked fine, then i didnt do anything for some time (like 30-40 minutes) and the controller didnt work anyore. there is only one ps2 to usb controller on this system, no keyboard or other hid's i'll install 10.05 and the new exe now just by looking at the log. i checked if the controller was working by launching daphne... the next thing is the attract mode starting but i didnt set up attract mode... maybe thats where the problem is! log.txt
  13. chriss

    AHK Problem

    sorry mate it's still the same! window maximizes but stays behind the active window...
  14. chriss

    AHK Problem

    I just tested the demo version. it seems to work with the script due to the nag screen... the nag screen is in the foreground with every instance though the main explorer window is hiding behind the active window but as soon as the nag screen number is clicked the explorer window appears in the foreground as well! this is just weird... it doesnt seem to be such an easy fix as I initially thought it would be! I should ask about this again in the total commander forum I guess! I dont want to clutter the gameex forum with this anymore Thanks for all your help again! update: tempest, i also tried your suggestion from post 23. but this way tc behaves the same way as with the normal run command and hides behind the active window. it seems like having the little cmd window appear shortly made the tc window become active. i can't explain it better...
  15. chriss

    AHK Problem

    it's weird that you got it working with the script... maybe it makes a difference to have the registered or unregistered version since i'm not seeing the nag screen! i will do some more testing and maybe reinstall, let's see if thats gonna fix this bug! thanks for the intense testing tempest! much appreciated!
  16. chriss

    AHK Problem

    hey man, i just tried the way you posted it but it still opens the tc window behind the active window congratulations to your 2000th post, mate!!
  17. chriss

    AHK Problem

    way to go tempest! yeah i'm talking about the program on the webpage you mentioned! #e::Run "C:\Program files\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.exe" WinActivate, ahk_id %NewPID% is also not working. or do i have to do it differently?
  18. chriss

    AHK Problem

    i used the following script to retrieve the pid: Run "C:\Program files\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.exe", , , NewPID Process, priority, %NewPID%, High MsgBox The newly launched PID is %NewPID%. but the pid is different everytime the script is launched. i guess my script needs to retrieve the process id in order to work with it, right? But how would i do that? I'm just good at changing examples i'm not really an experienced programmer you know... thats probably my problem
  19. chriss

    AHK Problem

    hey tempest, thanks for giving it a try. the script is not exactly what i'm aiming for though i should have explained myself better: I'm not trying to keep a window on top but to open multiple instances of total commander and always have the last total commander window open in the foreground. for some weird reason only the first instance of tc opens in the foreground. all other windows always open behind the active window! i tried to replicate this problem with notepad ( #e::Run notepad )but notepad behaves correctly and opens every instance in the foreground. i guess i'll have to stick with comspec... at least that works...
  20. chriss

    AHK Problem

    Hey Tempest, thanks for your reply! My command line looks like this: #e::Run "C:\Program files\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.exe", SetTitleMatchMode, 2 but total commander still opens behind the active window, so not in the foreground. This is happening due to a conflict with winkey-e. It works as supposed to when i set it to winkey-q for example I'm pretty sure there is a way to get it to work with run, a way to set the window active after opening. I'm just missing the experience with ahk to get it to do what i want
  21. oh, thats really an advantage to be able to unplug the drive for updates! good call bkenobi!
  22. i cloned my cab hdd to a bigger drive without any issues. i just prepared a usb stick with bartpe and used norton ghost! worked like a charme... i would get rid of the 80gb because two drives at the same time raise the noise level
  23. thats interesting to know! so 9.8x works fine? is there a way to get this version somewhere?
  24. chriss

    AHK Problem

    i talked to frequency over im and we figured out that the winkey-e command is a bit problematic. if i set the script to winkey-q for example everything works great: total commander starts up in the foreground. with winkey-e total commander always starts up behind the active window (eg firefox) tempest, if i use the hide command, it hides tc as well... or is there a way to only hide the cmd box? just to make it clear why i try to have it set to winkey-e... i'm used to this shortcut to open the windows explorer. It seems like a lot of people are looking for a way to reassign winkey-e. Using AHK seems to be the best solution i've come across, it's nice to have a working solution! I'm happy it works now but the method is still a bit dirty though
  25. chriss

    AHK Problem

    thanks for the link! i use comspec now.. i still don't know why its not working the direct way but this way it works: #e::Run %comspec% /c ""C:\Program files\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.lnk" I just get this nasty black window from cmd for millisecond .. it's not perfect but this way it works!
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