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Everything posted by chriss

  1. I guess to reduce the file size of your set you could use a rom manager like clrmamepro and strip out the stuff you wont need
  2. hey circo, you deserve more input than this, i just dont have much time right now. Just a quick thought: I guess I can speak for everyone on this forum that your service is worthwile and an enormous addition for all the cabinet owners out there. But I think a yearly subscription plan for 20$-25$ is maybe already a bit too much (at least for me as a poor student who is doing this as a hobby). I know many people will say they will totally pay that, so I'm just speaking out of my perspective: I planned on joining emumovies now a couple of times, because of the gameex discount. This was the main reason for me. I still haven't joined emumovies because I'm happy with what I got on my cabinet I guess. I have the full mame set that you give away for free (thanks again) and I use snapshots for most of my emulators. I definately wanna have videos there but so far paying money for it is not really worth it for me. Sorry to put it that way! I still plan on upgrading to videos for all my emulated systems at some time. My suggestion would be to not extend the ftp service but rather use torrenting for all available videos. Most of the people will only need to download the sets once anyway (eg for the most emulated consoles snes, nes and genesis where no more games have to be added). This way you don't have to invest into new servers and you can keep the price down, which will have more people join your site and less people using the "unofficial" torrents.
  3. For my 22" screen the Daphne games look great! They are encoded in MPG and I couldnt ask for better quality. I somehow understand that the mame guys are trying to stay as close to the original as possible. Thats why the games take up a lot of space (<10GB) If I had the space I would set up the available LD games in MAME, just to have the complete archive (same with the other CHD games) but for now I dont have the space and I don't see a reason in terms of quality. Dragons Lair HD looks awesome when playing with Daphne, I couldn't ask for more!
  4. visitor q, maybe you didnt read closely what i was writing: I have an iphone and managed to connect to itunes with my iphone remote while being in gameex. iphone has an application called remote. So it basically does the same as your remote except its using wifi to conncet to itunes. So I controlled my music from within gameex. I think the problem was that I had to run itunes as an application in the foreground. then it worked fine. but as soon as i set itunes in the background (returning to gameex after launching it) it didnt take my remote commands anymore!
  5. i would love to know this too! thats why i dont use model 2 anymore... i didnt want to configure all the games seperately!
  6. i once tried it out using the remote feature on the iphone. but i gave up quickly on the idea. i think it was because i didnt figure out how to have it run smoothly while gameex. i wrote a little batch script to have itunes run as a pc game but somehow i was not fully satisfied with what i had. I first had it setup to go back into gameex after it was launched. that didnt work out well. sorry, but thats already half a year back so i dont remember why exactly i gave up on it. the idea is nice though! having a way of controlling your jukebox even when not seeing it on screen! If you find a nice way of using it with gameex please tell me!
  7. thanks for having a look into it frequency! you are as always a big help!
  8. i know most of you arent into karaoke but does noone have an idea?
  9. online sf3 sounds awesome. are there instructions somewhere how to set up final burn alpha to make it work online? my setup has NES, amiga, c64, Snes, Maga Drive, N64, PS1, Dreamcast and Mame of course. these were the consoles i played with as a kid so i dont bother emulate other stuff... all these systems are well emulated, the worst is probably n64. dreamcast games run very well on my amd 2x2,4 ghz and a radeon 9600
  10. Hey guys, I was in New York during the holidays and I went to a karaoke bar with my girlfriend one night. I really liked that you were able to put reverb on the mic so it doesnt sound as harsh and direct when you sing into it. Now i'm looking for a simple tool that will add a bit of reverb to my cabinet microphone. its a standard mic connected to the mic input of the soundcard. i googled for a tool that would let me do that but didnt really find a simple solution. does anyone know of a tool to add reverb (or other effects) to a microphone? also, is there a way to add a bit of gain to the mic even if its on full volume already? maybe like a cheap pre-amp... do you guys have any suggestions? a usb device would be great!
  11. darn, a bit too late! i still wanted to vote for gameex but the poll seems to be closed! Nice result: We ranked 3rd after HS and Mala! As already mentioned the only plus of Mala I can see is its free... I can understand people who are voting for hyperspin since its graphics are really nice but for me gameex remains No.1. No other FE gives me so many different options besides playing games and I think I use almost all of them (Emus, Radio, Audio, Video, DVD and .... tata! Karaoke of course I should maybe enter the youtube competition only to have you guys hear me sing
  12. thanks for the quick help guys! will try that and report back!
  13. hey guys, happy new year! havent been around in a while! i just fired up the cabinet after 2 months of not much configuring... i updated to the newest version and now attract mode is not working anymore.. any idea on this? this is the relevant part from the log: 19:15:06.4 04.02.2009: Initialising DirectInput for Keyboard support 19:15:06.7 04.02.2009: Initializing MCE Remote 19:15:06.8 04.02.2009: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx! 19:15:06.8 04.02.2009: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame 19:15:07.5 04.02.2009: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully 19:18:25.0 04.02.2009: Starting Attract Mode 19:18:25.0 04.02.2009: Reading MAME hall of fame 19:18:25.3 04.02.2009: Exception occured running Attract Mode 19:18:25.3 04.02.2009: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. 19:18:25.5 04.02.2009: at DvdCore.GeneralEngineClass.set_UseSampleGrabber(Int32 pVal) 19:18:25.5 04.02.2009: at ae.a(Boolean A_0) 19:18:25.5 04.02.2009: at k.b(Boolean A_0) 19:18:27.7 04.02.2009: Returning From Attract Mode 19:21:25.3 04.02.2009: Starting Attract Mode 19:21:25.4 04.02.2009: Exception occured running Attract Mode 19:21:25.4 04.02.2009: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. 19:21:25.4 04.02.2009: at DvdCore.GeneralEngineClass.set_UseSampleGrabber(Int32 pVal) 19:21:25.4 04.02.2009: at ae.a(Boolean A_0) 19:21:25.4 04.02.2009: at k.b(Boolean A_0) 19:21:27.8 04.02.2009: Returning From Attract Mode
  14. gameex runs flawless on my geforce 2 mx so a 6600 is more than sufficient. i also had driver problems though. gameex used to be really slow and jerky with this gfx card. this hint from tom made me solve the problem: i installed 66.93 and now it works really well! you should really follow lord zog's advice here!
  15. merry christmas to all of you!!! frohe weihnachten!
  16. hey davgem, did you fix the problem with the inputs? i just found out i have the same problem! as long as the controllers are in use they work, but if nothing is pressed for 5 minutes the controllers wont respond anymore (usb->psx controllers). i can still exit gameex by keyboard an when i restart gameex the controller works fine again
  17. you can also try out different versions of mame, like mame plus just to check if the problem persists...
  18. chriss

    Hardware stretch

    which rom set are you using and which mame build?
  19. noooo iano! dont do it! you will miss hyperathlete!!!
  20. chriss

    Weird stuff!

    you can get the full set of roms and then use a rom manager like clrmamepro too only filter the neo geo roms out.... i suspect that you have some kind of another problem going on there though....but first get the full mame set to see if this is causing your issues
  21. maybe it has something to do with your power settings. do you have all power options in windows disabled? do you use a controller that is powered over usb? does the keyboard still take input?
  22. I just wanted to know how many people in this forum actually use this nice feature of Gameex!
  23. true mate! Which is a pity... we should have a huge gameex christmas karaoke party, only singing christmas songs and drinking egg nogg!! wouldnt that be nice? i can see greatflash posting youtube videos about tempest singing frank sinatra
  24. ok i guess by now most of you are pretty bored by this topic because it seems like nobody except frequency and me is caring about karaoke anyways... but here is what i found out: CPEnabled=True HideCreateSnaps=True DisableMouse=False VideoPath=D:\video; d:\movies; d:\karaoke_deutsch;F:\ EnableJoystick=True JoystickDevice=MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad EnableCustomInput=True Bypass=False ExcludedMAMERoms=;tekken;;MAMEAll; JukeBoxMode=0 AmbienceFile= UseSnapBestMatch=true IngameVK=112 Model2PATH=D:\Games\model2 ShowModel2=True DisableMouseWheel=True ErrorReporting=0 ReduceCPU=False JukeQueueMode=1 missing in working conf: TwoThreeRes= EnableTouchScreen=False EnableMediaCheck=True so one of these settings disables the instant play mode in karaoke. if i have more time i try to find out which setting it is! update: man, this is beyond my logic. I just changed all the settings I pointed out on my second machine and none of it made it work. then i just copied over the whole snippet of code from post 9 codebox and that made it do it. i even changed back all settings (like enabling joystick support and change the theme) and instant play kept working! i'm really confused about this. anyways, I dont care anymore! now its working great!
  25. thanks for the tip, tempest! i was looking for a compare utility!
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