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Everything posted by chriss

  1. sounds like a nice setup mate. i'm a bit confused about your act labs guns... does it work only on 800x600?
  2. on which os are you running dolphin? and btw...why is this thread stickied?
  3. i'm abit in a rush so my answer is very short, sorry mate! http://www.gameex.com/Support/SetupWizard/tabid/63/Default.aspx Look for: Show Game Information Show Game Information Page after selecting a game. True or False.If not set to true, game will launch straight away, otherwise gameinformation and recommended games will display. Recommended Gamesare selectable, and playable. The Game info page will also allow you toview a games flyer and cabinet image.If set to true, GameEx will use MAMEInfo.dat and History.dat when updatingThe game list. The default is True. to speed up the launching and Enable Panel Viewer Whether to display Control Panel with button mappings and use controls.ini.
  4. with the thread that headkaze linked to you should be able to run virtua tennis just fine! i have virtua tennis 3 installed. after having it running with my xarcade controller (which took a while! mapping the right keys proved to be quite difficult) i decided to switch to using gamepads. for me it was more fun that way! it's a real great game! you can also emulate virtua tennis through nulldc, then you have an easier way of setting up the controllers than with the pc game!
  5. i guess i'm the only one here using a lame program like teamviewer with my cab ...
  6. gameex might work in crossover which is a wine port for osx of the popular linux software to "emulate" windows programs. in fact, "wine is not an emulator" (thats what WINE stands for ) so software should run faster than with virtualization software like parallels. i never used vmware fusion but crossover is also optimized for running some windows only games on a mac. crossover is not free though. if you are looking for a free solution try this. i think it's harder to set up than crossover though...
  7. chriss


    in conjunction with the snes controller usb adapter it almost makes a perfect snes! except for the few megahertz more that a pc can do of course...
  8. yeah tomshardware is awesome! good call!
  9. thanks bkenobi, as always i'll have a chat with my friend tomorrow and tell him about your thoughts. It sounds like a good router is the key to success! Do you happen to have a link to a good guide of setting up a server? i found tons of stuff on google but is there a recommendation from your site?
  10. hey guys a while ago some people over here were discussing server issues and i followed this topic with great interested. there seemed to be a lot of people with good knowledge about network setups so i figured i should ask over here about this problem... some friends of mine are working together on three Mac Pros connected to a G5 computer. the g5 functions as a server and has 3 hard drives via firewire attached. now the three are often transferring gigabytes of data from and to the server. the speed is horrible and this is just no solution for the future... but what woud be a better solution? something like an upgrade of the current setup that doesn't cost too much... i told them they should get a PCI-X card like this one (the g5 is quite old so it doesn't support pcie yet). i thought best would be to then set up a raid5 system to speed up the connection! but i think the external hard drives are probably not the only bottleneck of their setup. is there a way to speed up the lan speed? does it make more sense to have all 3 computers connected individually to the server? do you guys think the g5 could be to old to function as a good server? thanks for any help
  11. chriss

    Emu Movies

    i guess best bet would be to download the emumovies vids completely and then use a compare program to match it to your mame rom collection... sorry mate, i don't have a name for you but maybe google can help you... or the others here, tempest once recommended beyond compare, but this was to comapre changes in code...
  12. on my x-arcade i'm using the button layout for x-arcade and there are no issues with any button. the only thing that is a bit strange is when i use my keyboard it sometimes sends random button while writing something... x-arcade is a great product! it seems like the buttons and sticks are just unbreakable! awesome quality!
  13. cool! this is good news! i just got shadow of the collossus running in full speed! great game!!
  14. finally! i always said tempest should be a mod... congrats!
  15. some people in the forum recommended d-fend before. it makes the use of dosbox with gameex easier i think, haven't tried it myself though!
  16. yeah i was using the same key combo before, but sometimes people were ending games by accident so a delay timer would be really nice! HK, do you have any idea what could be the problem here?
  17. hey guys i need a little help here i'm trying to have mame plus exit when two keys are pushed for 2 seconds or longer. so i compiled mame plus 0.133 with this // For testing purposes: force DirectInput #define FORCE_DIRECTINPUT 1 my ahk script to exit that works for all emulator is this one: ; <COMPILER: v1.0.47.6> #InstallKeybdHook #SingleInstance force QuitWaitTime:=0 #Persistent SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 return WatchQuitCombo: if GetKeyState("5") AND GetKeyState("c") { SetTimer, ComboQuitDown, 100 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, Off } return ComboQuitDown: if GetKeyState("5") AND GetKeyState("c") { QuitWaitTime:=QuitWaitTime + 100 if QuitWaitTime >=2000 { Send {Blind}{Escape} QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } } Else { QuitWaitTime:=0 SetTimer, WatchQuitCombo, 250 } return now i set mame to exit on the ESC Button but it's still not responding to this? DOes anybody know what is going wrong here?
  18. thanks for the find mate! will try this out now...
  19. i know how to compile mame. do you happen to know, bkenobi, in which file i have to disable the RAW input? does that mean you lose the ability to configure mame by gui?
  20. i would wish a button delay! i have a 2 sec button delay in a ahk script to exit all emulators. it's not working for mame though
  21. When I started using Gameex I also set the exit combo to 1P+2P but when my friends were playing these "the more coins the further you get"-games it happened too often that they were kicked out of the game! So I changed my exit buttons to the lowest two buttons of the X-Arcade Controller (C+5). This has proven to work much better in general since these two buttons are not used by a lot of arcade games anyway. the lower two of the right player (]+6) is the pause combo. anyway, back to your problem... in mame plus you can set the confirmation upon exiting message in the preferences. it's even switched on by default! it would be interesting to know what other people in the forum use as an exit combo!
  22. Absolutely my thoughts!
  23. chriss

    Spam Issues

    woah! makeover-time! I must say i like the new look! It's neat to see the profile picture in the upper right, unnecessary, but neat! One quick question: Will the IPBoard be replaced with the Gameex logo? oh and i think quotes are visually less clear displayed than before! But in general it's a great upgrade! Congrats and I hope this is the end of spamming on this forum!
  24. did you try to start mame without gameex? does this work? what version of mame do you use? try to run your roms with mameui Do you use a romset of mame roms? like the 0.133 romset?
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