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Everything posted by chriss

  1. can a mod delete the post above? it seems like two codeboxes with two gameex.ini were too much information in one post anyway, i got it working! wooohooo! after all this time finally it works again! thanks to frequency who was a big help over im! we narrowed the problem down to my gameex setup since a folder with only 2 songs could also not be played, so it wasn't a problem with my collection! the breakthrough came by using a backup copy of gameex.ini from june. this made instant mode work. but i still have no clue to why the problem came up in the first place. so i attached both gameex.ini's in the hope that you guys can help me in narrowing down the problem. i would really like to use my recent gameex.ini again, since a lot has changed in my setup since then! thanks for having a look! Gameex1.ini is the new one, that is NOT working Gameex.ini is the one from june that is Working update: i already narrowed it down to this segment in gameex.ini here is the code that makes instant mode work: # Specify a Video to play at Startup. AVI, MPG: StartupVideo=D:\Games\mameui\vidstart LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait= LaunchOnExit= LaunchOnExitNoWait= FontSize=0 VectorResX=632 VectorResY=264 AlwaysStretch=410x256 DisableEscape=False DisableRemoveGame=False Theme=Default - Media Center Language= FlatStartPage=True DontSwitchRes=False SnapDelay=6 AllowWindowResize=False ShowLoadingScreen=True Use16BitColour=False Widescreen=False DisableMAME=False ShellBeforeLaunch= ShellOnExit= EnableJukeBox=True JukeBoxPlaylist=All Music EnableMediaControls=True ShufflePlayLists=True LoadPlayListAtStartup=True LoadPlayListThread=False DownloadArt=True TitleFont=Verdana DialogTextWhite=True TimeFormat=False HideToolBar=4 DoNotFilterROMS=pacman;splatter MAMEAudioMode=1 DisplayTitle=True AVIAudio=False Marqueepath=D:\Games\mame\marquees Panelpath=D:\Games\mame\cpanel Titlepath=D:\Games\mame\titles ICONpath=D:\Games\mame\icons CPEnabled=False CPPath=\data\controls.ini ShowVector=False ShowNeoGeo=False ShowOriginal=False ShowAdult=False ShowCPS=False ShowVertical=False ShowHorizontal=False EnableFavorites=True ShowMulti=False ShowAllMAME=True ShowLastGame=False ShowRandomGame=False ShowListNumbers=False AlphaBlendVideos=True EnableSound=False MediaCenterOpenCheck=true UseSharp=True CreateImageOnThread=False HideCreateSnaps=False HideLogoff=True HideStandBy=True DisableMouse=True ShowVideos=True VideoPath=D:\video; d:\movies EnableAlphaPage=True EnableJoystick=False EnableSlikStik=False KeyboardDirectInput=True NoMahjong=False VIDEOFFDSHOW=0 JoystickDevice= EnableCustomInput=False EnableCustomJoyInput=False AttractVideosEnabled=False AttractVideosRatio=1 AttractVideosPath=D:\ AtractModeNewGameTimer=3 AdvancedGFX=True HideZinc=False TransitionType=0 Bypass=True DontBlitWait=False ShowMostPlayed=True ExcludedMAMERoms= DeadZoneX=0 DeadZoneY=0 JukeBoxMode=1 AmbienceFile=L:\-DATA-\-MP3-\4 Non Blondes\4 Non Blondes - What's Up.mp3 AmbianceFile= EnableAmbiance=False HIDEDESKTOP=False UseSnapBestMatch=False IngameVK=76 EnableThemePicker=False DisablePleaseWaitAnimation=True EnableRipCD=False DumbyValue= DVDPath=G:\ AttractOnlyFavs=False RotatePlus90=false ShowButtons=True DisplayTitleText=True PlayExitSaverSound=False ShowAtari=False ShowGolden=False ShowHorizVert=0 UseModel2=False Model2PATH=C:\Emulators\Model2 ShowModel2=False ShowLightGun=True EnableBezel=False AutoUpdate=1 NoMAMEOnStartPage=False HideRestart=False EnableStartScreenSaver=False SortMAMEThE=True SortEmuThE=True ShowMCEEXport=False NoRotationRestrictions=False MakeToolbarTextWhite=True ExitGameAfter=0 ShowTrackball=False ShowSpinner=False LoadEmusOnThread=True LoadRadioOnThread=True StartPageAni=False EmusAttractMode=False MuteEmuAttractMode=True Show4Player=True CabControlFriendly=True ManualPath=D:\Games\mame\manuals HideShowTaskbar=True CustomMAMEFolderPath=d:\games\mame\CustomFolders MAMEFavoritesini=d:\games\mame\Folders\Favorites.ini MenuFontSameSize=False SetPalRes=False PalRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTCSRes=True NTSCRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTSCRes=False SetTwoThreeRes=False PreviewVideos=True ShowStatistics=True DisableMouseWheel=False ErrorReporting=2 ReduceCPU=True ShowNotPlayed=False ShowOnlineLists=False ScreensaverMode=0 glaunchenabled=False PCBPath=D:\Games\mame\pcb artworkpath=D:\Games\mame\artwork LoadJukeTracksOnStartup=True EnableLetterSelect=False JukeQueueMode=0 EnableBezelAttract=False ForceDailyReboot=-1 EnableSearch=False FixToEmuList=0 ShowLastPlayed=False and this one somehow disables instant mode in karaoke: StartupVideo=D:\Games\mameui\vidstart LaunchOnStart= LaunchOnStartNoWait= LaunchOnExit= LaunchOnExitNoWait= FontSize=0 VectorResX=632 VectorResY=264 AlwaysStretch=410x256 DisableEscape=False DisableRemoveGame=False Theme=Default - Media Center V1 Language= FlatStartPage=True DontSwitchRes=False SnapDelay=6 AllowWindowResize=False ShowLoadingScreen=True Use16BitColour=False Widescreen=False DisableMAME=False ShellBeforeLaunch= ShellOnExit= EnableJukeBox=True JukeBoxPlaylist=All Music EnableMediaControls=True ShufflePlayLists=True LoadPlayListAtStartup=True LoadPlayListThread=False DownloadArt=True TitleFont=Verdana DialogTextWhite=True TimeFormat=False HideToolBar=4 DoNotFilterROMS=pacman;splatter MAMEAudioMode=1 DisplayTitle=True AVIAudio=False Marqueepath=D:\Games\mame\marquees Panelpath=D:\Games\mame\cpanel Titlepath=D:\Games\mame\titles ICONpath=D:\Games\mame\icons CPEnabled=True CPPath=\data\controls.ini ShowVector=False ShowNeoGeo=False ShowOriginal=False ShowAdult=False ShowCPS=False ShowVertical=False ShowHorizontal=False EnableFavorites=True ShowMulti=False ShowAllMAME=True ShowLastGame=False ShowRandomGame=False ShowListNumbers=False AlphaBlendVideos=True EnableSound=False MediaCenterOpenCheck=true UseSharp=True CreateImageOnThread=False HideCreateSnaps=True HideLogoff=True HideStandBy=True DisableMouse=False ShowVideos=True VideoPath=D:\video; d:\movies; d:\karaoke_deutsch;F:\ EnableAlphaPage=True EnableJoystick=True EnableSlikStik=False KeyboardDirectInput=True NoMahjong=False VIDEOFFDSHOW=0 JoystickDevice=MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad EnableCustomInput=True EnableCustomJoyInput=False AttractVideosEnabled=False AttractVideosRatio=1 AttractVideosPath=D:\ AtractModeNewGameTimer=3 AdvancedGFX=True HideZinc=False TransitionType=0 Bypass=False DontBlitWait=False ShowMostPlayed=True ExcludedMAMERoms=;tekken;;MAMEAll; DeadZoneX=0 DeadZoneY=0 JukeBoxMode=0 AmbienceFile= AmbianceFile= EnableAmbiance=False HIDEDESKTOP=False UseSnapBestMatch=true IngameVK=112 EnableThemePicker=False DisablePleaseWaitAnimation=True EnableRipCD=False DumbyValue= DVDPath=G:\ AttractOnlyFavs=False RotatePlus90=false ShowButtons=True DisplayTitleText=True PlayExitSaverSound=False ShowAtari=False ShowGolden=False ShowHorizVert=0 UseModel2=False Model2PATH=D:\Games\model2 ShowModel2=True ShowLightGun=True EnableBezel=False AutoUpdate=1 NoMAMEOnStartPage=False HideRestart=False EnableStartScreenSaver=False SortMAMEThE=True SortEmuThE=True ShowMCEEXport=False NoRotationRestrictions=False MakeToolbarTextWhite=True ExitGameAfter=0 ShowTrackball=False ShowSpinner=False LoadEmusOnThread=True LoadRadioOnThread=True StartPageAni=False EmusAttractMode=False MuteEmuAttractMode=True Show4Player=True CabControlFriendly=True ManualPath=D:\Games\mame\manuals HideShowTaskbar=True CustomMAMEFolderPath=d:\games\mame\CustomFolders MAMEFavoritesini=d:\games\mame\Folders\Favorites.ini MenuFontSameSize=False SetPalRes=False PalRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTCSRes=True NTSCRes=800x600x32x60 SetNTSCRes=False SetTwoThreeRes=False PreviewVideos=True ShowStatistics=True DisableMouseWheel=True ErrorReporting=0 ReduceCPU=False ShowNotPlayed=False ShowOnlineLists=False ScreensaverMode=0 glaunchenabled=False PCBPath=D:\Games\mame\pcb artworkpath=D:\Games\mame\artwork LoadJukeTracksOnStartup=True EnableLetterSelect=False JukeQueueMode=1 EnableBezelAttract=False ForceDailyReboot=-1 EnableSearch=False FixToEmuList=0 ShowLastPlayed=False TwoThreeRes= EnableTouchScreen=False EnableMediaCheck=True Gameex.ini.zip
  2. hey tom, after some more extensive testing I can confirm that the same problem with karaoke's instant play mode was found on my second gameex machine. I installed: Windows XP SP3 dotnet framework directx gameex with karaoke plugin i didn't copy over my other gameex data so it can't be caused by the settings of the gameex running on my cab. this is a fresh "unmodified" install of gameex! again, on this machine, queue mode works fine (clicking on a song, then going to "start karaoke") but instant play mode is not working. there is no error message in the log file, when i click on a song there is just nothing happening, as if the button for selecting songs got disabled... as i said before, it must have something to do with my collection causing this issue. but besides having a lot of files in the same folder (35gb cdg and mp3 files) i don't see anything wrong with it... the indexing works fine, it takes like 10 minutes for the first start and then 30 seconds for the following starts... what i don't get is that it used to work fine with older releases of gameex... tom, could you please have a look again at this? i would be very glad! thanks, chriss
  3. chriss

    Daphne help

    which rom version are you using for dragon's lair? you have to press "up" and then directly "right" after that to enter the castle. you can try out the original rom (lair) which skips the bridge scene.... laserdisc games are quite hard to master... in dragons lair you have several small sequences which are shuffled and usually you have to know what to press very wuickly when a new room comes up. you need to know the combinations to pass a level! when you have played it a couple of times you will proceed further and further... for me and my buddies this game was highly addictive for a while!! to give you an idea when to press what, check this out: this video is for dragons lair dos version but its still very similar to the arcade version
  4. oh sorry, for leaving this unclear! it was the forceware driver that fixed it, i didn't try out the patch! Thanks again m8. YOur effort is much appreciated.... the patch is not intended to fix the karaoke problem or is it? i will fool around with this issue a bit later.... maybe i get the instant play mode working again now that i have two setups to test with!
  5. if you have a geforce 4 in there you shouldn't use the newest driver since they make gameex sluggish (as far as i understand it its a problem with the directx 2d implementation) try these drivers, they worked for me: http://tomspeirs.com/gameex/download/66.93...kxp_english.exe
  6. hey tom, thanks for your quick support! i just updated the forceware driver to the latest build that was realeased by nvidia (94.78 or something) now it works, it doesnt crash anymore...but gameex runs really sluggish update: i hjust found your tutorial on gameex running sluggish and i used the 66 forceware driver you provided from first testing it seems to run perfect now!
  7. 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: GameEx: Version 9.27: Starting Log 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: Operating System Platform: Win32NT 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: Operating System Name: Windows XP 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed 16:34:18.0 10.12.2008: .net Framework 2.0 Installed 16:34:18.1 10.12.2008: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor, 511MB 16:34:18.2 10.12.2008: 1,05Ghz 16:34:18.2 10.12.2008: Running Randomize() 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Loading PlugIns 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Running Misc startup tasks 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Setting Menu types 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Opening Configuration File 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Getting Configuration Values 16:34:18.3 10.12.2008: Using Theme: Default - Media Center 16:34:18.4 10.12.2008: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Media Center 16:34:18.4 10.12.2008: Launching HideOS.exe 16:34:18.4 10.12.2008: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's 16:34:18.7 10.12.2008: Hiding Taskbar 16:34:18.7 10.12.2008: Is Media Center running? 16:34:18.7 10.12.2008: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Media Center Mode 2 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Snap Delay set to: 2 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Get other settings 16:34:18.8 10.12.2008: Reading MAME hall of fame 16:34:18.9 10.12.2008: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis 16:34:18.9 10.12.2008: Start work for Form 16:34:18.9 10.12.2008: Getting Original Screen Size 16:34:18.9 10.12.2008: Opening Database Connection 16:34:20.4 10.12.2008: Initializing Component 16:34:20.6 10.12.2008: Retrieving resolution setting 16:34:20.7 10.12.2008: Initialising Windows Media Player Component 16:34:20.9 10.12.2008: MAME Path is: C:\Emulators\Mame32 16:34:20.9 10.12.2008: Cannot Find MAME Path: MAME Disabled 16:34:21.0 10.12.2008: Loading Controls.ini map file 16:34:21.1 10.12.2008: Loading Custom Emulators 16:34:21.6 10.12.2008: Using 2D Animations 16:34:21.7 10.12.2008: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS 16:34:21.7 10.12.2008: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS 16:34:21.7 10.12.2008: Initialising DirectDraw 16:34:21.9 10.12.2008: Creating DirectDraw Device 16:34:21.9 10.12.2008: Using Device: Primary Display Driver 16:34:24.0 10.12.2008: 125mb video memory available 16:34:24.1 10.12.2008: Setting Resolution to 1024x768 32 bit color 16:34:24.1 10.12.2008: Creating DirectDraw Surfaces 16:34:24.1 10.12.2008: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode 16:34:24.1 10.12.2008: Creating Back Buffer 16:34:24.1 10.12.2008: Loading graphic Surfaces 16:34:24.2 10.12.2008: Display is running at: 1024x768 32bit color, 60hz 16:34:24.4 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Flags 16:34:24.5 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs 16:34:24.6 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Volume 16:34:24.6 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Arrows 16:34:24.7 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text 16:34:24.7 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar 16:34:24.7 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds 16:34:30.3 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls 16:34:30.3 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo 16:34:30.3 10.12.2008: Creating Surface Unselected 16:34:30.3 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit 16:34:30.4 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Snaps 16:34:30.4 10.12.2008: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars 16:34:30.7 10.12.2008: Creating Fonts 16:34:30.7 10.12.2008: Creating Game Font 16:34:31.1 10.12.2008: Creating Menu Font 16:34:31.3 10.12.2008: Creating Font Black 16:34:31.7 10.12.2008: Creating Font Black Small 16:34:32.0 10.12.2008: Creating Game Font Faded 16:34:32.3 10.12.2008: Creating Title Font 16:34:34.3 10.12.2008: Fonts Created Succesfully 16:34:34.3 10.12.2008: 66mb video memory left available 16:34:34.3 10.12.2008: Creating instance of global keyboard hook as you can see i now installed an older version of gameex but it still doesn't boot into gameex...the screen stays black and i can't even use task manager or alt+f4 anymore! what do you guys think this has to do with? maybe the graphics card?
  8. hey guys, i just digged up an old computer (1 ghz, 512 mb ram, geforce mx440) that i wanna put gameex on and then use it for nes,snes,mega drive / karaoke /music (maybe as a christmas present for one of my nephews) but gameex sometimes doesn't start up! it just hangs on a blckscreen! i reinstalled windows xp but this issue persisits. i also had the karaoke thing not working again! well, once it started into gameex, so i tried karaoke. at first it worked flawlessly but after i switched to queued mode and back the instant play agian didn't work.... so this issue must have something to do with the size (total 35gb) or maybe some characters of some files... i couldn't explain other way... it seems to be my collection! anyway does anyone have an idea why the screen stays black? i will post the log later... if the computer has internet again
  9. i can't really help you with this but I think it has nothing to do with not having internet access (double negative, oh my... but i hope you know what i mean) since my cab runs gameex and is not always connected to the net. what graphics card are you using? did you install the .net framework?
  10. chriss

    Hardware stretch

    maybe your mame.exe is using another mame.ini ... could that be?
  11. chriss


    thanks for this app, hk! it would be cool to record videos with a key combination while people are singing karaoke songs. is that possible with this app?
  12. i kind of see a reason for keeping older versions since it helps users in bug reporting... i would love to know if an older version would fix my karaoke problem! but maybe that will take up to much space for you to sustain such an archive since from 9.67 to 9.70 that would already be 100 megs in a week
  13. Hey guys, i wish i could report success, but i still have the same issue wmp plays cdg files fine but when i try to click on a song in gameex it's not doing anything. a strange thing i noticed... in setup wizard i set gameex to instantly play songs but inside gameex its set to queue mode. anyway queue mode works fine but when i set it to instant play selection inside gameex it does not work I guess something is wrong with my whole setup... everything else like emulators and radio and so forth works but when i updated to the newest version i got an error message about a missing hiscore txt file in the gameex data folder. i fixed this issue by creating the file... if there was just a similar easy way to fix karaoke
  14. check the filter, maybe the game was added to the filter list (games that are filtered out by gameex)! did you check the bezel settings inside mame (hit tab). try to disable it over there
  15. i had this problem in the beginning i must say the logo selection is not really user friendly yet... just go to the advanced emulator setup (for zsnes eg) then look for the logo part. the name in this box must match the logos you have in you logo folder under c:\program files\gameex\themes\[theme]\logo (i believe it is) if it is nes.png then just enter nes in this box i dont have gameex open right now so somebodey will probably hop in and help you out with more detailed infos but this should give you an idea how to do it btw if you want to change the name of mame (eg change this selection to display arcade instead of the word mame) be sure to change language to custom in the configuration utility (not setup wizard) these are two very commonly asked questions
  16. i might doubt that your video card supprts 3 displays at the same time. i do vjing and to get 3 monitors working we use the matrox triplehead
  17. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE TOM! still no luck with my karaoke issue though
  18. you can already play two popular atari jaguar games through mame because they were converted to the arcade, even running on the same chipset It ran the lightgun games Area 51 and Maximum Force. Other games (3 On 3 Basketball; Fishin' Frenzy; Freeze; Vicious Circle) were developed but never released. taken from wikipedia
  19. gerble: no i haven't! but i'm planning on doing so! It's still kind of in a rough shape since I'm a broke student
  20. i build my own with a x-arcade stick
  21. oh wow! massive setup! its nice to see an ego shooter being played on a cab with track ball! though it looks like to actually shoot you need slightly a bit longer than you would using a real mouse! anyway big props for this setup... iwish i had bought the x-arcades with trackball! no marble madness or golden tee for me
  22. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    sorry, gerble, cant help you on this since i only have one i bought the topgun II. the differences between the two models are as follows: i) EMS TopGun II supports Vista (32bit) while EMS TopGun does not. ii) LED stands of EMS TopGun II and EMS TopGun are different, and not compatible with each other. iii) hardware calibration procedures of EMS TopGun II is different from that of EMS TopGun. taken from http://www.hkems.com/m_main.htm
  23. nice one! which player is that you are using? it would be nice to see gameex running on them...
  24. chriss

    EMS Lightgun 2

    thanks for the infos m8 i now get it to work witht the mouse but not witht the lightgun, which is weird because the lightgun is overtaking mouse movements i'll stay with psx 1.13 i think. it works great! a freind came over and we tried to finish time crisis... which seems to be impossible! the game is awesome and i havent played it for at least 7 years!
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