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Everything posted by chriss

  1. chriss

    pc games

    sure mate! just set pc games up as an emulator
  2. I don't know if this has already been mentioned but this is a real interesting blog about the designers behind the arcade designs: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/8/vie...the-arcade.html
  3. as far as i know you can't get rid of the minimizing/maximizing windows bar. if you find a way, please tell me!
  4. that's my batch script for ppjoykey: @echo off start d:\games\pc\ppjoykey.exe d:\games\pc\xarcade1.ini start d:\games\pc\ppjoykey.exe d:\games\pc\xarcade2.ini pes6 start taskkill /f /IM PPJoyKey.exe exit Maybe it's the version I'm using but this script works fine!
  5. when you go to start in windows and go to run (or just type in the search box) cmd and then use the command do you have your ini file named exactly like bkenobi wrote? you need to have a folder on c:\ named Config and a file in there named PPJoyKey.ini This file is been created by ppjoykey. open the program, set your keys, press save ini and save it under the filename in the folder. then it should automatically load the ini! it works fine on my setup, i use ppjoykey for pro evolution soccer to bind the gamepad input to my x-arcade...
  6. aaaargh... my eyes hurt!!!
  7. It fits there really well! Nice project, well done mate!
  8. i still have this issue unresolved, i remember that there was some way to delete cache files to make this work properly. which files were these again?
  9. as far as i know hitting 2 and 4 key is the hard coded gameex exit combo. you can't do much about it except change your layout to other keys! check this out
  10. weird... didthis game work with mame command line 0.132?
  11. chriss


    When I got my x-arcade I had no idea about command line options. I used mame32 to generate the mame.ini. then i used this mame.ini with the command line mame. this way you have a graphical user interface to configure mame... this might be handy if you wanna change more options than just setting the controller (like mouse and light gun config). btw you can change the keys from inside command line mame by pressing the tab key!
  12. it looks really clean without a gap! you know what you're doin
  13. glad it works for you! since we have the same joysticks, can you quickly post the batch script for street fighter and the ppjoy ini files? thanks mate!
  14. here is a batch file i use for ppjoy to launch two virtual joysticks. i just put it in the section launch before in gameex. Pro_Evolution_Soccer_6.zip
  15. you can remap the keys for player 2 with a simple ahk script download autohotkey create a text file and call it sf4p2ic.ahk then write in this style: a::P remaps key a to key P here are the keys listed you gotta remap i attached a zinc script i made a while ago. it remaps all the keys from the x-arcade control layout to the input scheme of zinc. i had problems with the winterblast plugin to remap keys. hope this helps! Edit: After reading your message again I realized this probably won't be of much use since you don't know the keys for p2... well, maybe it helps for zinc I guess the best way would be to create a virtual joystick and map it to the corresponding buttons. i use ppjoy for this, its easy to setup... zinc_controls.ahk.zip
  16. thanks for driving the attention to this game, pimpdaddystu. i totally forgot that it was released! i think my radeon 9600 is only pixel shader 2 though... i should maybe update my cab... does anyone know if there is a agp gfx card that supports pixelshader 3?
  17. i love black themes as well! it looks quite good! to be honest for my taste it's a bit too much like windows media player! But I'm sure there are a lot of people who'll love that look! Way to go man!
  18. wanna see!
  19. so is this behaviour normal?
  20. hey guys, i think i read about this before: I just updated to the newest gameex version and now every time when I click on Most Played it takes like 20 seconds to show. I think this can be fixed by deleting cache files right? can someone point me to the files again? thanks for any help
  21. I also have the 2 Player X Arcade in my cab and I'm running it for a year now without problems... are you using the standard layout where the first three buttons correspond to ctrl left, alt left and space? http://www.xgaming.com/support/questions/1...ogramming+Guide are you running mame32 through gameex? have you tried to run the official mame binary ? (configure by pressing tab when in mame)
  22. is there a link how the rotating monitor was constructed?
  23. haha, could be me! i recently found the old nes box in the attic. I got it in 1990 together with mario bros, tetris and nintendo world cup!
  24. xbox 360 controllers are quite good and for 42â?¬ on amazon for the wireless ones its a really good deal!
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