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Everything posted by chriss

  1. chriss


    i use no-intro sets for all systems where no-intro is available. I then filter to only have US roms so that i have a video for all the games (emumovies) I wouldn't consider myself a collector since i'm really just up for playing the favorites i used to know and occasionaly a new game i never tried (happens rarely) Since I live in Germany I once included european versions and even japanese. but whenever people came over and were trying to find a specific game the list was too cluttered so i reverted back to only us roms. especially for the old consoles like nes and snes most mayor titles were world wide releases so having only us roms is fine for me. the only "extras" i'm having is a small hand picked list of hacks for super mario world since they are really fun to play. i guess i mostly have usability of my cab in mind. i always ask myself what would be the most simple approach of usability so people who don't know the cab can easily find their favorites. the only system i have twice in my list is playstation since epsxe just looks better but psxfin can emulate some more games (though it looks pixelated due to the approach of emulating the psx gfx engine without modern 3d acceleration) just my two cents
  2. thanks for having a look into this, tom! can't wait for the next release cheers, chriss
  3. i first posted the full log but then i realized i couldn't use "codebox" anymore please have a look at the full log: log.zip
  4. yeah i just tried clrmamepro and it looked like a bigger fix so i just decided to give it a fresh start with 0137 and wiped everything
  5. hey tom, i just updated to the newest gameex version. i ran attract mode for ca. an hour and suddenly i got a error message. because of gameexhideos i couldn|t copy the error message, but at least i made a screen shot... any idea what this is? http://i42.tinypic.com/of3dhx.jpg 17:58:10.0 14.03.2010: Running: cmd.exe /c D: D:\Games\mame\mamep.exe janputer -rompath D:\Games\mame\roms -triplebuffer -nowindow -volume -32 18:10:27.3 14.03.2010: Exiting GameEx! 18:10:27.4 14.03.2010: Saving Settings 18:10:38.1 14.03.2010: Disposing Plugins 18:10:38.2 14.03.2010: Closing database connection 18:10:38.4 14.03.2010: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit update > after running the last command i got the following C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\gameex>D:\Games\mame\mamep.exe janputer -rompath D:\Games\mame\roms -triplebuffer -nowindow -volume -32 Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 0 Assign joystick MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad to player 1 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 3 to player 2 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 4 to player 3 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 1 to player 4 Assign joystick PPJoy Virtual joystick 2 to player 5 7.bin NOT FOUND 82s123.prm NOT FOUND ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run. so it seems to be a problem with the rom. pretty weird since i use a complete romset... how can i check for faulty roms in my collection?
  6. very good suggestions mate! bending the lever helped a bit! tomorrow i'll wrap some tape around them! I just tried Donkey Kong and I still suck at it can't get past 38000 points...
  7. thanks for the reply tempest i just opened the x-arcade and changed it to 4-way by flipping a plastic piece http://www.athomedownunder.com/service/open.shtml it doesnt work great, up/left/right are fine but pushing down it needs a lot of force and you got to pull it all the way down or it doesnt make contact.. well, back to 8-way unfortunately the ultramarc doesn't fit without drilling the wooden holes bigger :/ any other joysticks who allow for easily changing between 4/8-way?
  8. can the x-arcade emulate 4 way? isn't there like a hardware switch to change this?
  9. does anyone else of you have the problem with fast changing right->up or left->up movements? i really have problems climbing up the ladders in donkey kong and i think it's because of the joysticks. it seems to get stuck from time to time and is not correctly recognizing the up movement. i gotta admit i never played dk on a real cabinet so i can't compare it...
  10. man, what a coincidence, i had the same question in mind for a couple of days now. playing donkey kong with the x-arcade joysticks is really not working so well! I'd also like to get a trackball for games like marble madness... is there a vendor who just produces arcade trackballs? update: i just saw the trackball further down on the site a quick google search revealed this site where the guy actually changed the joystick and buttons it's a petty the pictures got deleted, everyones raving about the great mod...
  11. chriss

    Update rom set

    sorry for that... i thought only naming specific places is forbidden
  12. hey tempest i just tried out your suggestion, unfortunately this didnt resolve it.... going from game to game still takes 3-4sec to load the video even with an avi ending (real avi's shows up instantly)
  13. thanks for the hinti was partying at my friends house for the weekend, will be back tomorrow. sounds like this could fix the issue lets see... does anyone have a favorite mass renamer over here?
  14. sorry to bump this thread i'm just desperated since i want to switch completely to emumovies flv collections and with the delay it makes it almost unusable is anybody using flv videos within gameex over here? do you guys have a delay? since my cpu is 2,4 ghz dual core i doubt this has something to do with my cpu power...
  15. oh man i can't believe this... i just wasted three hours trying to find out why flv's take so long to load inside gameex i'm going to bed now, this is really frustrating!
  16. Hey guys, i know these kind of questions are usually hard to answer but i give it a shot: I had problems playing DVD's and i got it fixed by installing windvd but now all the video snaps (flv and avi) take 1-2 seconds to load! before that they were showing up instantly... re-installing the vista codec pack didn't solve it, even uninstalling windvd didnt help. i would rather not have dvd playback but let the video snaps show up instantly.. update: avi works fine, only flv have a delay...
  17. Most of the time I play either Puzzle Bobble 4 or Tekken 3 on Playstation... But I'm with you there! Setting everything up and keeping it running was the most part of what i did with my cabinet but i think the most extreme ratio between actually playing and giving support/setting things up has probably frequency
  18. great idea.. it's like itunes automatically downloading cover art! for no intro games gameex could download screenshots from over here the only concern i'd have is that foreign servers get a big traffic increase through that, it would be cool if gameex would provide their own server for screenshots! or a direct link to emumovies maybe....
  19. berlin, germany
  20. if you backup your gameex config file you shoud be able to revert to the previous state even if everything gets overwritten by the update (never had this problem though)
  21. i gave up on naomi emulation with nulldc due to the lack of the 2P buttons being mapped. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think up to now there is no way of getting 2P to work... does anyone know if makaron supports 2P? how do the two emulators compare to each other?
  22. would you prefer makaron naomi to nulldc naomi? does makaron have 2P support?
  23. if you want mame plus without nag screens but with all the beauty of filters like 2xsai you can follow my tutorial: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=6114&view=&hl=compile&fromsearch=1 it looks more complicated then it actually is. half an hour of work! if everything fails just send me a pm...
  24. i'm using an x-arcade and ps2 adapters. but the ps adapters are connected to pads and the xarcade is connected as a keyboard. why would you not connect it the direct way? some bad ps adapters produce some lags when playing... if you want your x-arcade to work as joypads then just use ppc2joy!
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