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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. I'm not sure sorry. You might need to ask someone at Mameworld for this one.
  2. Great links from 2005 Here is an updated link http://gameads.gamepressure.com/
  3. I remember someone on Mameworld mentioning something about the bufferoverflowu.lib file. Have a look on the Mameworld compiling forum and do a search for that. I found more info about it on Google http://www.intel.com/support/performanceto...b/cs-020442.htm
  4. All that is doing is using the MinGW mingw32-make.exe for the make file but it is configured to use the 64-bit compiler in the Platform SDK (ie. It won't use GCC) Dont forget you will need to download the Microsoft Platform SDK and DirectX SDK. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en
  5. I did test the LCD output during attract mode using PortMon and it worked okay for me. There is one thing I saw that might be causing it not to work during attract mode so can you try 2.64 and get back to me?
  6. I remember you saying on Mameworld that you couldn't install VS 2005. Have you tried downloading the Platform SDK? It has a command line 64 bit compiler in that. Here is a batch file I wrote for compiling Mame using that. The problem is I don't have a 64 bit machine to test it on. Apparently you can't compile a 64-bit version of Mame on a 32-bit processor. So it won't be until I can get a 64-bit processor will I be able to test. Your welcome to use my batch file as a guide and see if you can get it compiling. If you are successful maybe you could give me feedback on how you did it then I might be able to add support in Mame Compiler. @ECHO OFF REM CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.Cmd" /XP64 /RETAIL REM CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)\Utilities\Bin\dx_setenv.cmd" REM CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 SET SDKBASE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 SET DXBASE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007) SET PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%SDKBASE%\Bin\win64\x86\AMD64 SET INCLUDE=%SDKBASE%\Include;%SDKBASE%\Include\crt;%DXBASE%\Include SET LIB=%SDKBASE%\Lib\AMD64 mingw32-make MSVC_BUILD=1 PTR64=1 pause
  7. lol did you paste that from the other thread lol Have we been around so long we can do that now?
  8. You can't use those cool AT&T voices in the SAPI 5 API AFAIK. Which totally sucks I know, and that's why I got samples of them instead. I was trying to add SAPI 4 support today but for some reason it didn't work. That has some more MS voices like RoboSoft. The issue with the language settings would be one I would have to ask Tom about (or a feature request perhaps?). He needs to send the right text based on the setting to the plugin. Probably an easy fix for him to do also.
  9. I have sound stuttering when I run Direct Draw mode on my PC. Changing it to Direct3D fixes that *shrugs*
  10. I think I remember someone else having this problem with bezels. I think if you switch to d3d<->ddraw it might fix that.
  11. Version 2.63 Released - Fixed Random LCD function
  12. This is what I get for not testing Can you try the attached PluginLCD.dll. I've fixed the random LCD thing. Now I'm going to be running some tests to see if I can find the bug causing LED's not to light after running attract mode for a while.
  13. My cab has a Pentium 4 3 Ghz, Windows XP SP2, 1 gig of RAM and I can run GameEx for days no problem I'm sure we would be getting dozens of posts about it if GameEx couldn't run for a long time on a mid range PC. If your power supply is the only thing you havn't tried replacing yet... hmmm that reminds me of the cheap case I bought for my cab. It's power supply died in a few months. You don't have a cheap case and/or power supply do you? I'm not sure if your running GameEx on a cab, but those things can get hot if they don't get some sort of air flow. I have my cab well ventilated with 2 12cm fans at the back. A point in case recently was someone who had their machine freezing all the time. Someone asked him about ventilation and he put in a fan I think it was and the freezing went away. You'd be suprised how machines can sometimes malfunction like the first "bug" in a computer was a real bug (a moth)
  14. A guy over on BYOAC wanted a program that would play a sound whenever a coin was dropped into his mech. So here is the program. It plays a 1up.wav file (which you can change) when the 5 key is pressed (default for P1_COIN). If you need it modified in some way I'm sure it would be easy enough to do. You can place the file in the Startup folder and it will run all the time. CoinSound.zip
  15. Maybe try using Command Line Mame instead of Mame32. You really should be running the Command Line version with GameEx anyway. If you have Mame rotated, GameEx rotated and CPWizard all rotated in software, then you should _not_ have your Intel graphics card set to rotate. You either rotate your graphics card (hardware rotation) and leave all the other software alone, or you set your graphics card to no rotation and turn on rotate in all the software. I have no idea what turning on both hardware and software rotation would do but it would probably cause a few strange problems.
  16. Hmmm yeah you don't have any ctrlr file set. This is a strange one for sure. I'm clutching at straws now but when you make a change in Mame (like delete those cfg files) you should exit out of CPWizard and load it again. I forgot to ask you as well can you post your CPWizard.ini file that might hold a clue.
  17. Okay first strange thing is I copied all those cfg files into my Mame\cfg and I didn't get any errors. I still have no idea where those errors in your log file are coming from. But I have a feeling it's the cause of all your mapping problems I tried out your "My Layout.xml" file and Centipede, Millipede, Ms PacMan and PacMan Plus all display correctly for me *shrugs* I guess the next thing to do is post me your mame.ini file along with your ctrlr file if your using one. Also I need to know if your using standard command line Mame or not.
  18. Okay I figured it out!! You are using mame32FXpp which does not have a standard mame.ini file. Place the attached mame.ini file into your Mame folder. That should work! MameIni.zip
  19. Can you post me your ctrlr, cfg\default.cfg and layout files
  20. I dont see any zip file? Also can you check your CPWizard.ini file and check under the MameFolders section that your Cfg= is correctly pointing to your Mame\cfg folder. BTW You can only save layouts in the layout folder
  21. GameEx has a very basic CP viewer that reads directly from controls.ini which is why I wrote CPWizard. For CPWizard it should be displaying correctly. Do you have the latest version? There was an important update recently. I tried opening up your MyCab.xml in the latest version (I admit I did have to use your second configuration file), but it displayed correctly. Also check for a cfg\kchamp.cfg file. Delete it if there is one since you have your mappings inside your ctrlr file.
  22. Hmm okay this seems to be a common problem now. Can you zip up all your cfg files and post them here? It would help if I could get my hands on some ones that don't work so I can recreate the problem here. How do they not display correctly? I just tried Millipede and Centipede and they both display the same controls for me. Perhaps you should post here your layout file and explain what you expect to see and what CPWizard is doing wrong? Screenshot can help too, in fact if you select View > Preview you can actually select the game from the list then select the Control Panel menu option then File > Save to save a screenshot. Are these the errors you got before deleting the cfg files or after? It looks like a similar error to what 442much was getting. No I appreciate suggestions and comments, I was just thinking out loud. I did write code recently that turned off controls that wern't used. It's a little bit experimental so I turned it off for now. I will have another look at it some time though Good ol' C64 PEEK'n' and POKE'n'
  23. headkaze

    Bezel Question

    Here is the one with the purple background
  24. I tend to agree with Brian here .NET applications are notoriously "stable" and rarely cause a system to freeze or crash "ungracefully". Now when you say you run VP from GameEx and leave it running for a few hours I assume you mean your not playing the game, it's just sitting there running on the same screen right? So how can it be an application fault if it's just sitting there idle? The application can't be causing the fault here unless it is constantly allocating or thrashing memory or causing a memory leak but that is highly unlikely (since that's a bug everyone would be getting and would have been discovered by now). GameEx has launched the VP application, it's not doing anything other than waiting in the background. VP is sitting there in a loop polling for user input. So in conclusion it does seem highly probably that it is a RAM, overheating or hardware problem. Although I'm not sure if you said your running Vista or not but drivers are notoriously unstable in Vista or it could be some other software or driver or service running on your system. Have you got all the current Vista updates? SP1? And SP2 is on it's way too I hear. Have you gone to the website of your motherboard manufacturer and downloaded all the latest drivers? Have you updated your BIOS and any other drivers you need? You know there is alot you can do to help rule out what the problem is. But you need to experiment to eliminate possibilities. I worked as a computer technician for several years in a large hospital and what I learnt is that the "process of elimination" is the method to solve computer problems. Start with the most likely, and narrow it down until you find the culprit. Problems that "come and go" or are random in nature are the most difficult to identify and solve, and sometimes they require you to just replace, disable, uninstall or update something and "see what happens". I remember a client once who's computer kept freezing. It was a brand new PC that I built for him. I re-installed the OS, I tried different RAM, and I was perplexed and the customer was getting a little tired of bringing back the PC. Eventually I replaced the motherboard which was brand new and I even replaced it with the same model and it worked a charm. That's an extreme case but these things can happen, and it took alot of mucking around before I discovered what the fault was.
  25. http://nebula.emulatronia.com/
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