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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. Nice samples I've been meaning to collect some more for my cab! Well it seems the sample playback routine the plugin uses is quite limited. I really should update that to allow more formats like mp3 too. Anyway for now I just converted the samples that didn't play to 48000 Hz and that seemed to fix them. Here they are.. Also would love to see a video of it in action Samples.zip
  2. The error means invalid xml so that could actually mean an empty file (I guess). So I would view the cfg folder in explorer click the View->Details and see if there is a 0 KB file. CPWizard should be able to read your cfg files in fine as that's what it's designed to do it uses them for it's mapping system. Must be some file in there causing it though. If you do find the culprit can you post it here please.
  3. CPWizard has always allowed you to build your own CP using controls such as buttons. It's also has the capability to show correct button colors for CPs for a while now. If you take a look at the "Colors" layout it shows the button colors correctly. To see it in action set your Mame layout in Edit > Options to Colors and Show > Preview some games.
  4. Heh bonus. Didn't think it would fix that blinking issue lol
  5. The errors are for me to help debug, your not supposed to know how to fix them That error looks like there is a cfg file that contains incorrectly formatted xml. I'm not sure if you have custom keys set up for games, but I would backup your cfg folder in Mame then delete it's contents. Try CPWizard again and see if that error returns. I have a feeling this is not the problem causing your input not to respond. You need to run a game in Mame (outside GameEx) then show the menu for CPWizard. Then if it's not allowing input, then close off CPWizard using Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc) to end CPWizard.exe task. Close off Mame, then post your CPWizard.log. The reason for this is I need to read the error log after your experiencing the input problem and without GameEx running will help me narrow things down a bit more.
  6. Daphne is not supported yet unfortunately. I think I'll have to ask Tom about that one as it works different to the other Emulators. Have you checked out Audry she is a UK voice for AT & T This is where I created all the samples for the plugin.. http://www.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php
  7. Yeah that annoyed me other day as well when I wanted to edit a path manually. It will be fixed in next release.
  8. headkaze


    In the Setup Wizard if there is a button in the Karaoke section to install it then you don't have DXKaraoke installed.
  9. dwight: Sorry to hear about your HDD crash mate. Is it possible for you test out the latest version of the plugin when you get a chance? I still have no idea if the latest changes are what you were looking for.
  10. CPWizard v1.53 Released 5-1-07 - v1.51 Fixed bug if you don't select Mame exe at startup (Nologic) 6-1-07 - v1.52 Fixed Control Info offset bug 6-1-07 - v1.53 Updated graphics CPWizard just got a face lift
  11. It's not really that important which control you assign your LED's to, what is important are the KEYCODE/MOUSECODE/JOYCODE/GUNCODE's as they are used to light the controls. So as long as you put in the codes they should light up ok.
  12. When you say "I went down to my cab" what do you mean? Do you mean you were running CPWizard from Remote Desktop? I noticed it doesn't work on my cab via RD but it runs ok on the actual cab. The checkbox is only for Mame 0117 or below before the Raw Input System was introduced. Since then you can't send keys to Mame. Later versions of Mame send a message when it's paused so that is used. CPWizard detects the version of Mame your using a sets the options accordingly. Can you give me the names of the games that arn't showing the controls correctly? The problem with what you are suggesting (only showing controls if they are used for the game) is that CPWizard doesn't know your MOUSECODE label is for a spinner or for a trackball. I guess I could add another paramater to labels for identifying the type of control. The actual mapping occurs using the input code KEYCODE_, JOYCODE, MOUSECODE_ GUNCODE_ etc. so I would have to add another paramter like "Input Type" where you can specify the type of control.
  13. Hmm strange. Can you post your CPWizard.log file?
  14. Oh re-read your problem. That definately sounds like a hardware issue. Never heard of that before and I doubt the plugin would cause that.
  15. Version 2.62 Released - Hopefully fixed lighting not switching off all other LED's with Mame Output.
  16. Sorry about that my bad, I left code in there that cleared the LED's again. It was very late when I worked on that Okay try again. The erratic lighting is not much I can do about AFAIK. I know it looks strange I've seen it before, but its just the way the messages are recieved from Mame. Arzoo was having worse problems than me with his plugin there were massive delays in recieving the messages from Mame. Hopefully we can improve on it in the future.
  17. LWA (LEDWiz Animation file) was the original format developed by RandyT of GroovyGameGear for the LEDWiz. Me and arzoo wanted to expand on the the format by making it xml, more scalable and include more complex commands like looping and support for multiple hardware like the Ultimarc PacDrive so we created the LWAX format.
  18. There are quite a few undocumented features in the PluginLCD and one of them is the support for arzoo's LEDBlinky Animation Editor. After you configure your LEDWiz or PacDrive in the PluginLCD it will save a file in the GameEx\PLUGINS\PluginLCD folder called DevicePort-Input.ini. 1. Download the LEDBlinkyAnimationEditor_1_5_0.zip file attached to this thread 2. Extract the contents into a folder of your choice and copy the PluginLCD's DevicePort-Input.ini file into that folder 3. Run the LEDBrlinkyAnimationEditor.exe 4. First you need to create a layout that matches your CP, so select Layout->New... and select the DevicePort-Input.ini file from PluginLCD 5. Now you need to move the LED's around into the design of your CP, next click Layout->Save As.. and save your lay file 6. Next you want to create a new custom LED animation, so select Animation->New 7. Now you can create your own LWAX animation NOTE: You can also load up the LWAX files located in GameEx\PLUGINS\PluginLCD\LWAX and play them back or modify them. Have fun LEDBlinkyAnimationEditor_1_5_0.zip
  19. If you use the PluginLCD for your LEDWiz, PACDrive, BetaBrite or other flashy hardware how about posting a video on YouTube so we can all check it out? I've lost count of the number of hours I've spend coding it, so it would be really nice to see it in action on other people's cabs for a bit of pay-off! I'm sure Tom would like to see how it extends GameEx too!
  20. headkaze


    Most likely there is a Karaoke song title that has some strange character in it and GameEx is trying to cast a value in the cache file and failing. Just a guess... (check your Karaoke song list for strange characters?)
  21. Version 1.5 Released - Big update! Improved mapping accuracy (alot). Prompt to save added. tempest69: This should solve your problems with trackballs (and other controls) not showing labels and I've added prompt to save message
  22. Version 2.61 Released - This is quite a large update. - Trackballs should light correctly now
  23. Your absolutely right, something I should have fixed ages ago. When people report issues it really helps me remember these things (and motivate me to fix them). So I think I've fixed it but no time to test it on my machine (very busy today), so can you test Version 2.6 and let me know if it solves that? http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=4564
  24. In Version 2.6 I've just added a "Random Special Graphic" option and a Random LCD output. I've not had time to do a whole lot of testing so can you test this out for me? First test to do is to click one in the list of strings then click the "Test" button. Then enable "Random Special Graphic" and try pressing the "Test" button again. Then run GameEx and hopefully those random strings will appear on your BetaBrite. Really just threw that together so I hope it works okay lol http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=4564
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