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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. headkaze


    When trying to run GameEx on a machine with TinyXP the following error occurs Error: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbServicesWrapper.GetDataSour ce(OleDbConnectionString constr, DataSourceWrapper& datasrcWrapper) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(Ol eDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection connection) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionFactory.CreateCon nection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.Creat eNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetCo nnection(DbConnection owningConnection) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenCo nnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at l.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2) 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: at l..ctor() 22:02:56.9 11/01/2008: GameEx is exiting with errors 22:02:58.1 11/01/2008: ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING Has anyone actually tried installing Microsoft Jet 4.0 on a TinyXP machine? http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/239114 Anyone have an old PC lying around they can install TinyXP and see if we can get GameEx running on it?
  2. I should say I think I've found the bug since there were a few things that tricked me. That error in the log for example was actually created when I added in the extra debug logging. So it was not a bug from a previous release. Here is my theory on what caused the problem - You had LED animation turned on for the "Starting Attract" event. - I had some code in there that would not allow an event to complete once attract mode started - Since the event never completed it would never play the next event. So can you try 2.66 and let me know if it works? Hopefully I've fixed this bug. If it still doesn't work I'll have to add back some log output again and try again.
  3. 2.66 Released - Hopefully I've fixed the bug dwight was getting. - Fixed selecting Speech voice not saving properly Hey cool your right! I'm now using Crystal in the plugin, much better than Microsoft Sam!
  4. Now were getting somewhere.. EDIT: I found the bug! Now I just gotta fix it
  5. Thanks for hanging in there. Here is a debug version I've knocked up to give a bit more info in the log as to what might be happening. If you can just run as normal then start the attract for a while. Then post your PluginLCD.log file.
  6. DOH!
  7. Yep that has been fixed in the Setup Wizard
  8. There have been some issues with double quotes being screwed up due to the way ini files are read/written to. I thought we had it fixed. Can you be a bit more specific. Can you detail the exact events to reproduce the problem. What does the command line look like before and after it changes them. Is the Setup Wizard or Advanced Config messing with the double quotes?
  9. I was just running the plugin and the speech kept being triggered over and over. And then I realised that after playing a random sound I was not calculating another random amount to play next time. Fixed in 2.65.
  10. CPWizard 1.56 Released - Multiple object select/move/edit/cut/copy/paste. You can select multiple objects using the mouse to draw a selection or hold shift while you select objects. You can now edit object properties of multiple objects at once.
  11. Yep that's normal as it just plays the animation file and that's it when you press the Test button. It doesn't turn off the LED's after playing it so it depends on the last frame of animation as to what state the LED's will be in after playing.
  12. Hey dwight, you'll have to bare with me I've been a bit busy lately. I couldn't see anything wrong with your ini file. It did distract me for a moment on a quest to find Microsoft Anna for Windows XP though What I think I'll do is create a verbose debug version so we can track down exactly where it's failing when the attract mode starts. If you can please check in once in a while and I'll have it posted here for you soon. Cheers buddy.
  13. Yep that's the error I get.
  14. I just thought of something you could try. I always run Attract Mode to play Mame, but you have it set to play videos. Can you try setting it to run Mame instead and turn off videos. Also can you post your PluginLCD.ini file.
  15. Try this one @ECHO OFF CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.Cmd" /XP64 /RETAIL CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)\Utilities\Bin\dx_setenv.cmd" SET SDKBASE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 SET DXBASE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007) SET PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%SDKBASE%\Bin\win64\x86\AMD64 SET INCLUDE=%SDKBASE%\Include;%SDKBASE%\Include\crt;%DXBASE%\Include SET LIB=%SDKBASE%\Lib\AMD64 mingw32-make MSVC_BUILD=1 PTR64=1 pause
  16. Well the idea is to experiment until it works. But when I said remove the REM I meant just that not the whole line. So try with these two lines also CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.Cmd" /XP64 /RETAIL CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)\Utilities\Bin\dx_setenv.cmd" What those lines do is set up the environment for compiling using those tools. So I would try with these two also.
  17. The REM at the start of those lines are REMark's meaning they are not executed. I was just trying to get the thing to compile first. Then I found out the makefile would need some major changes to get a 64-bit version compiling on a 32-bit machine. So the batch file is supposed to compile using the free 64-bit command line compiler that comes with the Platform SDK. Maybe try removing the REM's on the first two lines and see if it compiles then?
  18. Thanks for sharing DJ Infinity, it's a shame you couldn't get it working using the batch file because that would be the only way I could add it to Mame Compiler. Those project files require Visual Studio and I was hoping to avoid the need for that.
  19. Have you pressed TAB in Mame and configured Button1 to be your OK button on the remote? Like I said OK is just the enter key. EDIT: Brian beat me to it
  20. CPWizard v1.55 Released - Added prompt to exit, can now edit most options, major graphics enhancement by Nologic (thanks mate!) sbaby: Sorry mate no current way to export with a custom list.
  21. headkaze

    Mame list issue

    The option is "Remove Text in Brackets" under Emulator Setup (2) in the Setup Wizard.
  22. headkaze

    Off topic

    Those look like little squares to me so I'm guessing I don't have Chinese fonts installed or something.
  23. All the MCE Remote does (for simple navigation anyway) is send the cursor keys when you use it's navigation and the VK_ENTER when you press the OK button. So why can't you have the enter key as fire?
  24. Be careful of using 2 "Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2" at the same time they are known to cause BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) on bootup. The solution is to install the newer drivers... http://www.wingmanteam.com/files/releases/LGS/5.01.256/
  25. The 300 seconds is not to play something every 300 seconds, it's play within 300 seconds (random). Random(300), so it can be between 0 to 300 seconds. Each time it plays a random event, the next one will be another random time between 0 and 300. Otherwise it would be annoying having everything play the exact time. Is there any error in your log file? You know I did have the same problem with buttons not lighting coming out of attract mode sometimes but I thought I fixed that problem. I've had the attract mode running for a long time and it never seems to stop working anymore. I'm happy to try and work with you to fix this problem. I'm not sure if it would be Vista causing the problem. I just find it strange it seems to be happening alot for you, and also the fact it doesn't show random LCD messages during attract mode is strange as well. Like I said I tested it with PortMon and it was working okay for me.
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