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Everything posted by headkaze

  1. I remember a similar problem with Virtua Tennis except you couldn't configure keys on some PC's as the config app would crash (happened to me on my cab). What I had to do was configure it on another PC then copy the config across. For something like that I would make an effort, but not for lazy sods!
  2. Attention whore? Do it for the Love! *sniff* I love you guys Your probably right, he's probably just going through some depression or something (very common in creative folks). I don't want to sound like the typical pessimist (as that's NoLogic's job) but I doubt anyone would want to take over the project. It's so hard to take over another project. I do hope he's commented his code well Oh and I didn't realise it was up for sale, I checked out the website and couldn't find any info on it. What price? And who would buy freeware?
  3. LOL (at least he's honest)!
  4. That's great I mean every bit helps even if it's a little bit. Fortunately for us Tom doesn't code GameEx for money otherwise the project would have died long ago. The idea of donations (and correct me if I'm wrong here Tom) is to help motivate the programmer, to feel appreciated (in a practical way other than a thankyou) and cover costs.. not for profit. On a personal level I would not be coding free software if I wanted money from it. I do it for the love of my hobby and for the community (and sometimes just to solve one of my own problems). I feel very close to the GameEx community in particular, including Tom who I consider a good friend, as well as other friends I have met on these boards. And to be honest I have been suprised by the donations I've recieved for CPWizard, and you guys have no idea but Tom does most of the donating for my projects - so it says alot to me about the type of guy he is and where he's coming from. Sorry I've kinda de-railed this thread. Back on topic though, it's a shame because I always wanted to contact Jonathan and give him my code for injecting input into Raw Input. He already has my code for injecting into Direct Input but I'm not sure if he did anything with it (he's a Delphi coder and the code I gave him was in C). He also gave me permission to use his controller graphics in CPWizard. Anyway shame to lose such a great project if that is the case. And your right again there Nologic, it's rare another coder can pick up someone elses project and still make it shine. When you look at Mame though Aaron has proven this trend to not be a given.
  5. The hiscore patch is only designed to patch vanilla Mame. I would never expect it to work in other derivitives. BTW I don't make the patches MKChamp does. You could always open the patch up in a text editor and apply the patches to the source files by hand then create a new diff file (this is quite easy to do and I've updated old diff's this way before). Since Mame Compiler is really only designed to work with vanilla Mame if you can compile other derivities with it that's a bonus (of course you wont be able to apply hiscore patches though unless they are specifically designed for that custom build of Mame).
  6. tempest69: That would be great and greatly appreciated! I've had quite a number of people ask how things work. Many people don't understand how it works and all the features. Usually I only go so far as to write a simple ReadMe.txt which is a shame. The thing is with supporting emulators and PC games is that all is fine and dandy until you find a game that doesn't like to be minimized. The PC game I used for testing was Far Cry and that game has no problem minimizing and being friendly to CPWizard. A confusion it will have for people is the default key to show the CP Viewer for everything other than Mame is 'L'. If your using a fairly recent version of Mame it detects pause to show the CP (by default is 'P'). So I can see how that would confuse some people off the bat. The other example profile I have is for Project64, this is where the problem begins. Project64 doesn't like being minimized. In fact it does strange things when you try to do that. I've always been meaning to sit down and figure that out. But anyway, at your disposal is the ability to send keys to each emulator/game before and after showing the CP. It also lets you customize the show button for each game/emulator. So it would be great if people started creating profiles for different games/emulators and posting them to share. Another thing is label files. Since scraping AllGame I have a good bunch of control data for many systems. But I got side tracked by converting that data into a form that CPWizard can use. If you look under the Labels folder you can see the format it uses (right now only way to edit them is by hand, but they are very simple files) Eg. Label File for PC Games with Far Cry example [Default] EMU_EMUNAME=PC Game [Far Cry] KEYCODE_5_PAD=Move Forward KEYCODE_W=Move Forward KEYCODE_2_PAD=Move Backward KEYCODE_S=Move Backward KEYCODE_4_PAD=Move Left KEYCODE_A=Move Left KEYCODE_6_PAD=Move Right KEYCODE_D=Move Right KEYCODE_ENTER_PAD=Jump KEYCODE_0_PAD=Crouch KEYCODE_LCONTROL=Crouch KEYCODE_RCONTROL=Crouch KEYCODE_V=Prone KEYCODE_Z=Walk KEYCODE_LSHIFT=Sprint/Switch Position KEYCODE_RSHIFT=Sprint/Switch Position KEYCODE_7_PAD=Lean Left KEYCODE_Q=Lean Left KEYCODE_9_PAD=Lean Right KEYCODE_Y=Chat KEYCODE_U=Team Chat KEYCODE_TAB=Objectives/Scoreboard KEYCODE_F=Use KEYCODE_SPACE=Hold Breath KEYCODE_SLASH_PAD=Flashlight KEYCODE_L=Flashlight KEYCODE_B=Binoculars KEYCODE_T=Cry Vision KEYCODE_F12=Take Screenshot KEYCODE_F1=Switch View MOUSECODE_1_BUTTON1=Fire KEYCODE_R=Reload KEYCODE_NUMLOCK=Toggle Firemode MOUSECODE_1_Z_UP=Next Weapon KEYCODE_PGDN=Next Weapon MOUSECODE_1_Z_DOWN=Previous Weapon KEYCODE_PGUP=Previous Weapon KEYCODE_J=Drop Weapon KEYCODE_H=Cycle Grenades KEYCODE_G=Throw Grenade MOUSECODE_1_BUTTON2=Toggle Zoom KEYCODE_PLUS_PAD=Zoom In KEYCODE_MINUS_PAD=Zoom Out KEYCODE_1=Weapon Slot 1 KEYCODE_2=Weapon Slot 2 KEYCODE_3=Weapon Slot 3 KEYCODE_4=Weapon Slot 4 So I'm happy for you to help in any way by creating a tutorial or instructions and you can always PM me or get my e-mail address if you ever need to ask a question about it.
  7. Yes 1:45 sounds about right for a quad core It should be even faster in Version 1.11! (If you were using the earlier version) I'm not sure if the new optimization flags I put in 1.11 will make a difference in the 64-bit builds as they might only be gcc specific. But I didn't realise the old ones were removed from the makefile a few releases ago. BTW In case you didn't know the "Clean Compile" option deletes the obj folder before it compiles.
  8. The whole idea of Mame Compiler is so you don't have to know how it works lol If you want to know how to do it manually you can PM me and I'll explain in more depth. I have no idea if WinUI versions will compile or not as I have no interest in UI versions. Your welcome to experiment yourself and let us know if you have any success.
  9. headkaze

    Games Missing

    Are you updating your rom set to match the version of Mame then doing the update?
  10. I think there is a common misconception amongst hobbiest coders that they can make money from writing freeware and relying on donations. Unfortunately it's highly unlikely you'll make much even with something that is enomously popular. Nag screens are actually a good way to improve on that but still nothing to write home about. I think Nologic might be right in his assumption, he's probably seeing the number of downloads vs. donations and thinks the world is one great big tight ass lol That being said if you want to improve on donation count you really have to build a community around your software. People are less likely to donate to an author they haven't ever spoke to (IMHO). People have a mindset about software, that is should be free. That is all good and well until you decide you want to be a programmer to make a living. To survive writing freeware you have to love coding and not expect anything from anyone. Donations should be considered a bonus. But if your driven with the expectation of making money you will be disappointed and probably eventually become jaded.
  11. When you appy the diff patch the button for selecting menu items is changed to '1'. '1' is more cab friendly but you can always remap it back to something else if you want. Again the patch does this by design. Yep I compile Mame64 in about 5:30 mins Yes you can optimize for Dual Core/Quad Core just select Pentium M/Dual Core from the Optimization list. I also put a tick next to "Dual Core" as that speeds up compiling by multithreading on the two processors.
  12. DJInfinity: Okay uninstall Version 1.0 and try 1.1. Let me know how you go.
  13. At the moment your guess is as good as mine. I did notice there was a bug in 0.122u8 that crashed seattle games in a 64-bit compile but aparently it was fixed in 123. Mame isn't crashing when running seattle games because you can still show the menu. Since there is no display or sound my guess is it's the emulation. BTW You don't need VS2005 to compile Mame64 because the Platform SDK includes a 64-bit compiler. Express editions on the other hand don't include a 64-bit compiler. Mame Compiler includes bare minimum installs of Platform SDK R2 (MinGW\psdk) and DirectX SDK (MinGW\dxsdk). I think this might be a question for mameworld I just gotta get all my test results together to make a post about it.
  14. It's not really a secret anymore as compiling is working in Mame Compiler it just seems there is some problem with games based on the seattle.c driver (Eg. most of those games you tested like Blitz, Carnevil, Mace etc.) I'm still not sure what is causing the problem. There is a batch file called Make_Mame64.bat located in the MinGW\source\Mame0123 folder that you can use to compile Mame outside of Mame Compiler. Your welcome to help me try and locate what the problem is.
  15. Yeah I see what you mean, there is definately something wrong here. I don't think it's because they are chd games though I think it might be something to do with Direct3D. Perhaps I'm using wrong versions of the lib's? I'm going to try a different version now and see if that will work otherwise we may need to ask on mameworld to get the same version as someone with a working Mame64 compile. EDIT: Tried a different version of the DirectX SDK and still having problems with those games *shrugs*
  16. I don't know if it will compile Mame32XT or Mame32FX as I don't see the need for them. Just apply the hi_123.diff file if you want to add hiscore support. That works fine. Having VS2005/VS2008 etc. installed should not effect the compiling at all. Mame Compiler is completely stand-alone and does not use any external programs. I would like to get this working on Vista 64 so any addtional info you can provide on that would help.
  17. Yes I get that error too, but mame runs fine for me. I haven't tested this on Vista 64 so maybe I need to make some changes for it to work on that OS. I just don't have a Vista 64 machine to test I'm afraid. Is there a different Platform SDK needed for Vista 64? If so does overwriting C:\MinGW\psdk with those files make it work successfully?
  18. Version 1.0 Released - Adding support for compiling Mame64 Uninstall the old version of Mame Compiler if you already have it installed. This version of Mame Compiler extracts MinGW to your System Drive (Eg. C:\MinGW). Source is now placed in MinGW\source and patches are placed in MinGW\patches. NOTE: If your doing a Mame64 compile you may have to press GO! again a few times when you get an "Error -99"
  19. Sounds good I'm happy as long as there is a standard across the board. So if the defaults are changed in the Setup Wizard as well then I think it's a good idea to to reoganize the folder structure especially since there are a tonne more emu's supported by your configs. One thing I think I should add to the Setup Wizard is a button to "Create default folder structure". What that could do is allow you to set a default root path (Eg. D:\Emulators) then the Setup Wizard goes through every emu config and creates the default folders for them. It could also then change the default paths inside the configs based on root path and artwork folders. That would take alot of the pain out of it; since then you can create the default structure then copy the old emu's over (or download the new archives) and then just overwrite the old configs with Nologic's new ones. You'd be suprised how few emu's I have installed. I just haven't had time to set them up and I'm looking forward to going through and adding some more. On that note I think we should delete all the old configs also. Like I said I'm happy to change things so it's more organised as long as there isn't a mix of the old structure in there.
  20. Nope No you don't need a custom compiled version, that is only if you want to display the CP *inside* Mame. CPWizard will still work with vanilla Mame running in the background and minimizing Mame. I still haven't had a chance to test inside Vista. Stay tuned and I'll see what I can do
  21. Yep the custom CP layout hasn't been implemented yet.
  22. Can you try this.. Go into Edit->Options->Mame and turn off the "Use Overlay" option. Let me know how you go.
  23. Download 1.61 again and it should work in Vista 64 now
  24. Can you post your CPWizard.ini file
  25. Check out Instant Sheller
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