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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. I have an FTP account with Circo.... And yes, what you said makes way more sense than what I thought you meant... Thanks for clarifying!
  2. Check out this thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...amp;#entry43285 Bkenobi and I have been discussing two different Scripts for converting mouse movements to keystrokes. If his works for you, you should use that one, because his will work on both the X and Y axis'. Mine is only for the X axis, but could be changed to include the Y axis. So far as the button press, that could probably be handled by a script as well...
  3. I have to admit, I have a really hard time trying to figure out what people are talking about... what does this mean?
  4. Thanks for posting Xpoisonfreex, Now maybe somebody will listen to all of my complaints. Feel free to wait 100 days after I have posted, then posting yourself to see if it draws any attention... Ps: I see you reading this BK!
  5. Brian, I'm tired, and feeling especially silly, but couldn't one write-protect the config? or wouldn't that work? Edit: Damn! BK beat me to it... I blame it on my slow connection, and poor typing skills...
  6. http://www.gameex.net/Download/tabid/67/Default.aspx It' a couple of links below the Gameex download.
  7. I googled it... More British Humour! My bad, I thought he mistakenly said Jim instead of Tom... I wish you guys would run some sort of a disclaimer when you do this sort of thing.
  8. My wife and I watched "Vantage Point" the other night, it was interesting. I like it when somebody comes up with an unusual idea on how to unravel the plot... It's better than I make it sound...
  9. I had a couple of minutes to play with this... I don't think that any variation of "Block input" belongs in this script... If you see it differently let me know.
  10. Tempest

    640x480 Theme

    yep.. turn around, take 10 steps, turn left, take 18 steps, turn left again, and don't stop till your outta here! I belive you can import Mamewah Layouts...I don't know if they have anything you like in a 640x480, I just thought I'd mention it...
  11. First off, I'm a little disappointed that your post didn't start off with "LJA"... I haven't had any problems with my script so far...But as you know, I spend way more time getting things to work than I do playing the games. When I do play, I have a tendency to play on my Tempest machine. (I've been having issues with that too, so I call it "testing".) I found a loose wire on it, which I thought fixed everything, but a couple of days ago it started acting weird again (graphics FU), so I cleaned the edge connectors, and so far so good... What were we talking about? Oh yeah... I guess I couldn't tell you a whole lot. For some reason, your script crashes GX on my machine, and mine doesn't. If yours works for you, then the biggest advatage I can see with mine is that it would be real easy to convert Left/right to pg up/down with the existing key combo... Or ypu could add a separate keypress for pg up/down. Of course if you wanted to use a key combo, it wouldn't be difficult to add the code to your script either.... I still think the biggest thing is that I'm asking for trouble leaving the mouse where the user left it, but I haven't tested that either... I'll have to put it on my "to do" list. This was my first script as well, and I started with a script from AHK forums... This line: BlockInput Mouse ; user mouse input is ignored during MouseMove came from there, and I assume it would fix your problems. I look forward to hearing the results of your testing... Edit: I looked up "blockinput mouse" in the AHK help file. I'm sure it was the correct code for the script I copied, but in my script it should probably be "blockinput mousemove".
  12. I could be reading this the wrong way but.... I think what you are saying is that if I have problems, then I should put in the code that you have to place the mouse in a position that will not interfere with GX. Another problem that I assume could happen without that code is that if the cursor was in one of the extreme edges, then the script would not work, because X may not be able to be < or > XO. You see I don't think you were really asking me a question, because I'm pretty sure you knew the answer, especially since you answered it yourself. Don't take me wrong, I appreciate the help, and advice, but you pretty much have to club me over the head with something before it sinks in. If that weren't true, then I would have done this: sooner... From now on, I would like it if when you are trying to help if you would begin your post with LJA (look jack-ass), "Insert advice here" You won't hurt my feelings... I Promise!
  13. I looked at your script, and changed: SendPlay {Blind}{up} To: SendInput {up DownTemp} SendInput {up Up} As you suggested previously.... My code now looks like this: #NoEnv #SingleInstance force SetBatchLines -1 Process Priority,,R BlockInput Mouse ; user mouse input is ignored during MouseMove CoordMode Mouse, Screen ; absolute coordinates SetMouseDelay -1 ; fastest action MouseGetPos x0, y0 ; get initial mouse pointer location SetTimer WatchMouse, 1 ; run the subroutine fast (10..16ms) Return WatchMouse: IfWinActive GameEx| { MouseGetPos x, y ; get current mouse position GetKeyState, state, LCtrl ; Check if "a" key is pressed if state = D ; "LCtrl" is down (left/right) { If (x < x0) { SendInput {left DownTemp} SendInput {left Up} } Else If (x > x0) { SendInput {right DownTemp} SendInput {right Up} } } ; "LCtrl" is not down (up/down) Else { If (x < x0) { SendInput {down DownTemp} SendInput {down Up} } Else If (x > x0) { SendInput {up DownTemp} SendInput {up Up} } } MouseMove x0, y0, 0 ; set mouse to original location } Return z::ExitApp ; stop the madness It works, and Gameex does not crash! Thanks for the help!
  14. OK - Good news - Bad news.... Good news: It works! The script included in the zip file was different than the one I had. Maybe there is more than one version on the forums? The version I had of Mouse2key had alot of lines commented out (the whole section for pg up/down, among others.) Bad News: It did not work with my config, so I used Beyond Compare, and made some changes to make my config look more like yours. I then went crazy, and deleted alot of the B.S. out of my config (unused emulators, and paths). I ran Gameex, and it worked the first time, but when I shut Gameex down, and started again it crashed. I tried replacing the Gameex.ini file with the same one that ran sucessfully the first time, but it didn't help. I restarted my computer, and Gameex ran again... once. I'm sure I can start over, and get this working, but this doesn't make any sense to me. Here is my log: 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: GameEx: Version 9.42: Starting Log 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Operating System Platform: Win32NT 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Operating System Name: Windows XP 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Operating System Version: 5.1.2600 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: .net Framework 2.0 Installed 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.70GHz, 511MB 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: 1.7Ghz 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Running Randomize() 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Loading PlugIns 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup 09:47:22.4 8/2/2008: Launching and not waiting: C:\Mouse2Key (GameEx) 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Running Misc startup tasks 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Setting Menu types 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Opening Configuration File 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Getting Configuration Values 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Using Theme: Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Launching HideOS.exe 09:47:22.8 8/2/2008: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Hiding Taskbar 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Is Media Center running? 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Media Center Mode 0 09:47:22.9 8/2/2008: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Snap Delay set to: 2 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Get other settings 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Mouse Input is disabled 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Backing up Registry Wallpaper Settings 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Start work for Form 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Getting Original Screen Size 09:47:23.0 8/2/2008: Opening Database Connection 09:47:23.1 8/2/2008: Initializing Component 09:47:23.3 8/2/2008: Retrieving resolution setting 09:47:23.3 8/2/2008: MAME Path is: C:\MameUI32 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: MAME EXE file is: MameUI32.exe 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: ROM Path is: C:\MameUI32\roms 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Catver.ini is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\catver.ini 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: History.dat is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\history.dat 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: nplayers.ini is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\nplayers.ini 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA\mameinfo.dat 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Loading Controls.ini map file 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Snap Path is: C:\MameUI32\snap 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: AVI Snap Path is: C:\MameUI32\video snap 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Flyer Path is: C:\MameUI32\flyers 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Cabinet Path is: C:\MameUI32\cabinets 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Title Path is: C:\MameUI32\titles 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: PCB Path: Not Found 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Artwork Preview Path is: C:\MameUI32\artwork 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Panel Path is: C:\MameUI32\cpanel 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Manual Path is: C:\MameUI32\manuals 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Icon Path is: C:\MameUI32\icons 09:47:23.4 8/2/2008: Marquee Path is: C:\MameUI32\marquees 09:47:23.5 8/2/2008: Loading Custom Emulators 09:47:23.8 8/2/2008: Using 2D Animations 09:47:23.8 8/2/2008: Using General Font: Verdana 09:47:23.8 8/2/2008: Using Title Font: Joystix 09:47:23.8 8/2/2008: Attempting to load game list 09:47:23.9 8/2/2008: Initialising DirectDraw 09:47:24.0 8/2/2008: Creating DirectDraw Device 09:47:24.0 8/2/2008: Using Device: Primary Display Driver 09:47:24.5 8/2/2008: 13mb video memory available 09:47:24.6 8/2/2008: Setting Resolution to 1024x768 32 bit color 09:47:24.6 8/2/2008: Creating DirectDraw Surfaces 09:47:24.6 8/2/2008: Creating Primary Surface - Full Screen Mode 09:47:24.7 8/2/2008: Creating Back Buffer 09:47:24.7 8/2/2008: Loading graphic Surfaces 09:47:24.7 8/2/2008: Display is running at: 1024x768 32bit color, 60hz 09:47:24.8 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Flags 09:47:24.8 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs 09:47:24.9 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Volume 09:47:24.9 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Arrows 09:47:24.9 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text 09:47:24.9 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar 09:47:25.0 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surface Unselected 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Snaps 09:47:25.1 8/2/2008: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars 09:47:25.3 8/2/2008: Creating Fonts 09:47:25.3 8/2/2008: Creating Game Font 09:47:25.5 8/2/2008: Creating Menu Font 09:47:25.5 8/2/2008: Restoring Menu Font From Cache 09:47:25.6 8/2/2008: Creating Font Black 09:47:26.0 8/2/2008: Creating Font Black Small 09:47:26.2 8/2/2008: Creating Game Font Faded 09:47:26.4 8/2/2008: Creating Title Font 09:47:26.4 8/2/2008: Restoring Title Font From Cache 09:47:26.7 8/2/2008: Fonts Created Succesfully 09:47:26.7 8/2/2008: 0mb video memory left available 09:47:26.7 8/2/2008: Creating instance of global keyboard hook 09:47:26.7 8/2/2008: Text/Language: English 09:47:26.7 8/2/2008: Applying Language/Text 09:47:26.8 8/2/2008: Initialising Bass Audio Library 09:47:27.1 8/2/2008: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo 09:47:27.1 8/2/2008: Loading last used Game List 09:47:27.1 8/2/2008: Loading Start Page 09:47:27.2 8/2/2008: Setting Music Volume 09:47:27.2 8/2/2008: Creating DirectSound Device 09:47:27.2 8/2/2008: Trying: Primary Sound Driver 09:47:27.2 8/2/2008: Loading Sound Files 09:47:27.3 8/2/2008: DirectSound Device Created Successfully 09:47:27.3 8/2/2008: Creating ICONS 09:47:27.3 8/2/2008: Recreating ICONS 09:47:27.8 8/2/2008: Gamepad/Joystick disabled 09:47:27.8 8/2/2008: Initializing MCE Remote 09:47:27.8 8/2/2008: Playing intro sound file 09:47:27.8 8/2/2008: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx! 09:47:27.8 8/2/2008: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame 09:47:28.9 8/2/2008: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully 09:47:29.0 8/2/2008: 21 Consecutive Exceptions Occured 09:47:29.0 8/2/2008: Index was outside the bounds of the array. 09:47:29.1 8/2/2008: at q.d() at q.am() 09:47:29.1 8/2/2008: Trying reinitialising the display after sleeping for 4 seconds 09:47:29.1 8/2/2008: Exception count will be dropped to 15 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: --**-- 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: 21 Consecutive Exceptions Occured: Exiting 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: Closing database connection 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: First Exception: 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: Index was outside the bounds of the array. 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: at q.d() 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: at q.am() 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: Last Exception: 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: Index was outside the bounds of the array. 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: at q.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3) 09:47:35.7 8/2/2008: at q.am() 09:47:37.3 8/2/2008: Exiting GameEx! 09:47:37.3 8/2/2008: Saving Settings 09:47:38.4 8/2/2008: Disposing Plugins 09:47:38.4 8/2/2008: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit I ran the Gamex.ini through Beyond Compare before, and after the crash. It doesn;t show too much... the differences are shown in blue... Text Compare Produced: 8/2/2008 9:59:23 AM Mode: Differences, With Context Left file: H:\RacerX_Config\myGameEx.ini Right file: H:\GameEx.ini EMU_4_ShowDesktop=True = EMU_4_ShowDesktop=True EMU_4_Debug=False EMU_4_Debug=False EMU_4_Command=mess.exe nes -cart
  15. Brian - yes, its a mouse device Bkenobi - I never got your script to work either...it was too complicated for me (no disrespect intended, I couldn't figure it out ), so I tried making my own. Now that you mention it though, my script works just like yours, Gameex does not respond to either one... I've got AHK installed on the computer, do I need something else? Why does it move the cursor in notepad, but not GX? Especially if you are able to navigate GX with a script. I'm sure you'll try mine when you get time, and let me know? BTW: It navigates in Notepad really well!
  16. I've been working on a script to use the steering wheel in my driving cab to control Gameex. The script below works well to navigate in Notepad, but for some reason does not work in Gameex. I have tried: 1. Setting "Use Mouse" to Yes, and No 2. Setting "Cab control friendly" to No I can navigate using left/right, and up/down on the keyboard just fine, so I don't know why this script will navigate in Notepad, but not Gameex. Ideas? #NoEnv SetBatchLines -1 Process Priority,,R BlockInput Mouse ; user mouse input is ignored during MouseMove CoordMode Mouse, Screen ; absolute coordinates SetMouseDelay -1 ; fastest action MouseGetPos x0, y0 ; get initial mouse pointer location SetTimer WatchMouse, 1 ; run the subroutine fast (10..16ms) Return WatchMouse: MouseGetPos x, y ; get current mouse position GetKeyState, state, LCtrl ; Check if "a" key is pressed if state = D ; "LCtrl" is down (left/right) { If (x < x0) { SendPlay {Blind}{left} } Else If (x > x0) { SendPlay {Blind}{right} } } ; "LCtrl" is not down (up/down) else { If (x < x0) { SendPlay {Blind}{up} } Else If (x > x0) { SendPlay {Blind}{down} } } MouseMove x0, y0, 0 ; set mouse to original location Return z::ExitApp ; stop the madness; make the script persistent I have posted at AHK forum, so far nobody has been able to help...
  17. Check this thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=5091 Brian has done all the work for you...
  18. It's under "Display Settings"... And I already had it on... seems like I would have thought to mention it.
  19. In each emulator config, set "Show Desktop" to "False". A few emulators don't like this setting, and won't run, so if you have one that "breaks", you'll have to change the setting back for that emulator. If you are running an emulator that won't let you hide the desktop, you could make your desktop black, and clear the shortcuts off of it. That way, when it shows, nobody knows...
  20. I don't have an exact answer. but your problem is with mame. I think you can add command line options to set the resolution in mame, but I have also read that different games may have different resolutions based on the .cfg files in the CFG folder. I tell you this, not as a solution, but to give you an idea of what it is you are searching for. I would start by searching the forum for "mame command line options", and see if there IS an option for resolution. If your using mameui, there may be a setting in the GUI.
  21. I would check and make sure all boards and connectors are seated properly....
  22. I just compiled for the first time. XP 64 bit. I didn't get any errors, but my file is named vmame, whereas the one in the binary package is named vmame64. Did I miss a step, or is that correct? I will be transferring data for awhile, and it will put my mind at ease if someone could let me know....
  23. MY mistake then... Sorry about that!
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