HK, I want you to know I took offense to your post this morning... I think I woke up in a bad mood! (I'm ok now ) I had already re-read the whole thread, and double (quadruple) checked everything, before I posted last time, and could not find any errors. I uninstalled, and re-installed Gameex, and (almost) everything is working fine now. Please don't think that I don't try to get things working on my own... I had it working before, so I obviously had it right once, and then screwed something up. I have one question, When I was talking about having the Gameex default profile on the whole time that I am in Gameex, It would have been my intention to still have the game buttons light while in the list. Currently, if I put a tick in the "Use Gameex Profile in List" box, it stops the buttons from lighting in the game list. I don't know if that's what you intended or not, Since you have the 2 checkboxes: Use Gameex Profile in List Light Game Buttons in List I expected them to work independently of each other... If this is working the way you want it to, don't mind me.... Thanks again for your help!