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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Are you sure I didn't change my post after reading your comment?
  2. I was going to ask you to post your config, but to save time, I'll post mine: [Emulator_6] Enabled=False STARTPAGENAME=[Pinball] (Visual PinMAME) TITLETEXT=Visual PinMAME StartPageLogo=Visual Pinball ROMFilter=*.vpt RomPath=C:\Emulators\Pinball\Tables SnapPath= TitlePath= BoxPath= CartPath= ManualPath= ControlPanelPath= InstructionsPath= WorkingPath=C:\Emulators\Pinball\Tables MapKeys=True WaitBeforeKeys= SendKeys= ReplaceDash=True ReplaceUnder=True Capitals=True RemoveBrackets=True ShowDesktop=True Debug=False MAPFile= AlsoLaunch=[apppath]\vpauto.exe Command=..\VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMFILE]" OLDatZip= LaunchBefore= LaunchAfter= configFile= ExcludedFiles= CustomBackground= PlayMusic=False DontShowInfo= PlaySelectionMusic=False SelectionMusicFolder= PCGame=False DATABASE= GamesIn7Zips=False PlayInScreenSaver=False ShowMostPlayed=True RandomMostPlayed=False CDCheck=False CDCheckFile= [GENERAL] DumbyValue= I think the important things are: Showdesktop = true The call to VPauto...Vpauto should already be in your Gameex folder. Set your working path to your rom (tables) path Use the .. in your command - ..\VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMFILE]" Make sure VPinball.exe is in the root folder (just above your tables.) BTW: I haven't read your comment yet, so if it wasn't nice, I'll be back to change this reply... That's funnier than I planned, because you won't know if this is the original reply or not!
  3. Sorry, I use nestopia... Maybe someone else can help you with JNES. I'm not bragging, this is actually dumb to admit... I have 47 emulators running through Gameex, and I haven't mapped ANY (except Mame, and Mame compatible) of them, so I can't play the games on my cab. Maybe I should work on that?
  4. Try setting "show desktop" to "true"... otherwise yeah, post your config. IMTempest
  5. @BK - That would be considerate of you, could you PM us before you go? @Chris - Would you mind posting a pic of yourself in your lederhosen? @Flash - If you want to talk about your theme, could you please start a new thread, and stop hi-jacking this one?
  6. If you are going to start over with Gameex, and you have the space, I would make a copy of the entire directory. At the very minimum, make a copy of your Gameex.ini.
  7. I don't know about incorporating Flash into Gameex, but I do know that they have already started using the new databases that he has been working on with the use of some tools that Headkaze created. I can't believe you haven't heard about, that's all he does is ramble on about completing this database, and having problems with that one. Can't get him to shut about it really, it's starting to become annoying...
  8. This is funny! Why is it that Tom & I have such a humor/humour barrier? Here are some links to Black & White Vector arcade games: http://www.klov.com/S/Space_Wars.html http://www.klov.com/A/Asteroids.html http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter...p;game_id=10408 http://www.klov.com/R/Rip_Off.html These have color overlays: http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=9289 http://www.klov.com/A/Armor_Attack.html http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=7059 http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=10012 http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=10013 It's a shame I don't spend my time doing something useful....
  9. I apologize in advance for trashing another one of your threads... I think this was before you started hanging around, but if you want to talk about shoes, you really should ask Bk about his wifes' collection... Last week, I thought I was getting smarter, because I answered some questions, but come to find out BK was just on vacation... Lastly, your new theme looks wonderful, and I think you should give yourself a new "member title". I'm not sure if member has the same alternative meaning as it does here, but if it does, I didn't mean to go there (but go ahead, and call it what you want) I only have one suggestion... Would you PLEASE use a B&W vector game somewhere in the theme? A couple of more emoticons, and I'm done!
  10. Tempest

    Mame snaps

    Here is the how, what, and why from Circo... http://emumovies.com/wordpress/?p=79
  11. Stuttering - If you have "triple buffer" as an option in your commandline, or in your mame.ini, try not using it. Trackball - Press Tab while in Mame, and in the player 1 controls, you will see an entry for Trackball (X,Y) Inc / Dec. set those to use your joystick. (X is left / right, Y is up / down)
  12. I appreciate your response, I have a tendency to sound like a smart a$$ (probably because I am one), but I really was wondering if I was missing something... Alot of the time I am...
  13. I think that proves you didn't have the right Codec...
  14. The only thing I see is that you could use a romfilter, just in case there's other stuff in your folder, Otherwise try not using a Database...
  15. I read this stuff, and wonder if I'm "Out to Lunch"... Is something wrong with what the guy in post #3 said? Wait, I see the answer... you don't want to have seperate configs for each game... I still don't get it???
  16. Come on fellas... You know me... Hit me with your best shot... Fire away! I'll pick the one that makes me laugh the hardest, and use it! Flash - Sorry for taking your off topic thread off topic.
  17. Congratulations on your purchase! As long as were off topic, what's the "Elite Member" crap I see under your Avatar? How the heck did you get that? It's from doing all that work on the DB's isn't it? I knew I should have done the Fairchild Channel-F db! Hey - congratulations on the "Elite Member" status as well... You've earned it!
  18. AWWWW! I feel all warm and fuzzy!
  19. HK, I want you to know I took offense to your post this morning... I think I woke up in a bad mood! (I'm ok now ) I had already re-read the whole thread, and double (quadruple) checked everything, before I posted last time, and could not find any errors. I uninstalled, and re-installed Gameex, and (almost) everything is working fine now. Please don't think that I don't try to get things working on my own... I had it working before, so I obviously had it right once, and then screwed something up. I have one question, When I was talking about having the Gameex default profile on the whole time that I am in Gameex, It would have been my intention to still have the game buttons light while in the list. Currently, if I put a tick in the "Use Gameex Profile in List" box, it stops the buttons from lighting in the game list. I don't know if that's what you intended or not, Since you have the 2 checkboxes: Use Gameex Profile in List Light Game Buttons in List I expected them to work independently of each other... If this is working the way you want it to, don't mind me.... Thanks again for your help!
  20. And without any further delay, here is the Fairchild Channel-F db that Flash I've been working on... _Console__Fairchild_Channel_F_v1.015__Tempest_.zip Flash, I got your PM, I didn't even see your post above. I think that if someone posts in a thread while your reading it, the forum doesn't show the new post as "new". I'm not sulking, at least you finally admitted that Tempest is a better game than Asteroids, even if your admission only came after I admitted that Asteroids was more recognizable. I feel bad that I'm not helping out on the DB project, I have a long list of reasons, but they really don't matter... It looks like most of the "volunteers" agree with me... I can appreciate how much time that you are putting into it though, and I do find your humour enjoyable! HK, Don't bother to download my database... , Flash really deserves the credit!
  21. I found This thread that talks about the difference in file size between CDI, and MDS, it was a discussion regarding DC games, but it looks like the script would convert many different formats to MDS. I'm not sure what the filesize difference in all of the different formats would be...
  22. The last time I'm going to post a link with driving cabs for sale... http://forums.klov.com/ubbthreads/showflat...;gonew=1#UNREAD This guy is selling two driving cabinets, one has a bad board in it, the other has a bad B&W arcade monitor...$100 each. I think I've made my point about how cheap it is to have a driving cab.
  23. Damn! That was a good idea! I downloaded your racer_x.zip again, and compared your .ini to mine. I would have bet money that I hadn't changed anything, but obviously I did. Not only did I enable custum keyboard input, but I also enabled keyboard direct input, apparently either of which will stop the script from running. Thanks for the tip! I have to go now... (and make a backup of my Gameex.ini)!
  24. Have you checked out Emumovies.com? I just wanted to mention it in case you hadn't...
  25. I'm not trying to tell you which emulator you should use, I'm only offering this as a solution... According to This Page, Red Dragon is the emulator of choice for virtual boy. If you wanted to try it, I could certainly help you get it going....
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