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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. BK, I don't know what I did, but the script was working great, but now it doesn't! I re-downloaded your Mouse2key v2.1 script, and it didn't help. The strange thing is that if I run the script with the Advanced Configuration program open, it will navigate in that. I must have changed a setting in Gameex... Do you have any ideas?
  2. HK, I've tried it with, and without a tick, in the "light game buttons in list" Option. My game buttons do not light in the lists. Also, How do I get the trackball to light for centipede? I have it mapped, and it lights in Attract mode. It also lights in the "LED input map" tab. The strange thing is that the Leds are connected toports 29,30,31, and if I set the ports to 28,28,28, the trackball stays lit. I am willing to delete a bunch of files, and start over, if you think it will help. I also do not understand how the Default for Gameex, and Mame is supposed to work. If I am viewing a mame game in the profile editor, and then goto Gamexx default, it sets the gameex default to whatever game I was viewing. It does the same thing for Mame default. I hope that you are not pulling your hair out, or drinking excessively, because of me! Thanks for your help!
  3. Tempest

    GameEx Startup

    Well, since you said "anyone"... Try doing some of these things, as suggested by your log... It says to make sure you have the latest version of Directx, but you really want 9.0c... Alot of the times, themes will crash gameex, so do as Tom said, and try the standard media center theme. The reason that this can cause a crash, is that if you run a theme at a resolution other than what it was intended for, all of the text may not fit in the provided space.
  4. Is this right? 00:16:48.3 9/5/2008: Running: K: K:\Emulators\MAME\mame.exe -listxml > K:\Emulators\MAME\listinfo.dat I would have to get up, go downstairs, start my cab, update my list, and check my log.... And I'm not going too!
  5. Also, for anybody reading this topic, Gameex now has a "hide desktop" option in "Display Settings" that will hide your icons, and make the desktop black for you.
  6. At least from now on, you will know how I feel most of the time! Thanks for the update HK! I will try it went I get home from work!
  7. Yep, he liles me better, just lile Mom always lile'd me better! How do you lile them apples!
  8. I thought we'd never hear from you again! I don't use that emulator, I use Red Dragon, so I can't help much... Nothing jumps out in your .ini, Did you try Run Last Game? If you put a pause at the end of the batch file, it might point out the error. The only other thing I wanted to mention, is that sometimes, using a database messes things up, so if all else fails, try not using a DB.
  9. If you run Daemon tools, and right click on the icon in the tray, you can turn off secure mode... Unzip your files yourself...That's what I did!
  10. Where the hell is my ratio 'bump'?
  11. Good to see you again Brian! I thought maybe you beat me to the punch... Thanks for the 'bump', I can always use one... Edit: I see you down there fRequEnCy... Ha! Ha! no 'bump' for you! (Brian likes me better!)
  12. You could use Romlister to find the 2 player alternating games, and then create a batch file to make all of the configs for you. That's such a good idea, that I think I will do it that way myself! I think this will solve my neogeo issue as well... As a matter of fact, I think I will do ALL of my 4 button games... Damn! I'm excited!
  13. Set your working path to the same as your rom path. RomPath=K:\3D Arcade\emulators\Vpinball\Tables WorkingPath=K:\3D Arcade\emulators\Vpinball\Vpinball7 The emulator should be in the Vpinball directory... (I mention this, because I don't know what's in \Vpinball7) The command line is correct: Command=..\VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMFILE]" one (.) means "this directory right here" two (..) means "one directory up from here" For some reason Vpinball likes to have the working path set to the tables, and then the ..\vpinball.exe command. I've tried it with setting it to the Vpinball directory, and then the .\Vpinball.exe command, but for whatever reason, it does not work. I'm not sure, but I think you have Gameex working perfectly now, it's been really nice working with you!
  14. I used the merged file for Romlister, I posted the instructions on how to do that above... I checked to make sure that aof3 was on the list, and that After Burner was not. No system is perfect, if you find a game that won't play, you can add it to the filtered roms list by pressing "Del" if you have that feature enabled in Gameex. I also have been in contact with Jeff Leyda (the author of romlister) He will be releasing a new version within a day or two, that should correct the !(BIOS) problem, and may have a solution for the "stick" Issue as well.....
  15. Welcome! A couple of things you need to know... I'm not the smartest person here, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. You sound like you know what you are doing, so you might want to check out "Run Last Game" in the Start Menu > gameex. It shows the command line that Gameex uses to run things, so if you try running the commands in a dos prompt, you may be able to figure out what is wrong. If your having problems with an Emulator running in Gameex, Use the advanced configuration program, go to the emulator in question, and click on the "export" button at the top. Save the file, then open it and post the contents. That will allow us to see what you have set up. If your having a problem with Gameex, post the contents of your Gameex.ini in Gameex > Config So far as the screwed up screen issue, the first thing I would suggest is to set "don't switch resolution" to "Gameex won't switch resolution" in Advanced Configuration > Display Settings. I'm not sure what is going on with Mame, if you can't figure it out with Run Last Game, then Post your Gameex.ini... For Visual Pinball, try setting "show desktop" to yes. If you can't find a setting like "show sesktop", Use the setup wizard's "search" option.
  16. Here's your .bat file... I used this as a search in Romlister: (buttons=6 | buttons=5 | buttons=4 | buttons=3 | buttons=2 | buttons=1 | buttons=0 | !buttons=) & (joy2way | joy4way | joy8way | top-fire | doublejoy8way | !'control type=') & !(49-way | triggerstick | rotary | dial | trackball | pedal | lightgun | 'stick') & !emulation=preliminary It was the !(BIOS) option that was keeping aof3 off the list. I changed 'analog stick' to 'stick', to eliminate 'adstick' (after burner), and 'flightstick', etc. Don't forget to create an empty folder called "Myroms" in "C:\Emulators\Mame\" clair.zip
  17. I like that it lights up the buttons for the game while browsing through the game list, I just didn't expect it to switch to the Mame default profile while in the Mame pages in Gameex. The way it works now: When I go to the Mame game list, it lights the buttons, and switches to the default Mame profile. The way I thought it would work: When I go to the Mame game list, it lights the buttons, and keeps using the Gameex profile. To re-iterate, the reason I thought it would work the second way, is because I'm still in Gameex, and I had the Gameex default profile lighting up the buttons that are used to control Gameex. I would have wanted to switch to the Mame default profile only after Mame was running, so that then the buttons used to control Mame would be lit. I'm not trying to beat you over the head, I just wanted to make sure it was clear. I will double check my setup, and see if I can fix my "all lights off" issue.
  18. I was expecting to have the default gameex profile the entire time i was still in Gameex. That way I could light the buttons that are used to navigate Gameex at all times while still using the Gameex Front-end. Then, when an Emulator was running, the emulator default profile would step in... After 3 posts, I hope at least some of this seems rational!
  19. Sorry again! When I return from a game, all of my buttons are Off. I was going to guess what else you might need to know, but I'm a poor guesser... Let me know...
  20. I'm sorry... I don't know which of my posts you guys are refering too. If it's the one with the pictures, I said that it wasn't a bug, I just had the thought running through my head of the multicolor labels, (Did you see my pics? I thought it was a pretty cool idea), then I discovered it wouldn't work... No problem there.... The other thing was this: Start Gameex: (I use the start page, and mame is on the start page) At this point NONE of my game controls are lit Select Mame: (I'm looking at my mame options - Adult, vector, lightgun, etc) At this point NONE of my game controls are lit Select All Mame Games: (The first game on my list is 005, so the P1B1 (and at this point P2B1) button is lit Hit "back": (I'm looking at my mame options - Adult, vector, lightgun, etc) At this point my P1B1 button remains lit. Hit "back": I'm back on the "start Page" At this point my P1B1 button remains lit. I don't think the player button should remain lit when I back out of the lists. I tried the home button to go from the gamelist, to the start page with the same results. If it doesn't work like that for you guys, then I have something wrong.... Also, can anyone confirm that the the latest version V2.77 does NOT light both P1B1, and P2B1? Edit: Please read on, I don't think you meant this either! DOH!
  21. HK, I posted in the feature request thread... Tom fixed the "last played" issue, but had some info for you. Here is my post, and his reply: Ive fixed the last played list, but I cant duplicate or see the other issues. I need a bit more detail please. For the last issue, I think the plugin needs to check for the GameExit event?
  22. Tempest


    I took the advice of a friend, made a copy of Mame\cfg\default.cfg. I changed the P1 and P2 buttons 1-4 to the way I want my neogeo games to work. I renamed the file to neogeo.cfg, and put it in the Mame\ctrlr folder. It doesn't change my mappings. I would be happy to zip up my whole Mame folder if you guys want it! Seriously, this should be easy, but it's not working...WTF?
  23. What controls EXACTLY do you have? Joystick(s)(Type) # of buttons, etc?
  24. Clair, Do you see the section I have highlighted in blue? Compare it to the section right below that, that I made light gray. The section in gray has keycodes for up,down,left, and right, where the blue section only has a keycode for up. In theory not only would Asteroids not work, but you should not be able to move down, left, or right in any game. Try Pac-man to see if that's true. You could try entering the mame config (press "tab" on the keyboard while running a game in Mame) and seeing if you can enter keycodes for P1 joystick (left,right,down). If that doesn't work, move the Mame.ini file out of the mame\ini folder, and run Mame, it will automatically generate a new mame.ini. If you have to do this, you will have to re-enter ALL of your keymappings again, but it doesn't take too long..... (It looks like your mappings are standard, so you might not have to re-enter anything)
  25. goto your mame folder, and make a copy of the cfg file (cut and paste it to your desktop). Then, delete everything in the mame\cfg file EXCEPT default.cfg. Try Asteroids again. If that doesn't help, then post the contents of your Mame\Ini\mame.ini, and your Mame\cfg\default.cfg.
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