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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. My god, the music sounds like the aural version of eating glass. However, I wonder if anyone's told Dazzle about Fatal Craft - looks like it'd knock the socks off those amateurish Cave schmups!
  2. Welcome to GameEx and the Land of dumb and silly questions. i.e. no question is either dumb or silly as both are really subjective judgements alone. Without further ado: 1. Setup-Wizard>DisplaySettings>Hide Desktop: # 2. Maybe possible to play game-related music (not tried it myself) - I'm guessing the music file would have to match the gamename or filename. In Setup-Wizard>Advanced Emulator Setup>Play selection music. Not sure how to mute videos though... : 3. No idea. Welcome, dig in and contribute
  3. That's good news! Another couple of questions. With attract mode: Is there any way to get what game and system are playing? The code is Public Function Event_ScreenSaver(ByVal Type As Integer) As Boolean There's no Dim Info As Game_Info = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(InfoPtr, GetType(Game_Info)), Game_Info) To get the game details? Also - is there any way to start the attract mode manually from the GE UI? I'm sure I remember there was a launch screensaver option - but I can't find it for love nor money - i remember making a graphic for it, but now it no there cheers
  4. Oh - you might want to download the patch - I'm wondering if the difficulties you were having related to a bug in the setup code. I'd try another fresh install with
  5. Oh get in.... loving this plugin development thing now... just don't look under the hood... So, in your tmeplate, Adultery, there's this stuff: Public Sub Dispose() Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' This event handles the disposal of unused variables. ''' </summary> Private Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If Not (Me.disposed) Then If (disposing) Then End If End If disposed = True End SubBit confused by this bit. Firstly - not very good with disposing stuff - what should I dispose of? Secondly - where should i stick any code - after "If (disposing) Then"? Thanks for getting me up and running with yet another great tinker-tastic feature of GameEx!
  6. Dunno much about the WiiU, but some cursory reading makes it look like A Wii, but with HD out. Bonkers really isn't it? Because you could just get Dolphin to get Wii games in HD - feels like emu's and consoles are overlapping a bit...
  7. Nice one - I shall await the inevitable slippery error at some point to try it out...
  8. Aha! Yeah that would make sense. Yerp - using your logging class - so any code that can write to outer and inner (?) exceptions to log file would be fab - thanks! (btw - loving this plugin malarky!)
  9. Ouch. Was going great guns and getting excited about plugin development, until I hit the reality of debugging. It looks like if your code in an event handler causes an error - this doesn't get caught via the JIT (?), rather it returns false or something to GameEx and gameex closes/disables the plugin? Looked in the GameEx log, and this is what I found: Ouch. I have no idea how to apply this to the code area concerned - is there any way to get the MS error reporting back (is it the JIT debugger or something?)
  10. I have no idea - because they could?
  11. So - in terms of debugging - guess you can't use the VIsual Studio debugger as you have to compile and run? Do you debug via logging?
  12. Kinda like that but the other way up...
  13. I think Lightgun Emulation could have a site of its own to be honest! You've done amazing to get LGs and PCSX-R up and running together via nuvee! I haven't got this far yet - I'm using AimTraks - arcadeguns.com are a different system aren't they? Anyways - on the aimtrak, you have to put them into guncon mode - this may help with the A+B method. Haven't been to the magical realm of Lightguns for a while - but here's a bit of a journal I wrote from my last hellish visit. It's about nuvee and assigning other buttons etc, dunno if it'll be relevant: https://sites.google.com/site/alienarcade74/sub-projects/software-setups/dual-lightgun-setup-on-pcsx2-playstation-2 Good luck brother, and as ever - report back. We really should start centralising all the lightgun stuff somewhere....
  14. I used to love Dizzy on the C64, and great to see UK coders from back in the day... rather puzzling though - why on earth are they sat in a false castle? That, Null, is one of the most expertly veiled puns I have seen in a long time... Reminds me of this I watched the other night: Bit UK-centric, but games should appeal to all.
  15. I dunno why, but the look of your theme makes me think "Cart" as in Cartridge Cart-Art Emu-Cart Carty-Arty-Flarty-Blarty....(OK - forget this one...!) Think my neurons are disconnecting with age.
  16. This all sounds very familiar. However, I really do need to do some theory, I think. tbh, I'm still in a procedural programming mode (my formative coding being the BBC Micro and the C64 basic - with a 20 year gap between then and now!) - most of my scripts are very long. I'm struggling to conceptualise when/how you'd use classes as opposed to datasets/subroutines/functions and errrmmm.... Gotos (although I have managed to drop those after a year from Batch ). Nevermind events, overloads and all the other next-level stuff! I think I might go old school and buy a book. I just get distracted when reading online. As I've been coding the few recent apps (CPWizBiz, ControllerRemapGUI, WhoseBox) - I've been thinking - "I know I'm going to want to use this bit of code again at some point..but I know I'm not going to remember where it is in all this code!" I'm guessing that;s where classes come in - know I managed to write some stand alone classes which are essentially a function - but then I get in a mess cross referencing variables in each class (e.g. form1.var1 from form2 and then from2.var1 from from1 etc - all gets messy!) Hat off to you Adultery for your coding skills - don't think my head could handle your level - it'd pop.
  17. Heh - yeah - got excited for about 10 minutes when I could see Game, Emu + Filenames changing 'on the fly'... Then the reality set in... I see what you were saying about the coding needed to elicit all the other info like Marquee paths etc. Feeling a bit out my depth. All my vb.net so far has been form applications (with the amateur friendly design view assists....Read: datatables).... Now for something as simple as a single, 4 field datatable , I'm stumped and it feels like all of a sudden having to do things properly (of which, I have no idea how to do! gulp....). I now need to understand namespaces, classes etc etc etc properly... hmmm... maybe back to it another day. Thanks for the help.
  18. OK - Trial + Error and a stroke of luck - looked into the Random Arcade Sound PLugin and noticed a few tiny differences in the Compile tab. Here's the working settings for anyone else who hits this at the start: Right.. now - Let the tinkering begin
  19. Yeah - if it's this bit you mean: ....then had checked that - your template was already setup for these requirements. You also mention " (Strict:On, Target:x86, Framework:2.0)." in the OP - I also tried it with strict on - still no joy Yeah using VS Express.... Some settings: Do you want me to zip up the whole VS project when you say send the code? I really haven't done much to it - just changed those few details mentioned above, although appreciate may be quicker than guesswork! Thanks as ever..
  20. Damn - think I'm gonna be a pain on this one....again....sorry! So managed to get the .dll being built to the GameEx>Plugins folder. It sits there with no build errors! However - stuck at "enable it in the plugin repository" - I've looked through both the Plugin Manager and Repository Manger (after running GameEx in case inclusion is dependant on this) - but it is nowhere to be seen Using the Plugin Template. All I've changed is Settings>Application>Assembly Information and in the main script: Namespace GameEx ''' <summary> ''' Internal program info for your plugin. ''' </summary> Public Structure PluginInfo Public Const Name As String = "Marquee Masher" Public Const Version As String = "1.0.0" Public Const Author As String = "Stigzler" Public Const Description As String = "Marquee display plugin" Public Const PluginType As Plugin_Type = Plugin_Type.Emulator Public Const PluginVersion As String = "1.40" End StructureAlso had a quick look in Setup Wizard. How do I get GE seeing the plugin?
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