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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. I know you're an immaculate wordsmith, Hans, but don't forget the pics, man! Looking forward to seeing what you create.
  2. Enjoyed the top one. Especially as towards the end, learned that the main guy doing the tour also produced SpyHunter, one of my fave games back in the day. Dammit - need the last 20 years back to pursue a different career!
  3. Good choice of IK+ icon! I'd say go for the highest rez you can, as this will future-proof any sets you produce (as displays get higher rez, icons will need to follow suit)
  4. If I remember correctly, I had problems with the most recent version of epsxe. Try with the version before. psxfin is the daddy of psx emus, but ouch - that pixelation! (unless that's what yer after).
  5. Cracking work, shroud. See you chose a nice easy system to start with (Commodore 64?). Yeah - they only made a handful of games for that system In all seriousness - these are great and something to be proud of. Dont forget https://gamesetmatch.codeplex.com/ could make the process a lot easier, especially now you have collaborators!
  6. There might be something here that will help: http://gameex.info/wiki/index.php/EPSXe I don't use DTLoader myself, but I do run epsxe successfully through my plugin:
  7. They killed it with the N64 back in the day. Mind you it's hard to find another crest like the transition to true 3D rendering without load times. Maybe it lies in VR...
  8. Oh, and if it is an error, also post: GameEx\PLugins\MarqueeMasher\MMLog.log
  9. can you screen cap or post the (error?) message? Preferably over in the plugin thread:
  10. Yeah - MarqueeMasher's probably the easiest if you're just looking to display a single image on your second (or third) display. If you're wanting video/flash/gifs/various dynamic content or dynamically generated game controls then CPWizBiz may help. Hold off on the latter though - uploading fully re-coded version soon once have done some tutorial setup videos. CPWizBiz early demo: Codeplex: https://cpwizbiz.codeplex.com/
  11. For troubleshooting any focus and application launch issues. For example a support application robbing focus from a launched emulator. Or to discern the launch order of things from GameEx to Emulator and back again. Screenie: Download: https://focusspy.codeplex.com/
  12. Whilst I became reasonably well acquainted with some aspects of CPWizard in making CPWizBiz, I haven't used the Mame or batch export functions at all so afraid I can't help. However, headkaze is a good egg (albeit a busy one) - also lots of users have used the mame features on this. May be worth asking over @ byoac too: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,74091.640.html in case anyone there has the answer.
  13. Ohhh! Like a barebones arcade machine!? Makes sense.
  14. lol. Short and to the point... That is why i asked if you wanted feedback or not + couldn't quite interpret your answer. Some people want honest opinion/feedback, others just positive strokes only - I'm cool with both, just struggle when it's not clear. Hey, if you like it like that then all's good, man! Enjoy your rig.
  15. Apologies, but can't sit on this. I like the naomi-esque design and the 80s colours. I do have to be honest though and say that that thing really does need a bezel around the monitor. That wouldn't be too hard to do and will make it more 'cab-like'
  16. Way to go - good man. Soon you could be piloting your very own scene-changing project The mechanics are really easy - one drop-box account and GameSetMatch is all it'd take. The hard bit would be finding/commissioning contributors. Do post your examples here - I'd be interested to see them.
  17. @hansolo77 - thanks hans - that's really helpful. How does it manage with the upscaled RetroArch PSX setting? Also, same for N64? @Draco1962 - is that a Masterchief Pez dispenser?
  18. It's not the Zero - it's Draco's dodgy soldering. Yer getting RF interference from the wassiknacker. How's it cope with PSX? I'm looking to convert a load of 70/80s broken pong consoles into 'retro-rigs' The higher end SBCs are just too pricey to make this feasible. So looking to see how the Pi3 handles PSX, N64 and PSP (@ native + then @ upscaled). Anyone any knowledge?
  19. Whoa - that's a fella knowing the nuts and bolts of his code right there!
  20. Your Emulator 1 ("Nintendo NES") has some weird asset paths. E.g: ManualPath=G:\resources\Nintendo NES GameEx System Pack\MEDIA\Nintendo NES\\-Matched-\Manual (line 1416 for anyone else looking) Not sure, but it might be the double "\" - try checking these in setup wizard.
  21. Damn.. stop doing that, helpman...the anticipation is killing me.... It's worse than the Last Guardian...
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