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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. Well, its your call. This release of NullDC is over a year old. If a new version of NullDC gets released it may even break the current method. The only reason I suggest a loader for this emulator is if you have to delete the NullDC.CFG file due to corruption (it happens) then the user will have to manually edit it again. Also out of the box new users will not know they need to do that, our seasoned users know this because of the many threads revolving around the topic. Since the scope of the setup wizard is to ease installation and configuration I thought it may be welcomed. If you would still rather me pull it just let me know and it is easy enough to re-update the distribution. Brian Hoffman
  2. The cli used for gameex only runs the emulator and configures the default image. Apart for that you need to set a few things manually in the INI for that to matter. 1)Load defaut image=1 2)autostart emulation then things like no console, fullscreen etc.. Loading the default image without these flags set does not make the emulator run through an FE without manually wither editing the ini first or through a loader. Using the loader sets the flags in the INI and then runs the command helping newusers. The default package included prior to today did not work out of the box like it does now. Although bios files are still not included. BH
  3. Sega Dreamcast profile and auto download have been updated. Feel free to Run the setup wizard, re-download and import the new config. A new loader has been added to aid in the ease of setup for those that have issues configuring the emulator. Ben, Matt want to test this?
  4. Some watch/run HULU from gameex, but no plugin.
  5. I love the Daphne section, very through and shows good understanding of how Daphne works and how its integrated into gameex. Good job! Im not sure if I could have written it better myself, and I can assure you after writing numerous thread regarding daphne I truly understand the frustrations we have all felt when getting this emulator going. EDIT: I removed outdated manual and attached new manual to your first post.
  6. Ya, Ive been around a long time. I know Gameex in and out, like other members here. We actually have a very dedicated staff and members. Feel free to share any issues you may have.
  7. Thats because you posted the whole command line in the gameoptions portion. Gameex asks you your Daphne path, exe name, rom name seperatley because it builds the command when you select the game. Check the contents of the RUNITGAME.BAT (in the gameex directory)and you will see the command gameex is running and you will see how it is doubling up. The other threads I linked to explain in more detail.
  8. Here are three threads that go into great deatil about daphne and the various problems, and how it works. http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=3860&st=0&p=22960entry22960 http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=6697&hl=daphne&st=0 http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=5212&hl=daphne&st=0
  9. Riverside, ca
  10. We have quite a few write ups about Daphne here in the forums, I know because I authored some. Additionally in the tutorials section of the homepage there is a video of how to set it up. http://www.gameex.com/Support/Tutorials/tabid/79/Default.aspx
  11. Ränzo, Your manual is very comprehensive and valuable to those new to emulation, thanks for the contribution. Looking forward to the final revision. Brian Hoffman
  12. What OS are you using? it should save from within the program, if it isn't it could be related to Vista or 7's UAC, are you running the program as administrator? Some more details could help.
  13. I get a files not found when clicking the link, Gameex has a new feature that will not only download the latest mame and configuration files but also over 70 other emulators. I like the package of common used utility's but am unfamiliar with the licensing and distribution of the defrag utility and monitor sync stuff. I will check this out once the links are working.
  14. Are you referring to the press left and right to send "ok" to the disclaimer page? If so those are removed on custom mame builds. Check out Ben Bakers (Headkaze) easy mame compilier and the HIscore Diff from MKCHAMP, it removes all messages from mame and enables highscore support, which was removed from mame quite a few builds ago.
  15. Mame's new input system (post 116) will not accept the send keys, send input that AHK, AutoIT produce. Further more, such a system as loading credits from a frontend implies the commercial use of mame, which is against Mamedev wishes. It may not be your intent, but there is always someone out there to make a buck. You will be pretty hard pressed to find credit management programs. That said, you could compile mame to use the old input system and devise any type of program you wish, I'd be wary of posting it and making it public. BH
  16. I cant wait to download it!
  17. Gameex may do this via advanced config. I will have to double check. Congrats on your first mame cab, we would love to see some pics. Your thread title has been fixed. lol
  18. Your sets have SQ, not HQ, HQ is high quality. The *** packs in question are by circo, but not as updated as the ones on his FTP, which I believe had mostly been remade. BH
  19. Yes, the auto download dreamcast will be fixed. Sega Naomi (makaron) will be added. Soon. Stay tuned. BH
  20. Ok, not many submissions, thread taken off course. Its the end of the new year over here and I see no point in dragging this on. fRequEnCy m4tr1x_br tthomas72 Please PM me your Email address so we can get you some licenses, m4tr1x_br, tthomas72 I see your new on the forum and first time posters. So be sure to tell your friends all about what drives your cab and where they can get the software. We look forward to helping you get your cabs or media centers up and running so your friends can not only enjoy it but want one of their own. Congratulations. Brian Hoffman
  21. Cool, thanks Tom.
  22. Try putting this in your SF directory and run it, if it works make your shortcut from it. sfiv.zip
  23. Thats a bit off topic, Better off starting a new thread on that one. Gameex can and does look beautiful and does support art, I think what we are lacking is the photoshop users not program ability. That said, Gameex is a media center, it has jukebox and karaoke and video/music support. HS does not without using third party apps and clever command line launching. I have a few cabs running different FE's for different purposes. Besides, do we really need another HS clone, check out byoac for the variety.
  24. Ok you got it, Pm me the email addy. 1st license, Frequency is the WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poll still stands guys, lets hear those stories
  25. Yep, do you need it? (if so your the winner) If not lets wait for the next user. I know those terms are poor at best but I wanted to give away a licence, so there. lol
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