#NoEnv #SingleInstance force #Persistent #NoTrayIcon ;CHECKING FOR 1 PARAMS, IF NOT THEN EXIT if 0 < 1 { MsgBox Usage: PTLoader.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" ExitApp } Blockinput on ; Keeps users from messing up loader my pressing buttons and moving mouse ;rom = "%1%" ; error level (rompath romfile) gives friendly name as ROM SetBatchLines -1 Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; No title, No taskbar icon Gui Color, 0 ; Color Black Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%, HSHIDE ;WinSet Transparent, 200, A ; Can be semi-transparent MouseGetPos X, Y ; Remember pos to return MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight% ; Move pointer off screen Run, PT.exe Sleep, 1000 Send, {ALTDOWN}{ALTUP}f{ENTER} Sleep, 1000 Send, "%1%" Sleep, 100 Send, {ENTER} Sleep, 100 Send, {F2} Gui Destroy ; Remove blinds from desktop Blockinput off ; Allows user to send inputs so games can be played Return ESC:: { Process, Close, PT.exe exitapp } Toward the end of the loader you can see it is sending Enter, followed by f2 to make it full screen.. You can change the sleep timer to 1000 from 100 incase it is going to fast. I thought it was mentioned that it was working via command prompt, so that means it is working.. Id adjust the timings. Try this one: PTLoader.zip