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Everything posted by simbamame

  1. ive been using my cab for a while and all seemed ok but i decided to play Dragons lair in Daphne and when i run the game i get all the sound but only a black screen, Ive not altered anything with in Daphne only updated GameEx as usual. Any ideas here is my Daphne config if its any help. Any advise or help appreciated, also doesn't work outside of game ex, get sound and just a black screen. UPDATE : Have moved the removable drive that i use in the cab to the HTPC ( which has windows 7 64 bit ) and it works so its obviously a system error, does anybody know what daphne needs to run correctly, i have the latest drivers, direct x, runtime, visual basic and sharks win 7 codecs installed etc... daphne.txt
  2. simbamame

    GameEx 11.88

    lol im running version 11.88 although its not mentioned in the forums?
  3. I did look into this but as i had most of things already to hand and my internet connection is 30 meg incoming so for me it was just cheaper, but i can imagine its is a nice clean way using the electrical outlets.
  4. Its not to bad as especially when you get help from fRequEnCy he set mine up as I'm not worthy !
  5. Have you tried running any other graphically intense programs ? say a decent PC game ? as i had this issue and its was my GFX Card that was stuffed after running for a few seconds crash n reset, changed the card no more problems.
  6. same here for me.
  7. Well after a day of fiddling with cables and networks finally got the whole house netted and talking to each other ( sort of ) Upstairs We have a PS3 online, XBOX360 online that can access my HTPC ( so the kids can watch Simpsons, south park, family guy, kids films etc... ), a laptop that's online running u-tube and MSN and can access my HTPC, and my bedroom media center ( a basic win 7 with XBMC running ), so i can watch all my downloaded American TV series and films in comfort. Downstairs the Cab ( yay ) online and accessing my HTPC, and another XBOX360, My HTPC can access almost all the others if needed, the hardest part was setting all the permissions was making sure the kids couldn't access my stuff, don't really wont 12 n 13 year olds watching hardcore horrors. ( <<- note i DID say horrors ! ) its all wireless except the 360 downstairs ( as its an older model with no wireless so use it wired ) and the HTPC that's hard wired to the super hub coming in at a descent speed Date Download Speed Upload Speed Today 23:56 31446 kbps (3.93MB/s) 3162 kbps (395kB/s) that's with every thing running so I'm happy, so don't be surprised if you see my gamer tag saying Ive been playing pacman for 20 hours !.
  8. Happy birthday mate, sorry if its a bit late in the day ( uk time ) lol.
  9. Im using a ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series on a HTPC with a 42" monitor and every thing look and runs fine.
  10. Great glad it worked out and a pleasure to help.
  11. lol this is one i did try ( V ) and it didnt find the one i wanted but found others thou.. i also tried SuperantiSpyware ( v 4.54.1000 ) and that didn't do it, but the unusually thing is i uninstalled MS Office Enterprise and installed open office and since then the problem had gone ? Now i know its highly improbable that MS Office enterprise was the culprit but that the only think i altered. Marked as RESOLVED.
  12. What is this is as ive never seen anything like this in GameEx, is it a theme related querry ? EDIT: Mike just answered it lol !
  13. ha ha ha good one, i love optimists !
  14. Guys i have a really anoying problem and i think ive picked up a virus, although ive ran several checkers none find this, when i load up Google and enter a search for example gameex it shows a list of finds so thats not a problem but when i click on any of the links i get taken to a goingonearth.com .... and the screen stays clear the only way i can look at a page is by clicking the cached Ive tried Google but it doesn't show any help any body got ANY ideas ... i`m using Firefox 5 ( i tried an uninstall and re-installed still same problem ) Many thanks in advance. System Windows 7 64 bit.
  15. simbamame

    AAE issue

    Im glad u guys got AAE to even run i gave up on it cos i couldnt get it to work properly even outside of GameEx untill somebody does a step by step guide to using/config/running it im staying well clear of it lol !. Ive even tried WHDload ( and paid for a reg ) and still couldn't get it to work. ( although i did got Pinball Fantasies to work ) Ian.
  16. simbamame

    Happy 4th!

    Think yourselves lucky !! here in the UK petrol / gas or whatever u call it is over £6.40 a gallon thats over $10.3.its scandalous Ian.
  17. Both the 32 and 64 bit version 3 downloaded and tested, both work perfectly, only problem is now have to retry all the games that would,nt boot before to see of they work lol. Thanks to Griggs619 for pointing out version 3 was available DOWNLOAD SM
  18. I for 1 would also use this feature, as to cheaters, you will always have them, but my view is if they cheat they are only cheating them selves but would give people an insentive to try and beat it legitimately. SM
  19. Thanks Tom.
  20. There should be an installation disc from ultimarc that has a config program, you use that to map out your buttons on the ipac to match up with the key presses from a keyboard, Go to the editor and select table view here you can map any button, stick, spinner, etc... to what ever key you want so for example i have P1 COIN set to number 5 keyboard which is a `coin in` in mame. Hope this helps.
  21. Very nice, Thanks Ben.
  22. look at the name of the roms and see if you have gauntlet and gauntlets if so just delete the one you dont require and ensure its named guanlet. Then do an update list in gameex. If you only have 1 rom then you may need to obtain another copy of the rom. Google is your best friend to find it.
  23. CCS64 Gets my vote as its what i use.
  24. I'll take a gander over the weekend Mike as i too do like a game of chess and having a human instead of a computer to play would be good, also if i can access it on my phone `ill be able to play when I'm on nights ( about 8 hrs time diff i believe ? ) lol, love the line from the classic war games movie to. Ian
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