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Everything posted by simbamame

  1. Very impressive, all we need now is to find an arcade machine that irons and cooks and we're sorted lol!.
  2. I had the same problems a while back, but i did a reboot and tried again and it was ok, but as frequency has stated it does take a while mine took nearly an hour the 1st time so please try again and be patient and report back if no joy.
  3. Brilliant news gets a +1 from a uk user Thanks to all.
  4. nice, the best just gets better
  5. Have you tried altering the slider options in mame ( Tab / Slider ) for the horizontal games, may help a little.
  6. They run fine its just i need to press the windows screen to show it, although i did notice with mine-craft it flashed the load screen for a millisecond, i did try using the ink method and setting as emulator but couldn't quite get my head round it, maybe i`ll give it another try. You know what they say if at first don't succeed get a mod to remote in and sort it lol.
  7. im from the uk out of interest how much did jessops charge for the print as i may consider some art for my next cab
  8. minecraft and sims 3 are 2 that dont, notepad and winuae work fine, so its not a case of them being ran from the c:directory. Im using winuae from there as i only play 1 game lol.
  9. im setting the path and then the exe in CMD, a few work some dont ( for example notepad does ).
  10. hi guys, im using GameEx's External Applications to run a few windows applications When i set these up with some it lauches the applications and returns back to the apps menu, if i press the windows key the app is there running, how do i get it to switch, i have tried setting show desk to yes and no and still no joy. Also on a side note how can you make the set up wizard show a smaller font as default i have made smaller using the icons buttons but when i return its back to being large?. SM
  11. Hiya, adding the A3 seems to have done the trick so will mark as resolved
  12. Ive used code A3 which seems to be working but need to test further to make sure, but if not autohotkey will be the next to try, thanks bro.
  13. hi, ive got my cab set up and as a controller im using the ipac, i have a few buttons mapped as left and right control and left and right shift as Future pinball used these but now i need to alter the config in nulldc in game ex to use these buttons i want right ctrl to be cab button C, i have buttons A ( lctrl - key 17 ) and B ( lshift - key 16 ) set but does anybody know the windows 7 keycode values for r ctrl?? i've looked everywhere even used program that give the key value but when pressing left or right ctrl i get the same value of 17??, i need to alter the control in the cfg file as if i try to run nulldc outside of gameex it crashes so i cant get to the options , in GameEx it works fine just need to tweek the control slightly. As allways Any help appreciated.
  14. Sounds like a good feature +1 from me too
  15. early days my friend but hears hopeing. i need sopmething to keep my mind active lol !!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/user/protexism Hi guys, i`m in the processes of setting up an emulators u-tube channel, just cos im bored any ideas criticism help or advice greatly appreciated. Im going to ad videos of favorite games and maybe even some tutorials on how to set the emulators, up which could be useful, 1 question does anyone have any problem with me using advise available here? of course i want to plug GameEx as being the front end to use, it may help get some to download and register from spesoft and help Gameex? I wont be suppling GameEx just a link and logo. Ian
  17. I feel a New Cab Build coming very soon !

  18. I know what ya mean dood, and sometimes i feel a right noob when its somethink that i should know.. must be old age lol !. cheers anyway.
  19. doh! how did i overlook that, i really must start taking a break before trouble shooting ( as freq keeps reminding me lol ) all sorted. cheers.
  20. What a shame about PJ64 luckly all the games the kids i wanna play are working in the cab and I hadnt updated PJ64 for a while but is still a shame that its gone.
  21. Ive been tweeking the cab for several weeks and ive done summit i cant remember how to put right ! When im scrolling threw the menus of any given emulator i get the video snap playing but not the audio it just keeps playing the mp3 ambiance sound, what do i need to turn on or off so as to get the video snap audio, it happens with all roms so it must be a global setting but i`ll be damned if i can find it ?? Ian
  22. I couldnt agree more, well said. Ian.
  23. simbamame


    lol, indeed it is an LG drive.
  24. simbamame


    Taken from the FAQ of Dolphin: Quote Dolphin can currently only run "images", also known as ISO or GCM files, of Gamecube and Wii games, since a PC DVD drive cannot read the discs directly. How odd, i must be the exception yet again as my PC Drive DOES read wii discs as ive just put the original of wii sports in and it works on mine how odd !!
  25. Jeepers bro, sometimes im glad i live in the UK. Hope everyone is ok.
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