Well my bluetooth dongle ( belkin minibluetooth adapter ) arrived and after playing about with it, getting annoyed, kicking the computer ( as i dont have a dog! ) shouting and screeming at it cos it woudnt work, throwing it threw the window, jumping up and down, some more shouting, sweering at it, reconnecting it, bit more shouting, thumping and screeming .... finally my pc accepted that fact it wasnt gonna win and installed my device and found my wiimotes ( plus various other peoples bluetooth fones lol ! ) I have now been able to play wiisports via dolphin with no problems, just going to try a few others then i`ll try it in GameEx and see if it works . BTW havent had to use bluebio ( or whatever its called ) or glovepie which is nice cos i hate reading instructions ! ( frequency can fouch for that lol ! ). Ian