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Everything posted by simbamame

  1. Thanks Tom.
  2. Congrats Mike, really good news
  3. That does sound like a good idea, so i'll +1 this lol, i feel a request coming ??
  4. I know you do mate as does nearly every one else here. Which is why GameEx and the Forums are so popular
  5. Sweet, Well as soon as its done bang it up or PM me and i`ll grab it lol,
  6. I can 2nd this i have done several searches and all works as expected.
  7. what i nice update screen Adultery, i will be nicking this lol
  8. Same here for FP Tables but mine is also set to ignor, as you say if you trust the source and for GameEx stuff i do
  9. As usually the man delivers thanks Tom.
  10. Happy birthday bro, sorry its late, hope u had a great day.
  11. WHen playing the sims 3 on a dell P4 3.08ghz machine with 1 GB of RAM and a 256 MB GFX card, its quite jerky when running threw GameEx so have to run outsite of it, havent tried many others as dont really play PC games on that machine as its a cab and its really for retro games, thou minecraft seems ok.
  12. No its theme specific if i change to media centre theme or default theme its there but not with the Dark Gloss one, not a problem will mark as resolved.
  13. I dont have a ? button, im using the glossy one theme. Is it theme specific?
  14. Sorry, I meant within GameEx
  15. I remember some time ago that i was able to show what version of GameEX i had installed, now i dont can somebody please remind what option i need to enable to show this.
  16. Well said +1 from me too
  17. Sounds like your having fun Mike,i cant remember the amount of times ive moved from room to room with my kit, but got a PC in almost every room now so problem solved lol !.
  18. Odd, my cab is running win 7 32 bit and had no problems, i must be the lucky odd 1 out, cant test on the win 7 64 bit HTPC as that has had to go back to Germany to be repaired its blown up .
  19. cheers bud
  20. Odd ive updated ... Im running win 7 32 bit no problems.
  21. Very nice Tom +1 from me.
  22. Right ok I know posting links to ROM sites is forbidden didn't realize it was also for freely available "other bits", so thanks for not giving me a warning
  23. Same here stretched to fill the screen.
  24. Sorry i thought you wernt allowed to link to ROMs only. My appologies wont happen again.
  25. Post removed. Can't link to compiled MAME versions.
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