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Everything posted by simbamame

  1. As usuall well appreciated for the update. Thanks guys.
  2. for some reason i couldnt respond before ?... just wanna say how usefull this is, its going to save me so much time +1 from me.
  3. Very nice, as always appreciated Tom.
  4. Cheers mike so long as I can get a driod emulator to run mame I'll be happy.
  5. I'm about to purchase an andriod 4 tab let, anybody know if gameex or any emulators that work with driod, or any way of running mame games in andriod?
  6. Way to go bro, many congratulations.
  7. If your nearly at your upload limit maybe a message to Tom to beg for a little more space may help as its a worthy cause and i personally wouldn't want to miss this awesome theme.
  8. try this http://rustyhearts-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=88781 mentions a jpystick mapping program that might help.
  9. simbamame

    Car Arcade

    Gets my vote lol
  10. Thanks for the birthday greets guys
  11. I noticed a few errors in your log, the main one being a direct X problem, please make sure u have the latest drivers for your video card and upto date direct X as GameEx may have altered the way it handles gfx.
  12. I Couldn't agree more with adultery on this 1, i think they would have a good chance of making the finals and even winning. I say go for it.
  13. and why not Mike?...nothing wrong with either of those lol !
  14. Very nice, handy to have as i would use the Game Gear Emulator to play columns and sonic, look forward to seeing some controller layouts if these are any to go by they will be awesome.
  15. lol, do i get bonus points for saying "your 2 best drinking mates"
  16. geeps, this is amazing, so colour-full, cant wait for a version 1.0 to be released. +1 from me.
  17. Nice would love to see this put together as a full pack / theme, a friend of mine is a BIG space fan and this would suit his cab perfectly, the screen are awesome.
  18. Totally agree with deadboy and celly, i had a years sub then went for the lifetime and it is a VERY small amount to pay for such an awesome piece of software that is constantly upgraded and new features added, also the support is 2nd to none. nuff said.
  19. Thanks Tom.
  20. easiest way ( well the way i did it ) was to get a piece of plexiglass and spray the inside black leaving the area that the monitor actually shows the image, mind my monitor had a black edge so was easy.
  21. I run daytona at full on a p3 3.08 ghz single core with a 512 meg gfx card but i use the sega model 2 emulator, why not give that a go on your current system 1st and see how it handles.
  22. Sorry i only linked to the actually file not the site, thought that was ok but in future will be more carefull.
  23. Would a system restore help the problem?
  24. WinUAE v2.4.0 beta 10 now out grab it here
  25. What a great app, nice one tempest. Gonna use it as i have a button for pause on my cp but never used it as, now i can.
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