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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Sorry for the double post, but I just realized that since this is a Windows based error (you get the 'Windows has encountered an error' message), your Windows Event Viewer may also provide useful details about the nature of this error. That might even be the first place I would check in this particular circumstance. Thanks Again
  2. Hi Capone1212 I believe Draco was referring to the trifecta of useful crash information which includes not only your log, but also your GameEx.ini, and sometimes the contents of your runitgame.bat as well. Whereas the log (often times) shows what happened at the time of the crash, your GameEx.ini can help us to interpret the conditions which may have led to the crash. Sometimes we encounter situations which are difficult to interpret, so ultimately the more information we can glean about the nature of the error the better. Thanks man
  3. Hi Alex Sorry to hear about your issues. If you would be so kind as to post a copy of your GameEx.ini as well as a copy of your log after experiencing a crash of this nature we may be able to provide more useful feedback and suggestions regarding the nature of the problem. Please refer to the help thread for instructions on accessing that information. Hey just a quick word of advice as well. It's likely that you'll want to contact Tom regarding the distribution of GameEx on those arcade cabinets you're selling. If you've already worked it all out with Tom, then feel free to disregard the advice. If you haven't talked to Tom, you will definitely want to do so in order to avoid running afoul of the GameEx EULA. Thanks man! Look forward to hearing from you.
  4. Seems like a relatively solid idea. I'd recommend submitting this as a feature request over in the Pinned and Hot Topics forum. Thanks helpman!
  5. I'm really liking the 2600 theme Krak! Looks good.
  6. The normal advice applies here. Please post your GameEx.ini and we'll see if we can spot something. Bear in mind that HiToText doesn't support all games which support saving high scores, but I believe Donkey Kong should still be compatible.
  7. As far as commemorating this momentous day I am torn between two equally appropriate Tempest quotes. and but ultimately I'm going with this one: because, hey who doesn't like unicorns right? Happy Birthday Tempest! It better be an awesome one.
  8. Awesome! I'm glad to hear you figured it out repetto74. Well done!
  9. So I was doing a bit of research on this issue and ran across this thread over on the arcadecontrols forums. Specifically this observation pinged on my radar regarding your issue (emphasis mine): This is odd because in a normal situation HS should not be aware of what resolution we're using inside MAME. I wonder if HS is shutting GroovyMAME by its own means which could be catastrophic as it would prevent GroovyMAME from restoring the registry settings it has previously modified. I mean that if HS would let GroovyMAME terminate normally the resolution should always be the same: the desktop resolution. Does GroovyUME make registry modifications upon running? It sure sounds like the above scenario could be a plausible explanation for what you've experienced here. It would also explain why you experienced the same issue in MA as in GameEx (and would likely experience in HS from the sound of it). In short you may need to modify how GameEx is shutting down the emulator. As such it may be possible to address the problem through an Advanced Emulator Config. Is there an inbuilt key sequence for terminating GroovyUME properly? This is the exact reason emulators which rely on registry settings/modifications for proper functionality should be purged from the earth. With Fire. Edit: Looking at more threads related to this issue, it seems like there have been improvements to GroovyUME in terms of stability starting with version 0.148u2. Specifically this one catches my eye (emphasis mine again): So maybe it would be worth it to update? (... or maybe not, depending on your tolerances. This would mean that you'd also need to update your MAME ROMs as well).
  10. It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here

  11. Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

  12. Awesome! Thanks for the update Tom!
  13. Hi Cstribley Just to clarify, you're running in a shelled environment (i.e. when you start up the machine it 'bypasses' windows and launched directly into GameEx), correct? If so how are you shelling it? Are you using Instant Sheller or something like that? If the answer to any of these questions is 'Yes,' It sounds like the issue may be more related to shelling the application than it is to GameEx itself. (Which isn't to say that we can't provide support, but it will help to narrow down the issue)
  14. I could be totally off base (someone correct me if so), but it sounds like a font issue to me. Does the font in the theme you're using support unicode characters?
  15. You're going to need to configure all those emulators you downloaded within the Setup Wizard so that GameEx knows where to find your ROMs, artwork (if you're using artwork), command lines to run, etc. Looks like you've got some work ahead of you my friend! Go to: Start Menu > Program Files > GameEx > Setup Wizard Here's the whole guide to get you started. There are several sections you can probably gloss over, but it's not going to hurt to acquaint your self thoroughly with the Setup Wizard. If you downloaded nearly all the emulators, you're going to be looking at it quite a bit!
  16. Yep fReq is spot on with this (as he generally is). If you're not entirely sure how to go about editing the database you can have a look at some of the available tools. And by the way, Welcome to the GameEx forums there kannadav!
  17. So yeah I'm gonna necro this thread right here ... sue me. Just joking - the following post seemed to fit in better with this thread than it would have in an entirely new thread. And this is just Social Club stuff so ... yeah. Any hoo I just read this blog post regarding one interpretation on how Star Wars should have ended (one person's opinion) in the events occurring post RotJ. The post is definitely entertaining (though strictly for the geeks ), but it also struck a chord with me in an unexpected way. This is the first piece of Star Wars errata in a long time that really got my imagination working within the context of that universe. The trouble with the prequel trilogy is that most of it was wholly calculated and expected. The Clone Wars, while a fantastic television show hasn't ever really gone "outside the box" (although a handful of the new characters are compelling enough). But the linked essay gets at something that I hope producers of new Star Wars content take to heart. Essentially I hope that they bring new and interesting ideas to the table. That they don't let the series past be the strict dictator of where it "should" go in the future. Let's say I'm staying cautiously optimistic (which certainly isn't to say I'd expect them to draw any sort of inspiration from some random dude's blog as the "bold new vision for the franchise").
  18. In addition to the log, I'd be interested to see whether GroovyMAME is providing any additional information in the form of an error message. Do you encounter any issues when running directly from Run Last Game (i.e. runitgame.bat)? You may be able to determine whether GroovyMAME encounters any errors by following the steps delineated in Step B (specifically the part about adding a pause to runitgame.bat). It might turn up nothing, but if your game(s) runs fine from runitgame.bat, it would lend additional evidence suggesting that GroovyMAME simply isn't getting along with GameEx. One way to troubleshoot a problem is to add the word "Pause" at the end of the Runitgame.bat file. When Windows asks "Do you want to save the changes..." Click on "Save". Next, double click on the "Run Last Game" Icon in the Start Menu. This will send the commands again, but the command window will remain open. It may show an error that will help you to understand what is wrong. If you get this error: 'Emulator name.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It means that either you have the incorrect name specified for your Emulator.exe, or your working path is incorrect. If it gives an error that you don't understand, please let us know that you tried this method, and let us know what the error is.
  19. Sweet! Glad to hear you got it sorted UNFORGIVEN II. Well done.
  20. Did you try -unmount_all? Seems like that would be a good approach. Do you have multiple virtual drives installed? Are you using a dt drive or a scsi? Among other things, of the commands you posted at the very least you need a comma between -unmount, 0. So that would be one thing to look at. I'm almost positive that the solution to this issue will involve a subtle difference like that. Just out of curiosity, what does your runitgame.bat look like? Sometimes you need to take a break. I betcha with a fresh set of eyes you'll have this thing licked in no time.
  21. Hmm ... If [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] isn't unmounting the image, I think you have one of two different options. 1. Use a Launch After command. I know you said that you've tried doing this, but let's take a look at that command: There's nothing inherently wrong with that command, but you may need additional parameters depending on your individual setup. source So in your case you may need to add the type of drive in use (it will be dt or scsi), and you'll need to verify that the disc you're unmounting is running on the 0 drive (as defined by DaemonTools drive enumeration) You could also just go crazy and just shotgun it : DTLite.exe -unmount_all2. Another option is to have a go with Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader plugin. It's designed to work in a very similar fashion to the native [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] command in GameEx, but it supports more types of drives and is a bit more robust. That may also do the trick. Good luck UNFORGIVEN II!
  22. Switch that - reverse it?Perhaps I should clarify. In order to run a portable copy of GameEx with registered features, the appropriate registry settings would need to exist on the target PC prior to running GameEx. So were that the case it would be fine with registered features, but not truly "portable" either. Don't get me wrong, the thought crossed my mind that you could run the regedit as an autoexec.bat from the USB drive, but I believe autoexec.bat from USB is disabled on most (all?) Windows installations for security purposes. I'm also quite certain you would be operating in a very gray area in terms of the GameEx license agreement. So what I should have said was that, "If you want to make GameEx truly portable, I hope you're OK with strictly using the free (as in not registered) features of the program."
  23. You will likely need to use an unregistered copy of GameEx for this purpose, since the registered version of GameEx relies on settings within the registry.
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