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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Congratulations on this well earned promotion Zeenon! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. Don't let all this newly found power and respect go to your head!
  2. I had previously posted a suggestion to try out Bulk Rename Utility, but I'd forgotten that it will not handle the matching component of the file renaming process. I have used it for that purpose in the past, but I had to generate a text script in advance of running Bulk Rename Utility. In the end it turned out to be too much of a hassle to be worth the time spent. After reviewing their web site briefly I was reminded of the pain and agony! I figured I better hurry back to redact my recommendation!
  3. Hmm ... I've pretty much downloaded all my videos through the Download Service Utility. I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed, but I also haven't used it for a while? Having said that ... I'm also a lifetime member over at Emu-Movies so it's certainly possible that having a paid membership also plays into it somehow. Have you checked out Perfect Match? It basically does exactly what you describe.
  4. Additionally if you use the Emu-Movies Download Service Utility it actually runs fuzzy matching against your file names. If the utility detects a match the downloaded artwork will always be an exact match to your file.
  5. Tom should have that information on file I believe. For any issues with registration please contact Tom directly. You can do so right here. Thanks man!
  6. It really is a fun game, I hope you get the same amount of enjoyment out of it that I have. It's continues to inspire me to practice up and play, so that's been a good thing. It actually also inspired me to spend more money recently ... which may or may not be a good thing. I got a bonus at my job, and subsequently got the green light from the missus to pick up a new six string. I was really torn between a Les Paul style and a Strat style. I like both and I like the sounds of both (Humbuckers vs. Single Coils). In the end I was persuaded by an awesome sale on Musicians Friend. This little beauty (an ESP LTD EC-256FM) arrived in the mail on Friday. So obviously it's not like a professional level instrument or anything, but it's the nicest guitar I've ever owned (and that includes my basses! ). I don't know if it really shows up in the picture, but it's got a transparent black finish revealing the underlying flame maple top. I'm loving this thing! My guitar skills are no where near where my bass skills are at, but it's fun learning something new. I can play Blitzkrieg Bop so I've been spamming that like crazy. Give me three chords and a six pack and I can conquer the world sure scare the hell out of the cats! I'm looking forward to improving on this thing! Ha, yes the nice thing about this is that your digital band mates will never complain about some sort of perceived "drinking problem", or that you showed up for practice "not wearing pants", or that you "vomited in my kick drum". They're the ones with a problem man. This is Rock & Roll baby! Woo!
  7. I'm not sure that's the right registration key. Mine has a .gxkey extension. It's possible Tom has changed that in the meantime, but you might want to search around to see if you can find a file with that extension.
  8. Great release, thanks Tom! Also thanks to Adultery for his diligence in keeping the Xpadder plugin up to date!
  9. A big Happy Birthday wish goes out to our own ShmupperFromHell, DazzleHP! It's a bit of a belated wish really ... but in the end aren't those the best kind? I mean, yes ... we're a bit late, but we made it ... eventually. Look we really just wanted to prolong your celebration and make it a multi-day sort of affair. It's like a birthday Hanukkah. Yeah! We're starting a new thing here! From now on birthday celebrations will extend as long as 2 days, or until everyone remembers. This is cultural change in action baby! Mazel tov! Phew! OK I think I glossed that over pretty well. Everyone's in good spirits, there were no hurt feelings. Well done null ... wait am I still typing? Please join me in wishing DazzleHP a slightly belated/slightly extended, undoubtedly great Happy Birthday!
  10. RS 2014 is definitely more steeped in music theory than the original game was, but I would strongly hesitate to say that it delves deeply into any advanced theory. The theory and techniques presented in game probably cover the learning material you would study during your first year of lessons. There's quite a bit of breadth but not a lot of indepth study. The music theory covered here includes studying various chords and scales, learning the names of those chords and scales, and that sort of thing. It does not cover learning musical notation (or tablature for that matter), and as a result will not cover any sort of sight reading. Having said that, and given the nature of this game, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. The session mode is a particularly bright spot in terms of the music theory covered in-game. In a nutshell it's basically a "live" jam band that will follow your lead in terms of what to play. So you go into session mode, select the instruments/tones you want in your band, which either consists of using a pre-defined band (Classic Rock, Classic Metal, 90's grunge, Alternative Electronica, plus a whole host of others), or you simply select a custom blend of instruments and tones of your choosing. Next you select the tempo, along with the scale and key you want to riff on, and you're off. Honestly I expected this feature of the game to be bit buggy and laggy, but I couldn't have been more wrong. This mode is really a blast! Don't get me wrong - if you start to drift off of the key and or scale you originally selected your "band" isn't going to follow you into experimental territory, but so long as you "stay in the pocket" as it were, the accompaniment is actually quite remarkable. I don't know that it's a replacement for straight-up practicing with a metronome in terms of focused practice (and certainly not a replacement for playing with live musicians), but it's most definitely a fun alternative!
  11. Nice catch B2K24. Thank you for passing this information along.
  12. Congratulations Draco! Tonight I'll be tipping back a cold one in your honor. I know it's been a long road but you did it! I'm so pumped for you man. Great job!
  13. Well said Draco. Thanks for this important reminder.
  14. Hi borgmeister and Welcome to the GameEx forums! For those playing along, I believe this report is based on a potentially similar issue seen here. @borgmeister: Thank you for providing an excerpt from your log. Having said that, it will likely be necessary to post the entire content of the log following the error occurring In order to glean the best troubleshooting information regarding this issue. Likewise please post a copy of your GameEx.ini. Instructions on how to access that information can be found here. Thanks man!
  15. Great news and no problem! Glad to hear it's all sorted out. Happy gaming!
  16. I'm guessing that either C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast is not actually the working path of where your emulator is located, or that nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe is not actually the exact name of the emulator executable. Take a look at those two factors and see if one of those is causing the problem. I think we're getting there man!
  17. Would you mind trying to alter your runitgame.bat one more time? So if your runitgame.bat looks like this: chcp 65001C:CD "C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast"nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="J:\Dreamcast Roms\Grand Theft Auto 2.cdi"Add the word pause to the end of the file like so: chcp 65001C:CD "C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast"nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="J:\Dreamcast Roms\Grand Theft Auto 2.cdi"pauseThat should prevent the command window from closing. It will give you a message that says "Press any key to continue" or something along those lines. Now before you run another game through GameEx, simply try to double click on that file after having saved it. I'm curious if there are any errors being output to the command window. Remember that running games through an emulator GUI is a much different animal than running them from the command line. In order to get them running through GameEx again we need to get them launching from the command line (or at least determine why they are not). TBH everything else in your setup looks pretty good to me unless there's something I'm just not seeing.
  18. Could you explain the nature of your problem a bit more? Is this even related to Pinmame focus problems with DirectB2S?
  19. Thanks Frankybabes! In your nulldc.cfg find the following section: [ImageReader]PatchRegion=0LoadDefaultImage=0DefaultImage=defualt.gdiLastImage=J:\Dreamcast Roms\Bangai-O.cdiThen change the LoadDefaultImage line so that it reads LoadDefaultImage=1I think that may be of some assistance. Your command line should be good as is.
  20. Have you tried modifying your nulldc.cfg file in conjunction with the snarls command line? It might be worth posting a copy of your nulldc.cfg file just to see if there's anything else we can address with that.
  21. I think you'll either need to verify that your nulldc.cfg file (found in the same directory as nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe) has been modified as I suggested here -OR- you'll want to modify your command line to utilize the parameters that snarls suggested here. (Or just do both for maximum overkill ) Check that out and see if it helps.
  22. Hi Frankybabes, Thanks for the information you provided. When you have an opportunity would you also mind uploading a copy of your log after having experienced this error? Additionally it may be helpful to follow the steps provided in item 4B (Troubleshooting with "Run Last Game") in the How to Ask For Help thread to determine if any information is being output to your command console regarding this error. Thanks man!
  23. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Krak! I was really happy to see that one of the available tables is Gorgar. My all time favorite pinball table! When I was a younger lad, my friends and I hung out at a dimly lit old pool hall downtown (although "downtown" is a bit of a misnomer considering this was Podunkville (i.e. Powell), Wyoming). Any hoo, I never was a great pool player (I'm still not), but I played the hell out of the janky old Gorgar table they had in that seedy little pool hall. My friends and I would have whole conversations with Gorgar most of which would involve shouting obscenities at Gorgar when he would arrogantly declare, "Me Beat You!" and so forth (Hey we were 15 and thought we were being absolutely hiii-larious, rather than the annoyingly obnoxious kids we undoubtedly were ). Good times.
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