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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi fwiler and welcome to the GameEx forums! When reporting an issue please attach a copy of your GameEx.ini and/or a copy of your GameEx log after having experienced the problem (in this case a copy of your GameEx.ini would probably be enough). This will help us determine the cause of the problem. Please refer to this thread for further details. Thanks man!
  2. Great pictures LC! Looks like you and Jen had a fantastic time! I'm getting a real "Hunter S Thompson" vibe from that picture of you standing next to the crazy looking palm(?) tree! Hopefully your trip had neither fear nor loathing. Are those pictures from the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas? I've always wanted to check that out! I've consistently forgotten to visit during the few times I've been to Las Vegas.
  3. I just thought I would expand on my previous comment as I had a bit of time to browse the documentation for the GEMUS scripting language over my lunch break. It does have a function called Run_Program which (I think) can be used for the purposes of launching external programs via GameBase. If you were looking for a way to make this happen today, I would imagine you could leverage this function for the purposes of running Xpadder or WinIPAC or what-have-you. OTOH it looks like the sort of thing that might require some experimentation as well as trial and error. I'd be curious to hear whether anyone else is doing something similar.
  4. Yeah GameBase is a bit of a special case in the land of GameEx. Being that GameBase is essentially a separate frontend and launcher, GameEx defers any emulator settings to those that have been configured through GameBase . So GameEx let's GameBase take the wheel for any emulators configured and launched through GameEx (otherwise they might end up "fighting" each other for control). I think that's what Han was getting at. Having said that, doesn't GameBase rely on some sort of "master script" for controlling the means by which it launches emulators? Any chance you could add a line to that script for launching WiniPac? It may not be feasible, and I'm certainly no expert on GameBase, but it sure seems like it would be possible given the open nature of the GameBase script(s). Short of that, it might be a good time to make a feature request to implement Launch Before and Launch After for GameBase. I imagine you're not the only one who's run into this with GameBase.
  5. +1 to Draco's recommendation in a huge way! Sometimes in my head I call it Comi-Crack, cause you know ... in my own mind I'm totally hilarious. Also it's just that good. Another great feature is that you can utilize wireless syncing of your comics library between the desktop version and the mobile version (if you spring for the paid mobile version). I actually use that feature more than I ever thought I would.
  6. Yep I went ahead and purchased Bionic Commando: Rearmed. I really like that game (I also bought it through PSN). I feel like it's a great example of how an HD update of a retro title should be done. I also bought SFIV AE along with the all inclusive DLC pack. I still need to install that one, but obviously I'm pretty excited to dig in at some point in the near future.
  7. Wow, you've been busy Mike! These are looking awesome!
  8. Man I'm pretty far from a subject matter expert on anime, but I did go through a brief anime phase in college. One of my absolute favorites is Ninja Scroll. I get sort of a Fist of the North Star vibe from it (a wandering warrior getting into all sorts of fights), but it's better IMO. Also as a retro game fan I really like the Golgo 13 flicks (Golgo 13: The Professional and Golgo 13: Queen Bee), but that might be my "nuanced" tastes talking there. I may also be one of the few people that enjoys (or even remembers) the Golgo 13 games on the NES (which is really my only point of reference since I never really had access to the long running manga series). Depends on what you're into I suppose; I have been getting into some of the returning series for the Fall season. Sons of Anarchy is pretty good so far this year, but that definitely falls into the genre of crime drama. Having said that, I imagine if you've ever enjoyed a GTA game, you'd enjoy SoA (I'm pretty sure the Lost and the Damned was practically based on SoA). I'm also slowly getting into American Horror Story: Coven, but I've always felt that the horror genre is pretty much the first cousin of Sci-Fi (heck I didn't even enjoy horror until I started watching it as sci-fi). It's not quite as good as I had hoped given the cast (Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, and Angela Bassett), but that show tends to be a bit of a slow burner, ratcheting up tension over the course of an entire season. Understandably though, both of those shows will not be everyone's cup of tea. You definitely do have a point though. I'm most excited about The Americans coming back, which won't happen until next Spring (even though they're already running promos!).
  9. There are a couple of questions to address here. When you say that you cannot use the emulator in GameEx, what is the exact nature of the problem? The other factor that will assist us in any GameEx related troubleshooting endeavor will be to provide a copy of your emulator configuration, and most likely a copy of your log after having encountered the issue in GameEx. Please refer to this thread for further details. Thanks man!
  10. Glad to hear it's working out for you Feanor1! Good luck with your project, and naturally feel free to post back with any questions you may have.
  11. The question is, would one be brave enough to wire it up in the first place? Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose any more. Goodbye.
  12. Awesome! Glad to hear you're up and running Scott.
  13. This is great Krak! Thanks for passing this information along.
  14. Hi Feanor1 and Welcome to the GameEx forums! Thanks for posting your log and your GameEx config. That information makes a big difference when attempting to troubleshoot issues like these. So let's get to it! In your GameEx.ini I see that you have MAME configured as a "standard" emulator. You don't want to do that (or at least you would only want to do that under a very specific set of circumstances). MAME holds a "special" status in GameEx, so it has it's own dedicated settings which enable alot of cool MAME-specific functionality. You'll want to configure MAME using the MAME Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. In your GameEx.ini it looks like your ROM paths are still configured to the default demo paths. For example: emu_2_rompath=C:\GameEx\DEMO\SNES\videoSo I'm guessing that directory still houses the demo videos that came included with GameEx. Further, I'm sure that most any emulator will choke when you try to run it with a video file specified in place of a ROM file. For each of your emulators in GameEx you'll want to first configure them in the Setup Wizard using the Emulator Selection, Emulator Setup and possibly the Advanced Emulator Setup screens. But ... even that may be getting ahead of ourselves. For any emulator you configure in the Setup Wizard, you'll want to be sure it's running fine on its own outside of GameEx first. Remember that the Setup Wizard is only for configuring GameEx settings, if an emulator is not functioning outside of GameEx the Setup Wizard cannot suddenly make it work for you. Would you mind posting another copy of your log immediately after having attempted to run a GameEx Arcade game? For the most part these are just Flash games, so you'll want to make sure that you have an up to date installation of Flash on your machine. You'll also want to verify that the machine has internet access. Good Luck!
  15. Glad to hear that reinstalling fixed the problem. Welcome to the GameEx forums cptnwhlz!
  16. That's quite a card ya got there Dazzle! Time to max out some settings eh!? Congrats man
  17. Will do! Glad to hear reinstalling solved the problem.
  18. That's because of the following setting in your GameEx.ini: HideUpdateList=TrueYou'll want to modify that setting on the Enable / Disable Features screen in the Setup Wizard (it's the Hide Update List setting).
  19. Great update Tom! Thanks a lot!
  20. Hmmmm I wonder why? Is it because this is Tempest's all-time favorite song? That's it isn't it. I'm really enjoying these logos Draco! Keep up the great work.
  21. If you use the Custom mode on the Welcome to the GameEx Setup Wizard screen (the first screen), you will also find that it has what basically amounts to a Table of Contents screen (the Custom Select screen). This screen will allow you to select a single screen to navigate to or even select your own custom screen flow consisting of multiple screens. It's the only way to fly (through your settings)! What's even better is that the Setup Wizard will remember your screen selections between runs of the program.
  22. I think the default plugins for ePSXe have improved a lot in release versions 1.8 and higher. So maybe this is simply a stigma that's hung on from previous versions. For me the benchmark game is Castlevania SOTN. Seems like I always had to tweak something in that game to get it to look/sound/play correctly. For that matter I think there used to be a division between the preferred settings (and plugins) for 2D vs. 3D games. Maybe not so much the case anymore though.
  23. There was a Hole here. It's gone now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adultery


      Jeez you guys are nerds! LOL!

      I was thinking of my ex for a second. :D

    3. nullPointer


      LOL! You crack me up. James Sunderland was actually also thinking of his ex when he saw that message. >=)

    4. KRC


      A Hymenectomy Perhaps?

  24. Hi nekojosh and Welcome to the GameEx forums! I gotta tell ya, I loves me a good NES PC. I've been considering a build for a while, but just can't quite bring myself to tear down an old NES. 'Spose I oughta just keep an eye on eBay for someone selling just a shell. Any hoo ... pSX is indeed a good emulator in the event that you don't want to be fiddling around with plugin settings and whatnot. Having said that, you would likely find that ePSXe has equivalent or better compatibility compared with pSX, but you do need to mess around with various plugin settings depending on the game. If you're looking for a hands off approach to PlayStation emulation pSX is the way to go. Unfortunately pSX doesn't offer a key/button shortcut to switch controller layouts between the older non-analog style and the more recent DualShock style in the way that ePSXe does. With pSX you need to use the menu to accomplish this. Having said that it probably wouldn't be terribly difficult to write an AutoHotKey script to automate the menu functionality and subseqently trigger the script via a button/key press, but that may be more than you want to take on at the moment. It would also break the "immersion" in that when you triggered the script you would see the menu pop up momentarily as the script navigated to the proper settings to modify. If you're running GameEx there might be an easier way. You could actually run two completely separate copies of pSX. Configure one to utilize the older controller layout and the other one to use the DualShock style controller layout. Next separate your disc images into two separate groups (in separate directories). One group will be all the games that are compatible with the Dualshock controller, and the other group will contain those games that require an older style controller. In GameEx you would create two separate emulator entries for pSX; one for each copy of the emulator. Make sure the ROM path for each of these entries points to the correct group/directory of games according to how you've configured the controls for that emulator. Then you would simply use the Emulator Groups feature to group the two pSX emulator entries into a single game list in GameEx. Phew! The saving grace with this solution is that pSX stores its settings in a standalone config file as opposed to ePSXe which stores settings in the registry (yuck ). So there are a couple different options for you, one more technical than the other. Please feel free to report back if you have any additional questions and/or issues.
  25. That cab looks awesome allsyop! Heroic job on the artwork!
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