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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi Scott and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! Sorry to hear about your issues. In this particular case it would also be helpful to take a look at your GameEx log (after having experienced this issue) in addition to the config that you already posted. Please refer to this thread for details on how to access your log. Thanks Scott!
  2. Half-Life 3... here ya go!
  3. Awesome update! Thanks Adultery!
  4. So Steam is slated to make 3 "big announcements" this week with SteamOS being the first. Here's the official Steam announcement page. If I were a betting man I would practically put money down that one of those announcements will be official news about their upcoming Steam Box console. I bet it's kind of a trifecta. Announce the OS, announce the official Steam hardware platform for running the OS, then (maybe) announce how the two will interact. The symbols displayed on the page in the first link would seem to indicate that it's something like that. (See I did learn something from Tomb Raider ... besides anatomy)
  5. If you're running Steam through GameEx to would also be prudent to back up the ...\MEDIA\STEAM directory. That's where all your Steam artwork resides, as well as any wrappers or configs you may be using for Steam.
  6. Dude, I'm so glad to hear that you're doing OK! No need to apologize about the absence. Feeling bad about feeling bad doesn't do you a bit of good. You continue to take care of yourself there buddy!
  7. Pretty cool stuff. As you discussed I'm actually a bit more excited about Steam's support of Linux than I am about having another distro to choose from. It will definitely be interesting to see what they do with it. I'm guessing this is the next shot across the bow on the way towards the development of the Steam console. Thanks for the share!
  8. Regarding the nag screen issue, please contact Tom directly at [email protected]. Glad to hear the Setup Wizard is working for you now!
  9. Cool release! Thanks Tom and Flash for all your hard work.
  10. Here's a fact about Stew for you, my GameEx brethren, or more specifically a fact about Gumbo. For those not in the know Gumbo is a stew that originated within Cajun and Creole culture and typically consists of several varieties of meat or seafood simmered in a nice hearty spiced stock. Crucially this stew became widely popular in the 1980s, when chef Paul Prudhomme's popularity spurred interest in Creole and Cajun cooking. So there you go. Wait you say it's Stu1983's birthday today? And that he gained popularity during the 1980's? Wow talk about coincidences! So here's a fact about Stu1983 for you, my GameEx bretheren, or more specifically a fact about his contributions to the GameEx community. Stu is practically single-handedly responsible for writing most of the Steam wrappers that come included with GameEx. So there you go. And it's his birthday today. Thanks for all you do Stu! Happy Birthday! Treat yourself some Gumbo! It's practically your soul-soup! Please join me in wishing Stu1983 the happiest of birthdays!
  11. I've been thinking the same thing! Actually I've been thinking that it would probably work particularly pretty well for overseas friends since the time difference would help to avoid collisions between borrower and lender trying to play simultaneously.
  12. Yeah, what he said! LOL. Thanks for having my back there Daz!
  13. What happens if you run a game via runitgame.bat? Refer to this thread for details on troubleshooting with runitgame.bat - specifically items 4.A and 4.B.
  14. The one other aspect I was going to mention, was that I think that The HyperSpin Report could benefit from the skills of a good editor. Double check for grammar, punctuation, spelling that sort of thing. During the couple times I've read it before that was one aspect I noticed. Hopefully that comes off as constructive criticism and not just criticism. Even the pros use editors, so it's not intended as a knock on your writing or anything. I think it's one aspect that could add a polish of professionalism to the blog, rather than a "community labor of love" sort of affair (not that it can't continue to be that too). Not to be that Grammar Nazi or anything ...
  15. So don't change anything but the name? I don't know ... I guess I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here.
  16. Dude, I was totally going to bitch, until I read this part: So I told my inner Janice Dickinson to calm down ... for now. ... Nah totally kidding ... as Adultery said I think you've overestimated the number of bitches here (wait a sec ... maybe 'level of bitchiness' is more PC) I've briefly perused your blog in the past, and I think it's a cool thing that you're dong for HyperSpin, but being that I'm not a HS user I haven't spent a lot of time with it. So it sounds like you want to expand on the amount of content you cover, and you're wondering what that expanded content should include? I would take a good look at the venerable RetroGaming with Racketboy for some inspiration. Their coverage of retrogaming is just about second to none in the blog-o-sphere as far as I'm concerned. Having said that Racketboy used to include cool articles specifically dedicated to different emulators, emulator plug-ins, etc, but it seems they've backed off from emulation articles in recent years. I'd like to see more of that sort of thing. Reviews of Emulators Interviews with Emulator Developers/Development Teams Ditto the above with frontends. Maybe a "Builders Corner" featuring articles, plans, and project spotlights on arcade and pin cab projects. Just a general emulation community focus would be a cool thing.
  17. Really cool! Thanks for this Adultery. You have a way of always anticipating and providing valuable functionality to users. Just Awesome. * This plugin is in no way affiliated with MC Lyte ... or is it? It is isn't it you sly dog!
  18. Heh .. yeah .. believe me most of your scores are in no danger from the like of me! I did manage to sneak into the lead on Boba Fett, although the fact that I'm now broadcasting it will probably translate into a short lived victory.
  19. As I understand it your Share list will be a separate list than your normal friends list. When one of those friends "borrows" one of your games, they still need to download and install the game as you normally would need to on Steam. So I think any achievements and stats will still belong to the "borrower". But ... there are additional restrictions on when the "borrower" can play your games. Basically it's like a token. Only one person can be playing any game in your library at any given time, and you as the owner/lender take precedence over borrowers. So let's say I borrow Hello Kitty Bullet Hell in the Abyss of Sorrow Pt. 2 from you. Steam prompts me to download and install it, which I do. So I'm playing along wondering how on earth this game got an E for Everybody rating, when you pop in and decide you want to play GTA IV or something. At that point I receive notification from the Steam client that you're playing a game in your library, and that I need to quit the game I'm playing at which point it will simply will save and exit. I'm kind of taking a guess here, but that's sort of how it works as I understand it.
  20. Hi aikido2u The bad news here is that Exception code: 0xc0000005 can be caused by any vast number of application or environmental issues. But ... one possibility is that the Setup Wizard is trying to write to a read-only file or directory. It might be worthwhile to verify that your GameEx installation directory and/or sub-directories have not been set to read-only. Likewise, please verify that your GameEx.ini has also not been set to read-only.
  21. I read about it on Kotaku (article), which linked up with the Steam announcement. Apparently in order to join the beta you just join the Steam Family Sharing Group, and they let you know if you've been selected to participate. It might be too late to join the beta though, as the Steam announcement says that it began in mid-September. Long story short I'm not using it, but curious to see how it pans out.
  22. So after the recent Steam Daily Sale I finally expanded my collection of Pinball FX2 tables. I picked up the the Star Wars pack and the Marvel pack. And after seeing the scores of the posters above, I have to say ... wow you guys are pretty good. I've got some practicing to do! Currently my favorite table is Boba Fett, but that might be because it's the only table on which I've been able to develop a somewhat reliable strategy. At any rate I'd love to hear about which tables are your favorites, and (maybe especially) any strategy advice you might have. Edit: Regarding table strategies, I just found this last night. It's a fairly comprehensive list of PinballFX 2 Strategy Guides!
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