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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Are video snaps not working for you by default?
  2. Hi Gamepimp! When you have a moment would you mind uploading a copy of your log as well. The reason being that your log will have time stamps which might enable us to see what part of the start up process seems to be taking longer than usual. Thanks man!
  3. You may be thinking of the Preview Videos setting found on the HTPC / Multimedia Settings screen in the Setup Wizard. Bear in mind this particular setting is directed at movies and videos in your Movies and TV path, rather than preview videos for games. Preview videos for games are simply dictated by whether there are video snaps to display. If you'd like to disable those simply leave your Video Snap Path blank for the applicable emulator.
  4. Great looking video for a great looking theme! Thanks Crylen and Celly!
  5. Yes I think that's basically it. If you could save each individual games settings as a registry key and launch it on the fly along side (or more likely before) the game itself I think that would probably do the trick. I believe that's essentially the way that ePSXecutor does it too (but for ePSXe).
  6. Sorry stigzler, pcsx-r stores plugin (i.e. video, audio, controller) settings in the registry. That means that there's essentially no such thing as "per-game" settings, only universal settings. It wouldn't even help if you had multiple running instances of pcsx-r since they would all use the exact same registry settings. It's one reason why I think it's terrible design for emulators to utilize registry settings for this sort of thing. Yuck. There may be a loader out there that would enable you to change settings on the fly though. ePSXe (which also stores settings in the registry) has one in the form of the venerable ePSXecutor. I'm not aware if such a thing exists for pcsx-r, but it's possible. Having said that, I've always been extremely satisfied with ePSXecutor.
  7. I'd agree with Draco that the three prong RCA (Composite) connection(s) would likely have identical output to the five prong Component connection (well ... five if you include the audio connections). The difference between these two is that the RCA composite cable does not support HD resolutions whereas the the Component does. With the NES though it's a non-issue being that the native resolution on the NES is a mere 256X240. I think you're good to go with the readily available RCA Composite cables
  8. Great news KRC! Enjoy. I received my first NES as a Christmas present in 1986 (maybe '87). As a result I always associate playing NES with memories of Christmas past. 'Tis the season man!
  9. Dude hopefully you don't take offense to this, but after being a bit dismissive of one of our most helpful PinballX members and questioning the credentials of our longest running admin, there could be a diminishing number of people jumping at the chance to devote time and effort to your issue. I mean you catch more flies with honey and all that. Any hoo ... lecture's over ... carry on. So ... Have you set the program to run as Admin? Have you tried running it directly from the command line (or batch file)? Is this stock standard Windows or some crazy nLited version? Have you shelled the machine, and if so what processes have been deactivated at startup? I guess my biggest question is what else is running at the time? Is there some other application that is fighting for focus (and winning apparently)? Where ever the answer lies you can pretty well bet it's an environmental issue. I mean your own experience bears that out. It's working on one machine but not the other. What's different about that machine?
  10. The GameEx F.A.Q. contain the following instructions: I think that should probably set you right. Good Luck!
  11. Clementine will remember that

  12. Being that the previously posted information is no longer current, please re-post a copy of your Emulator Config, your runitgame.bat, and maybe a copy of your log as well. We'll take a look. It also might be worthwhile to repeat the steps referenced here (i.e. adding a pause to your runitgame.bat), although if nullDC is loading at this point it may not be all that informative. Thanks man!
  13. My gaming rig is named Arthur; an amalgamation of Arthur C. Clarke and Arthur Dent. The name stems from the fact that my case reminds me a bit of this. There's actually a bit of a pattern here. Our 2001 Ford Taurus is named HAL since ... 2001. Any hoo, I'm digressing a lot. I'm trying to remember, but I'm thinking my SSD has been in fairly regular operation for at least a year or more. So it's not super long duty yet, but bear in mind that this PC is in operation 24-7 for the most part. To be honest, I'm inclined to say that the hysteria over the limited lifespans of SSDs is a bit overblown. I mean yes, there is a hard limit to the amount of R/W operations an SSD has over the course of its lifetime. But really, you could say that about a mechanical hard drive as well. After all an SSD will never fail as a result of mechanical failure. It's all pros and cons really. I found this to be an interesting article on the topic. OTOH I try to take a full image of my boot drive every so often (Clonezilla FTW!) in order to reduce the impact of a full drive failure should the worst case scenario come to pass. I think your choice of SSD seems relatively solid. I usually base many of my computer part purchases on newegg reviews (as seen here), and any information I can find on Tom's Hardware (as seen here). I'm thinking that if you have the extra cabbage sitting around it's one of the best ways to improve tangible system performance.
  14. Hi mixalisael and welcome to the GameEx forums! Uff da! Trying to read that image is a bit hard on the eyes! (Must be getting old! ) When you have a moment would you upload a copy of your log along with a copy of your GameEx.ini instead? You can review this thread for details on how to do that. Thank you!
  15. Ah ha! Thank you that helps immensely. Here's your issue: Command=Command=nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Your command has "Command=" as part of the command. Take that part out, and I bet you'll be golden.
  16. Please follow the steps from step 4B above. Add the word pause to the end of the runitgame.bat file, and attempt to run runitgame.bat directly. Please take note if any error messages are output to the command window.
  17. In that case I would attempt the following steps, particularly those listed in step 4B:
  18. I really like using an SSD as my boot drive. I use a 120GB OCZ Vertex as the boot drive in my gaming rig. I feel like it's cut my boot time way down. So basically I have Windows on the SSD as well as most installed applications, with the exception of Steam. It's possible to move your Steam directory, it's just not especially intuitive to do. I believe I followed this guide when I did so: Moving a Steam Installation and Games I pretty much have all data stored on data drives rather than on the SSD (music library, video library, emulation assets, games, etc.). So in some ways that can have an impact on the speed of the SSD. so for instance, GameEx loads up really fast, but there's still some seek times involved with retrieving artwork and games, although I feel like it's pretty negligible. If I'm going to sweat that additional fraction of a second, I've got bigger issues to worry about! Interestingly enough, I have a buddy running Windows 8 from an SSD (I use 7), and his load times trump mine handily. I think Windows 8 might have some additional SSD optimizations. There are some special step you'll want to take in BIOS and in Windows if you're going the SSD route. The OCZ forums have a pretty good guide on that topic. Some of the information therein is specifically related to OCZ SSDs, but much of it is information that applies to all SSDs. SSD ABC Guide Good luck man! I think ultimately it's a pretty good move.
  19. Hi Frankybabes Often times with nullDC I've found that it's necessary to make a couple of changes to nullDC.cfg. Not to be confused with the emulator config you pasted above (thanks for that), the nullDC.cfg file will be found in the same directory as nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe. I believe you'll want to ensure that your nullDC.cfg file contains the following settings (they probably won't be right next to each other like I'm showing here): Emulator.AutoStart=1...LoadDefaultImage=1These settings will work in conjunction with the ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" parameter of your command line, which will set the loaded image as the default image and will forgo the need to select an image from the menu (i.e. the game will be launched directly via the command line). In theory the -config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 and -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 portions of your command line should override your nullDC.cfg settings, but I've always found nullDC to be fickle in this regard. I don't think my command line ever worked until I made the adjustments directly to my nullDC.cfg. YMMV, but it's worth a shot.
  20. That's so funny that you mention it man, I'm playing through the first game in the Assassins's Creed series for the first time right now! I've always been interested in the series and so far it seems pretty solid. Having said that, the in-game missions do start to feel a bit "same-y" and "grind-y" after a while but the story certainly strings you along. The parkour bits are also quite well done, and once you get the hang of it the combat does a good job of making you feel like a badass deadly assassin. Travel through history, meet interesting people, and kill them! Whee! Any hoo, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts too.
  21. Congratulations on a fantastically deserved promotion Adultery! Thanks for all that you do around here!
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