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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. In the Setup Wizard on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen you'll find a setting called Merge Sets. Change that setting to Yes.
  2. What follows ladies and gentlemen are my failed attempts to properly convey a birthday message to our beloved friend Adultery. Apologies in advance to any wives/husbands/significant others who may be in attendance. Today we celebrate Adultery!Happy Birthday from GameEx, the official home of Adultery!If not for Adultery I wouldn’t be here!Here’s to another year of Adultery!Come for the GameEx, Stay for the Adultery!Where would we be without Adultery?Even my wife loves Adultery!Whenever I don’t know what to do in GameEx, I turn to Adultery.If you’re trying to make sense of these forums, Adultery will help.GameEx: Powered by AdulteryWhere there’s Adultery, there’s GameEx.If you need a fantastic plugin, why not try Adultery?Adultery is always there for us. Adultery never cheats.If one needs proof of our expertise, look no further than our AdulteryTurns out, I’m not very good at this. So let me simply say this. Adultery is awesome. There I said it! Around here, he’s our very own equivalent of The Beatles and Elvis rolled together with a dash of 2Pac thrown in for good measure. You know it and I know it! So please join me in wishing the man of the hour an amazing birthday celebration! Happy Birthday my Friend!
  3. The man's on fire! Thanks again for your contributions SB!
  4. Based on Tempest's comments above and typical MESS command parameters it will probably be something like this: mess.exe cpc464 -flop1 "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -joystick -nowindow That's just a guess, but it's probably not far off. Both MESS and MAME are particularly responsive to testing with runitgame.bat (as described here), so if you run into trouble that's a very good means of digging yourself out. As previously noted I think most of our users are running with WinAPE at the moment (thanks in part to Tempest's awesome loader), so that's always an option if MESS just isn't getting it done for you.
  5. I would think that the command line that Han posted is the correct one for my particular use-case scenario, but anything I run through blueMSX has a .rom extension (and is also zipped). So assuming everything else is correct in the command you previously posted, I would guess at the very least that you'd want to include the [ROMPATH] parameter. Otherwise it's going to try and find ROMs in whatever directory it happens to be in at the time (probably the same directory as your emulator). So assuming everything else is right, you'd want it to look like this: blueMSX.exe /fullscreen /diskA "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Posting the previously requested information would be helpful in determining if there are any other remaining issues with your config. Following the steps delineated here in step 4b. is also immensely helpful while troubleshooting problematic emulators:
  6. This may have something to do with the way your ROM set is configured (split, merged, or split-merged). Try turning on Verify ROMs in your settings and update your list in GameEx again. Having said that, I'm also a bit concerned about your emulator itself. ClrMamePro (pretty much) uses the same method of determining clones as GameEx does, which is to say that it uses the MAME executable itself to generate and examine information about the ROM set. If ClrMamePro can't make that happen, and GameEx can't make that happen, there may be an issue with the emulator itself in terms of being able to generate information about the set. Does the version of your ROM set match your version of MAME?
  7. I must provide a word of caution here that discussion of hard or soft modded game consoles is against the forum rules (where the intent of the mod is to run non-standard software). I don't think you've crossed any sort of line in asking, and the line itself can be a bit blurry sometimes. So where a NES PC is considered to be "safe" being that it's really more of a case mod, discussion of running cracks on modern systems is considered "unsafe". It's particularly tricky with the PS3 since initially that system was a bit more of an "open platform" by design what with the initial inclusion of the "Other OS" option. At any rate Sony has since removed the Other OS option and likewise has been known to be pretty rabid when it comes to protecting their IP. Consequently I thought it best to provide a word of extreme caution before other users jump in. Gots to protect our forum! So lets say for a moment that we're just talking about Linux. GameEx should run fine under Wine, but it will not run natively on Linux. Running on a machine with ARM architecture would likely prove to be another huge hurtle, and I suspect it would prove to be altogether impossible. It might be more feasible to get SteamOS running under ARM though ... which would also be an interesting experiment.
  8. I think your problem is likely related to this: GamesIn7Zips=TrueThis will complicate matters slightly when it comes to artwork matching. Adultery recently enlightened/reminded me that when you're using the Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge/RAR feature, GameEx will match the name of the artwork to the rom contained inside the zipped ROM file. So even though your Zip file may be called The Greatest Game Ever Made 11.zip, the runnable ROM inside the zip might be called tggem11.rom or something. When GameEx loads up artwork for this game it's going to look for a video matching the tggem11 name. Having said all of that, doesn't MESS handle running zipped ROMs directly? You may not even need to use that setting, and if that's the case it will greatly simplify your setup (since at that point GameEx will match artwork against the name of the zip directory itself).
  9. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the entire GameEx gang. I feel so fortunate to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to see what the new year will bring! I hope the holidays are finding you well.
  10. ♫ Zombie Wenceslas went out to feast upon Stephen ... ♫

    1. Adultery


      ♬ Where the brains came spilling out, clean and crisp and even ... ♬

  11. You bet man! You do it through the Setup Wizard, following these directions:
  12. Hi Rick and Merry Christmas to you as well! I merge my game lists in the same way you describe, but I still have videos displayed in the main list. When you have a moment would you mind posting the emulator config for one of your emulators experiencing this issue (it wouldn't hurt to post you GameEx.ini as well)? Just to be clear though we are talking about simply merging your lists in GameEx right? (as opposed to physically merged ROM sets in which you have one .zip with several different ROMs inside)
  13. Hi lion73 When you have a moment, please post a copy of your GameEx.ini. This will help us to see any problematic settings in your config, The How to Ask For Help thread contains details regarding how to access your GameEx.ini. Thank You!
  14. Please post your emulator config and we can take a look. It would also be helpful to test your config using runitgame.bat. Please refer to the help thread for further details. Among other things I would guess that you need to add the [ROMPATH] parameter to the command you previously posted. Also what is the file extension of the ROMs you are attempting to run?
  15. You rock man! Thanks so much for your contributions.
  16. Well I'll be darned, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Thanks Adultery! @rtkiii: That pretty much flushes my previous advice down the crapper. Please disregard my previous post on the subject.
  17. Well there ya go! Talking out my arse again! That makes your job either easier or harder rtkiii depending on your situation. If all your .cue files are named the same and you're locked into those names (i.e. the emulator doesn't let you change them), you may have to resort to something more exotic. OTOH, if you are able to rename the .cue files you'd want to rename them to match the associated game since that's the name that would show up in your list (hopefully using an established naming convention - but whatevs ).
  18. Whoa maybe I screwed up ... if your ROMs are zipped will GameEx still filter your list based on the contents of the compressed file(s)?
  19. Well not so much a doc, but it's not terribly difficult. Here's what you would do (just start with one game as a proof of concept): First zip up the contents of one of your game. Make sure that the zip file doesn't extend to sub-directories (So when you double click the zip you see your files right there rather than another directory). Put that in your ROM directory, which would look like this assuming all goes to plan: ROM DIRECTORY Game1.zipGame2.zipEtc.Now in the Setup Wizard on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen you'll want to change the Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge/RAR setting to Yes. Change your ROM filter to *.zip. Lastly you may need to alter your command line, so that it selects the proper file to load. If you know for a fact that every cue file will be names the same the "dynamic" portion of your command line would look something like this (where filename.cue is the name of your cue file): "[ROMPATH]\filename.cue" If on the other hand your able to rename those cue files I would name each one the same as the parent ZIP directory so you could do this (which would be more robust): "[ROMPATH]\[ROM].cue" Bearing in mind that I don't run this particular system, I don't see why the above wouldn't work.
  20. That's what the ROMs In 7zip is designed to handle. You store your disc images in compressed format, then when GameEx runs them it unzips the contents prior to running them. If you know that the cue file will be named the same regardless of game, your command line should be a snap from that point. There are a couple of other options here, but I like this one as much or even better than the other ones.
  21. Thanks so much for your contributions Slashbot! Any chance you could move some of these to the PinballX FTP server as a means of sidestepping the forum restrictions?
  22. I would say that if your boot partition is only dedicated to Windows and nothing else, it could still warrant some consideration. Although boot time is the most noticeable effect in terms of the OS, also remember that every OS operation requiring hard drive interaction will benefit from the same sort of boost. The other area where the SSD gives a nice kick in the pants is for any application installed to it, particularly any sort of application that either caches data or loads data from some sort of cache. One of my favorite programs in this category is GameEx.
  23. Wow man! That Atari 7800 image looks sick with the gradient background. This is really coming together nicely rtkiii.
  24. At this point are you shooting for strictly PAL carts, or is NTSC still an option?
  25. If ti makes you feel any better rtkiii, the author of the Shark007 pack has gone to rather great lengths to insure that they can be cleanly uninstalled as a single unit. Like you I was (and to a great extent still am) suspicious of unknown codec packs, but I really feel like Shark007 is one of good ones (maybe the only good one). I wouldn't endorse it if I felt otherwise, but this pack has never given me so much as a single hiccup. Just be sure to follow the installation instructions which aren't hard to follow, but you do need to follow the proper order. The main thing is if you're installing the 64 bit codecs you need to install the 32 bit pack first, followed by the 64 bit components. If you uninstall them simply reverse the order (64 bit components then the 32 bit pack). Good luck man, I have a feeling you may be pleasantly surprised!
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