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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Looks absolutely great Tom! With all the exciting developments happening with PinballX and now XDMD I'm pining for a PinCab now more than ever!
  2. Calling all fanboys! Thanks for the heads up KRC! Edit: Wow, there are a few games on sale that I didn't even know were available on Steam! I'll definitely be jumping all over Bionic Commando: Rearmed! Maybe Onimusha 3 and the older Devil May Cry titles as well. Too bad MegaMan 9 & 10 aren't available through Steam though ...
  3. It sounds like this might be the best solution if we can make it work. When you say the metadata is incorrect, is the issue pretty much a duplicate of the originally reported problem or is any better/worse? If it turns out to be a database issue I might be able to tweak the database a bit to make it work for you.
  4. Just to verify, did you rename the Naomi db3 file when you copied Flash's mdb into the database directory?
  5. Glad to hear we're getting to the bottom of it! Basically if you turn on database mapping it will override the names in your map file. The database does the same thing as a map file in that it maps "regular" game names to ROM names, but it also does a lot more in that it links the game up with most of the metadata you see in GameEx such as the game description, date of publication, developer, publisher, etc. So you've got a couple options here. You can simply use your map file which is a perfectly valid option ... except you lose out on that cool metadata for your games. The next option is to simply replace the problematic database. The naughty little bugger at fault can be found in the following directory: \GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS And I believe the file name will be [Arcade] Sega Naomi.mdb. Try replacing that file with the database posted here. I'm guessing that will help matters (be sure to follow the additional instructions Flash lists in the linked post). If that still doesn't do the trick it will come down to making manual updates to the database. If you want to update the mdb you'll pretty much need to use MS Access. Some have reported success editing mdbs with Open Office and/or Libre Office, but I've never had much luck going that route. If there's a db3 file present (with the same file name) you can edit that using one of the editors linked above without too much difficulty (but you'll want to rename the mdb).
  6. It certainly couldn't hurt. Your settings will still be safe, so you don't have to worry about that. The only bad part is that I'm not certain whether the GameEx installer will overwrite the applicable files in the DATA directory. If that's the case, I think I can hook you up with a set of the default files, but it will be a few hours until I get home and have access to my GameEx machine.
  7. GameEx should actually come with those files already populated in the DATA directory. Sorry I should have been more clear - I wasn't thinking this was so much a directory thing as to suggest pointing to a whole different set of files (the default ones).
  8. Hmm ... purely as an experiment would you mind trying to reset the locations of the following files to the default locations? CatverLocation=\DATA\catver.ini nplayerslocation=\DATA\nplayers.ini HistoryLocation=\DATA\history.dat InfoLocation=\DATA\mameinfo.dat CommandLocation=\DATA\command.dat Obviously this may not be an ideal or permanent solution, but it may help to indicate where the problem lies.
  9. Sorry for the redundant question, but every time you make an alteration to MAME, your ROMs, or your configuration you're still rebuilding your list in GameEx right? I hate to say it, but after reviewing the details of this thread I'm close to being out of ideas here ...
  10. This is not an emulator I run personally, and I have yet to configure Gamebase (it's been on my todo list forever) ... but according to the Altirra command line documentation you can start the emulator in full screen by adding the /f flag to your command line. I imagine this will need to be done via Gamebase, since I believe GameEx will defer to Gamebase settings in this case. I suppose your choice of DirectDraw, OpenGL. or GDI may play a role here as well, but this should provide a good starting point. At any rate I don't think you'll need to resort to a batch file in order to pull this off. FWIW you can view all available command line switches for Altirra by running the following command: Altirra.exe /? Edit: Also refer to page 9 of the document seen here. That may prove to be helpful as Gamebase may already have a setting for Altirra allowing you to "auto-magically" start the emulator in fullscreen.
  11. OK there's a lot going on here, so we may have to peel back some layers before we can get to the bottom of it. I'm guessing that this is an issue with either the Naomi database or alternately the map file you're using. The exceedingly strange part is that some of these pictures don't match the map files that you posted. For instance in the first picture of the first post, I see 5 different versions of 18 Wheeler. The map file that's (ostensibly) being used - [Arcade] Naomi FULL.map - only has 3 entries for 18 Wheeler. There are a couple other discrepancies I can see as well. So first things first, let's try to change some of your filters so we can determine what we're actually seeing here. Try altering the following settings: Change Use Database Name to false. This will ensure that the game name we're seeing in GameEx is actually the name listed in the Map file (Or a closer approximation - see Step 2.). So open up GameEx and see if this has helped matters. If everything has magically cleared up, then there's some incorrect name matching going on in the Naomi database. It's not terribly difficult to patch that up, but you'll need a database editor. If not let's move on to step 2. So everything is still wonky. This is starting to look like an issue with your Map file. First please insure the Map file you think you're using is the map file that you're actually using. Yes? Ok then. Please alter the following settings so we can see game names exactly as they appear in the map file: Replace Dashes = false Replace Underscores = false Remove Text in Brackets = false Now open up GameEx and take another look. Compare the list you're seeing in GameEx with your map file. Does everything look the same? Does every line in the Map file correspond to an entry in your GameEx list? Are the videos and whatnot still screwy? If so take a look at your Map file to insure that the proper ROM name corresponds to the right name in the list. Does everything seem to be good? If not let's go to step 3. Ok go back into the Setup Wizard change the Map File setting to blank (no mapping). Open up GameEx again. Next we're going to compare the list you see in GameEx with your artwork files. It may simply be that your artwork files are misnamed or poorly matched with your ROM set. Take a look at each entry in the list and find the corresponding artwork. Is the artwork named correctly for the ROM it represents? If you get this far you may need to do some renaming of artwork, but luckily the Naomi set is small enough that this shouldn't be a herculean effort.If none of those steps provide some clue as to what's happening well ... damn ... I may be officially out of ideas. Good luck man!
  12. Just out of curiosity have you run your ROM set through an auditing tool (i.e. ClrMamePro or ROM Center) for Mame 0.150? If you haven't, it would probably be beneficial to do so at this point. At the very least it would be one additional consideration to rule out.
  13. I think having read (some of) the comics and watched the show has increased my enjoyment of the game, and naturally the comics are probably the best introduction to the world in general. The show is absolutely brilliant as well though. Season 1 has some hit or miss moments IMO (which isn't to say it's bad by any means), but I think it's generally increased in quality as it's gone along (although I think S01E01 is one of the best pieces of television I've ever seen). I haven't read the entire comic series by any means. I'm planning on really digging in at some point in the future. At any rate I will say one thing about the game and that's all I'll say since the potential for spoilers is huge in this series be it comics, show, or game. The main characters appearing in the game are unique to the game, so it's a side story to the events going on in the central series. There are a few cameo characters from the main stories appearing in the game (maybe more - I've not completed the game yet), but they appear before the events chronicled in the main series. So in that sense it's probably more rewarding to have some foreknowledge going in, otherwise you miss out on that, "Oh my god that's so-and-so!" effect. Hey 'tis the season for zombie stories - maybe it's time to dive into that compendium!
  14. LOL. Yes I think Boong-Ga Boong-Ga is probably the most terrifying game ever devised. Is this emulated in MAME? I hope not! So any hoo ... I started playing the Walking Dead this week. This game is fantastic guys! It's been a while since I've played a really good adventure game, and this one fires on all cylinders. I'm really impressed with the well written story and the way the game gets you vested in the various characters. The one knock I can mention is that the game does feel like it's "on rails" from time to time, but I totally understand that this isn't an "open world adventure" sort of affair. And when the writing is on this level it's tough to really make that stick as a strong criticism. If you're a fan of adventure games and enjoy the TV series or comic (or just zombie stories in general) I can wholeheartedly recommend this game. It captures the tense, dark tone perfectly; you're never sure whether the greater danger is from the walkers or your own traveling companions. Two thumbs up from me. In other news I was browsing my game list the other day and remembered that I had been saving Costume Quest for the Halloween season. After enduring the stark grimness of The Walking Dead I might be giving this one a spin for something on the lighter side. It's not exactly "spooky" but it's practically made to play on or around Halloween. Tim Schafer for FTW!
  15. Just out of curiosity, have you been manually deleting games from your list (i.e. you're navigating your list and pressing the delete key to remove games)? I have had my list get out "out of synch" like you described when I've been removing games in this fashion. Luckily in my case it simply requires that I restart GameEx and everything is peachy again.
  16. Just as a point of reference. I understand what you're saying; catching the exception and handling this exception in a graceful fashion doesn't seem like it would be a big deal, but OTOH none of us are the architect for PinballX. If Tom says it can't (or won't) be done, I can assure you that it's not because he's dragging his feet or trying to "stick it to the user base". Thanks for reporting the issue, and I'm sure Tom thoroughly looked into the issue before reporting back. Just because I can be pretty daft at times you'll have to humor me - what purpose do these zero length images serve anyway? Wouldn't a 1px transparent PNG be preferable under most circumstances?
  17. Just to verify the current state of affairs, all games are displayed, but the Neo Geo category isn't listed in the category selection list? If that's the case it sounds to me like there might be some kind of issue with the catver.ini you're using. It might be worthwhile to replace your current version of the file with one found here: http://www.progettoemma.net/?catlist
  18. Great idea Adultery! This will make it quite a bit easier for the users of your plugins to stay up to date with your release schedule. Awesome!
  19. Is this the "Tablet Optimized" interface version? I also switched over to the beta when it was released, but I've pretty much been using that as my main version of Tapatalk (I figured I didn't need two Tapatalk installations). At this point I'm pretty accustomed to the current interface. OTOH I also use a tablet as my only means of using Tapatalk (I don't even have a smart phone ), so that may have some bearing as well.
  20. Congratulations on your nuptials LC! Thanks for sharing the pictures. That grooms cake is so awesome! Enjoy Las Vegas man!
  21. The trouble with your second example there is you're trying to apply string concatenation to your command line, and it doesn't work that way. Translating that into your first example it would end up looking like this (which also wouldn't work): ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\"Ape Escape (USA)".mbr" -loadbin "etc." I think you're very close though. Try this on for size: ePSXe.exe -slowboot -nogui -loadmemc0 "H:\Sony\PSX\ePSXe\memcards\[ROM]" -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" I'm pretty sure that you don't need to add the .mbr extension, but if it turns out that you do, you can simply add the extension after the [ROM] (but still within the quotes). You could also do this, so long as your memory card file is in the same directory as your disc image (although I'm not sure how this will behave if you're using ROMs in subfolders)
  22. What version of ePSXe are you using Krak?
  23. Thanks for always being so diligent about the Steam wrappers Stu!
  24. I had forgotten about Forbidden Siren (or simply Siren in the U.S.). It definitely looks intriguing! I've never gotten into the Clock Tower series all that much, but it's entirely possible that I've never given it the chance to grow on me. Thanks for the awesome suggestions guys! Does anyone care to chime in on Dead Island? I'm a bit curious about it, but I also have a feeling that it comes pretty close to my limit for over-the-top gore in a game (I actually have this same reservation about Dead Space). Just like in the movies, adding buckets of gore doesn't make something scary, it only makes it ... gross (YMMV ). I guess I'm more into atmosphere than shock value. So am I missing out on an epic gaming experience if I skip over Dead Island (or Dead Space*)? * To be honest I'm pretty sure I'll still play Dead Space at some point simply because it seems like it has tons of atmosphere. I'm kind of a sucker for that cold, gritty sci-fi stuff, and Dead Space seems to have that in spades.
  25. Just a quick ping back on this particular issue. Turns out I had a working config for ParaJVE on my development machine (I don't run Vectrex on my main rig), but as of today I'm experiencing the same issue Repetto describes. I'm wondering if this issue wasn't introduced by a Java update somewhere in the interim. It's noteworthy that I'm running an advanced config with Javaw set as an additional watched process. Even so, I want to point out that you don't actually need to reboot your system when it hangs like this - you simply need to open up the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and kill GameEx. I'm looking into the nature of the problem but at the moment I'm honestly not sure what's causing GameEx to hang when ParaJVE exits. If I were to make a guess, something has changed in the way that ParaJVE used to be launched under Java 1.5 (the version of Java ParaJVE was written in) and the way it launches under current version of Java which is 1.7. If anything, I suppose you could always force ParaJVE to run under a legacy JVM. I might give that a shot. At any rate, I didn't want to post an unverified config for this emulator. I'll report back if I discover anything.
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