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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Ultimately a paper bag turned out to be the best available option ...
  2. Yep, that's just normal diagnostic log output. Certain information from your config is cached which in turn accelerates startup time.
  3. So I have a couple troubleshooting steps to request of you: Please verify that your emulator is in fact located in D:\Video Game Emulators\Snes9x Test Build, and that the name of the executable is snes9x.exe. If that all checks out, would you mind trying the following troubleshooting steps using runitgame.bat (specifically the steps listed in B. Troubleshooting with "Run Last Game")? There's something going on with how your command is being executed I just can't see what it is based on your config. The console output from adding a pause to runitgame.bat will likely shed some light on the issue.
  4. This particular bit doesn't look good at all 00:39:58.1 11/27/2013: PlugIn: "QuickLaunch" caused an exception and is being disabled.00:39:58.1 11/27/2013: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.You might want to try disabling the QuickLaunch plugin to see where that gets you. Adultery (who is the author of QuickLaunch) is also very responsive when it comes to troubleshooting questions regarding his plugins. You might consider reposting this information in the QuickLaunch thread if that turns out to be the issue.
  5. This is more general advice than anything specifically related to GameEx, but anytime I'm looking to completely and cleanly uninstall a program from Windows I rely on Revo Uninstaller. It's one of a small handful of apps that goes on every Windows machine I own. Having said that, please be aware that the Arcade Ambiance file isn't really something you install per se, it's just an MP3 file. You can download it right here, and enable it via the Setup Wizard on the Audio Settings screen.
  6. Hi J_L27 and Welcome to the GameEx forums! Nothing immediately stands out to me looking at the log. When you have a moment would you mind also uploading a copy of your emulator config? You can refer here for details on how to access that information. Thanks!
  7. Hi muffinmaddness and welcome to the GameEx forums! I believe that all of the wrappers currently available for Steam games were written in AutoHotKey. Being that GameEx actually runs compiled executables generated from the wrapper scripts you could actually use whatever automation language you like so long as the resultant script can be compiled as an executable. Generally the scripts themselves aren't terribly complicated being that they primarily automate timed mouse clicks and key presses. In a nutshell you would need create a compiled executable named the same as the numeric Steam ID for the game you're running. You would then add that executable to the GameEx\MEDIA\STEAM\WRAPPERS directory, at which point GameEx would auto-magically start running that wrapper along side the associated game. All of the wrappers are also included in their uncompliled "script form" so you can look at those for examples and inspiration if you like. Yep one of the wrappers described above would probably be just the trick for something like this. Have you ever tried using Controller mapping software for this purpose? Several of us here use and recommend Xpadder. One of the beauties of using Xpadder in conjunction with GameEx is that plug-in developer extraordinaire Adultery has written a very useful and robust plug-in for Xpadder. The plug-in allows you to configure the launching and closing of controller profiles in the way you describe above.
  8. Hmm ... it it were me, I'd run the audit software just to check (don't let it rename or re-organize anything yet!), but ... yeah I'm guessing it's going to be a pretty significant change to try and update your set from 127 to 151. If you're happy with 127, there's nothing to say you absolutely need to update to 151 though. The HLSL stuff in more recent versions of MAME can add some pretty nice eye candy which is attractive to a lot of folks. You'll also want to have a look at what non-playable games have become playable in the intervening versions between 127 and 151 (I'm thinking the Killer Instinct games may fall into this category but that's just a WAG).
  9. Yep sounds like you want to keep that! Just make sure you duplicate the assets path that you were using previously. There shouldn't be an issue with installing GameEx to an external drive, just don't expect it to operate as a portable version (it won't work).
  10. We might need to back this party train up for a sec ... Are you running 0.127 version ROMs under MAME 0.151? If so, that will likely be a source of considerable headaches. If not please ensure that your ROM directories are configured correctly in the Setup Wizard, and that your MAME filter settings are configured to your liking (clones/no clones, working/non-working, mahjong, adult, etc.).
  11. Ah yes, the old "I caught a virus from a 'friend' (or paid associate), and now I need a double-dose of penicillin" routine. Don't sweat it ... more than a few sailors on leave have run into this very thing. Oh wait you mean a computer virus ... gotcha. The normal advice here would be to copy over your entire GameEx directory and then simply re-install over the top of that. Your situation deviates from that slightly in that it sounds like you don't have the entire original directory. Here's what I would do: Fresh Installation of GameEx Overwrite the appropriate directories using your backups Re-install GameEx over the top of thatStep 3 might be optional, but it would better conform to the "standard" M.O. for this operation. Your question regarding your assets folder depends on what's in there. Is it stuff you want to keep?
  12. Glad to hear you've cleared up most of you previously reported issues. Have you tried running the Killer Instinct games under MAME? For some reason I'm thinking that they are playable under MAME at this point (although I believe you need the matching CHDs). Of course I'm unable to test it out at my current location, so I could be totally wrong about that! If you're dead set on using Ultra64, you should be able to find it fairly easily. I cannot provide a link here, sorry. Google is your friend. You're looking for Ultra64 Platinum Edition. It should be noted that this emulator hasn't seen any updates in a looong time (like 10+ years long!). If that still doesn't dissuade you the following links should provide you with some good information: [RESOLVED] Configure Ultra64? Killer Instinct Emu Ultra 64 (KI1&2) Any emulator that supports launching from the command line can be easily integrated into GameEx. You can even integrate emulators that don't support launching from the command line into GameEx, although for those you need to get a lot more creative in terms of how you configure them within GameEx. Good luck man!
  13. Awesome update Adultery! I'm glad I was able to contribute in some small way, but seriously you've done some amazing work with this plugin. Great job!
  14. Thanks so much for all the hard work you guys have been putting in Circo! It's greatly appreciated!
  15. I just provided some test files. Adultery provided the Magic. Great job with this man, I can't wait to take it for a spin!
  16. Based on the system requirements in your log, you should be OK to upgrade, but at the same time I don't want to inadvertently advise you to do something that's going to adversely affect your setup. At the same time though that's a really old version of GameEx you're running there. I think that one's even a bit before my time. Generally we are best able to provide assistance with the current version of GameEx. The reason for this is that we may end up chasing down a bug that's been fixed in subsequent versions of GameEx, thus reporting the same bugs and reinventing the wheel several times over. One of the senior members may be able to provide some guidance on this one, but ultimately the best advice I can offer will be to update if that's at all possible for you given your system.
  17. Hi sms2169, and Welcome to the GameEx fourms! I have to admit I'm not sure what we're even talking about here. When or if you have a moment you you mind posting up a copy of your GameEx settings as well as a copy of your log? That may shed a bit of light on the issue at hand. Please refer to this thread for instructions on how to access that information. Thanks man!
  18. <conspiracyMode=ON> That's where the man has blinded you man! Look again: It's plain as day man! Wait I think this line is being tapped ... End Transmission NOW! <conspiracyMode=OFF>
  19. Heads up Pinball enthusiasts! Pinball FX2 is being featured right now on the Humble Bundle Weekly sale! Pay what you like for one of the absolute best pinball sims out there! Beat the average and you'll get even more tables. As usual the majority of proceeds from Humble Bundle sales go to charity (as well as back to the game developers). Plus their sales simply cannot be beat. What are you waiting for?
  20. We will go on a journey. A journey of Scooters! Where are we going today Sooter Brother!?

  21. Duuuuudes! I'm sort of bugging out here. Celly I don't know if you realize this, but Stephen King has written a book about your birthday! Hold on to your hats conspiracy buffs 'cause this one's ripe! The '63 thing threw me for a minute, but check this out: 63 So we've got 2 digits there, umm ... 6 / 2 = 3 6 + 2 - 3 = 5 This means that Celly turns 35 today folks! Well played Mr. King ... well played. But wait, there's more! 63 3 + 3 = 6, so ultimately you've got three 3's there. Can't you see it!? Half Life 3 confirmed! Holy smokes! This means that Celly has just confirmed the release of Half Life 3 on his birthday via this crazy Stephen King conspiracy! Thanks Celly! Looks like we're the one's getting a present this year amirite?! Woo! So yeah, the truth is out there people for those of us with the eyes to see. Now if I can just decipher who or what "JFK" is or what "LBJ" might have to do with it. This conspiracy runs deep true believers ... Ha ... I'm Just Frickin' Kidding everybody! So yeah ... I hope everyone will remove their tin foil hats long enough to join me in wishing Celly a most marvelous birthday! Hope it's a good one buddy!
  22. Hi dboyrecords If possible please try out version 1.70, which seems to have fixed some persistent bugs for a few different people. Thanks!
  23. It sounds like what you're seeing is the short list of Last Games Played. It's controlled by a setting on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. Try modifying that setting to see whether it addresses the issue. If that doesn't help, please submit a copy of your Emulator Config and your log, and that whole drill.
  24. Thanks man! Yeah at some point in the future, I'd really like to get a strat. As I was pondering this purchase my other top contender was a Classic Vibe Squier 60's Strat. By all accounts they are phenomenal guitars for the money (they being the Classic Vibe line). So with the Les Paul copy I can live out my Jimmy Page fantasies (and if I'm being honest - Steve Jones ). Now I need a strat so I can wail like Hendrix! (... which of course by "wail" I mean "hopelessly flail around on the strings" and by "like" I mean "not at all similar to"). Naturally it will all come down to availability of funds, and WAF. So yeah my main bass is a Squier Matt Freeman signature P-Bass, and that's after having played for a bit over 20 years! Honestly though I tell ya ... I think most of the gear snobs out there are kidding themselves. Does my Squier P sound as good as a $4800 Fender Custom Shop P (hey don't hold back on the artificial relic finish! )? No. Can a skilled musician make either one sound amazing? Undoubtedly. I really think it's a case of diminishing returns. AFAIC there's a certain sweet spot where the price of the instrument vs. the quality of sound is just about perfect (hint: it sure ain't $4800), and beyond that the amount of money you spend is only going to net slight improvements. Even still, sometimes my inner-gear snob pops up with thoughts like, "I've been playing long enough ... I really should treat myself to a nice quality bass!," but really if I'm being honest I'm perfectly happy with my current setup. Plus I'm not constantly paranoid that my kids, the cats, or more likely that I myself will do something to damage my "precious" instrument. More dings = More Mojo baby! I'm slowly working my way towards a real relic job LOL!
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