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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Great job Tempest! It's moments like these that make me so proud to be a part of this community.
  2. Man seriously, you're like a code hero. This is looking AWESOME!
  3. FWIW, this is basically my solution for everything ...
  4. Back again to report on new and interesting projects going on in the world of emulation. Recently the inimitable Howard Casto started working on a project to bring dash board functionality to the world of emulators. While I don't believe this to be the first project of this sort it's certainly an interesting development, and Howard's work is typically of a very high quality. Project Thread So while it may be a slight reach to say that this dashboard is Universal, there certainly appears to be quite a number of emulators which support Lua scripting. Taken into account with other projects looking to "modernize" your emulation experience, these are exciting times to be an emulation hobbyist ... especially in the world of GameEx!!
  5. Nicely done cdcd33! It's always great to see new-ish users getting in there and solving their own configuration issues.
  6. Glad to hear you got everything configured Frankybabes! Well done.
  7. Welcome to the forums cdcd33! Take a look at the How To Ask For Help thread for additional information on the suggestions Adultery provided. If you're having issues with any of that I would request that you post the emulator configs for your problematic emulators (it also wouldn't hurt to take a look at the good one too for the sake of comparison). Posting the contents of your runitgame.bat after having attempted to run your problematic emulators would also provide useful troubleshooting information. Thanks man!
  8. Ahhh ... I just remembered. You're going to want to use a map file with this bad boy. That's the bad news (well sort of). The good news is that the legwork has already been done for you by our our very own long lost forum sage, fRequEnCy (where are you fReq!?). See here for a ParaJVE 0.7.0 map. The reason for this is that ParaJVE launches games via an ID (rather than a file name) and the IDs are not the same as the ROM file names. Also! don't forget you're going to need an Advanced Emulator config too. I believe Mr. U-Man has you covered there.
  9. I would definitely second Dazz's comments and add that I have found it preferable to download drivers from the manufacturer of the video card rather than Nvidia or AMD (unless either of those actually was the manufacturer). So for instance even though I have an Nvidia GTX 460 I always download the drivers directly from EVGA since they were the manufacturer of my card.
  10. The Run Last Game information is good to know since it basically takes GameEx out of the equation for the time being. What I mean is that we need to get this all running from the command line before it can be incorporated back into GameEx. So I would start with your runitgame.bat script, and tweak it to the point where everything can be started from that batch file. Once that's working OK you can translate those commands back into GameEx, and hopefully have good results. Tempest's comments also lead me to wonder whether the external script itself may be causing problems for you.
  11. I can't really see any issue with that runitgame to be honest. Hmm ... I'm wondering whether this might have something to do do with the way the emulator itself is configured. But it would still be vary helpful to take a look at your emulator config exported out of GameEx as well. I'll take another look at my own setup when I get home this evening, but that will probably be about 12 hours or so from the time of this posting.
  12. Sounds like you're making amazing progress man! Well done!
  13. After having attempted to run the Model 2 emulator from GameEx go to: All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game This is basically a generated batch file that runs the exact same commands that GameEx uses to run the emulator. It's a good way to determine whether there's a problem happening with GameEx, or whether there's a problem with the command being used to run it (or possibly even the emulator itself).
  14. No I don't believe that any display artwork is included with the emulator, so you will need to use standard media folders for that. But ... as always the names of your artwork files will need to match the names of your ROM files which are included with the emulator (and which do not follow MESS naming conventions). What do you actually see in the C:\Emulators\ParaJVE\data\roms\cartridge directory?
  15. How does it get hung up. Does it just return to GameEx or something? What happens if you launch it from Run Last Game (runitgame.bat)?
  16. Wait a tic ... are you still trying to use your MESS ROMs in ParaJVE? You don't want to do that. ParaJVE isn't so much an emulator as it is a simulator, and as such it actually includes all the games right with the emulator. Check the following directory: ... \ParaJVE_0.7.0\data\roms\cartridge
  17. Are you using a map file? I'm guessing that's the case, and if so you'll need to insure that you actually have all the ROMs listed in the map file. FWIW, here's my working command line for ParaJVE: ParaJVE -Fullscreen=TRUE -NoSplash -game=[ROM]
  18. I have found that I need to manually download screenshots and videos for those games that are behind a DOB verification screen. (Like this one for instance).
  19. Dumb question but the converse question to this would be does it POST at all?
  20. No worries at all man, I was thinking that was likely the root cause, and you're not the first to ask that same question. It would probably be a good idea to link the top level Spesoft forums from the PinballX homepage. We'll have to wait and see if Toms thinks so too! Happy Pinball-ing Sir!
  21. The PinballX - News and Updates Sub-Forum can be found right here. The release notes for PinballX version 1.73 are here. We've been making some administrative changes to the forums in order to consolidate similar forums into common groups (i.e. it didn't make a lot of sense in terms of the broad scope of ongoing Spesoft projects to have a number of different news/release sub-forums all existing in different places). Don't forget you can see all the Spesoft forums right here at the top level of the forums.
  22. I would post the text of the error over in the UltraStik Plugin thread including a detailed description of the issue. There's definitely something happening there, but whether it's the result of a configuration issue or not I certainly can't say. Ben will likely be able to elucidate. 13:13:36.6 1/23/2014: PlugIn: "UltraStik / ServoStik" caused an exception and is being disabled.13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: at GameEx.PlugIns.Event_AppExit()13:13:36.7 1/23/2014: Exiting GameEx!Just out of curiosity does the same thing happen if you disable Xpadder at startup?
  23. Hi Ptinlov I had been hoping that we might get some secondary verification from other users of the Ultrastik Plugin, but so far that hasn't happened. That doesn't meant that there isn't a problem, only that no one else has reported it. So what say you community? Are any other users of the UltraStik plugin experiencing issues in GameEx 13.21? If no one pipes up I'll go ahead and elevate this to Headkaze's attention, but it would be good to have some collaborating evidence. It might also be worthwhile reporting the issue in the project thread for the UltraStik Plugin (since this thread deals with both the plugin issue and the legacy Steam issue).
  24. I can replace the current document with whichever version is preferable to you (or I can simply unlock the thread temporarily). Let me know what works for you, and I can do whatever!
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