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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. GOG is also proudly (some might say fiercely) DRM free. So for those folks that are resistant to the "Steam-like" model of, "you must use our client in order to play games purchased from us," GOG is a breath of fresh air.
  2. Yeah I hate to say it, but this is the reason I continue to use an older version of bsnes. I'm not sure in what version bsnes started messing with ROMs in this fashion but I think it was around the same time that it became known as higan. I use version v084 which doesn't have this issue and still handily trumps all other SNES emulators in terms of accuracy. If you're interested, shoot me a PM and I'll send you a copy of v084.
  3. Yes, any image you add to your signature needs to be addressable via URL. I suppose you could put your desired image in a post and reach it that way, but if you wanted to be supercool you could also use a Dropbox account (which is probably the easiest), Google Photos (which I usually do), or really any other photo sharing service just as easily.
  4. Here's a video of the Universal Console Dashboard in action (running on Gens). I really love how it takes a screenshot of your save state, and subsequently displays them as you browse the load states. Super Cool!
  5. Another vote for Windows 7 here. I recently got a Win 8 slate PC for my wife, and thus far I've not been overly enthused with Windows 8. I think it's a step back in terms of both user friendliness and user interface. I probably just need to get used to it, but for my HTPC/Gaming Rig I'm all in for Windows 7.
  6. Hi RuralJuror and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! As a Mednafen user I can't speak much in the way of MagicEngine, so I'm not entirely sure how their demo version differs from the paid version. In terms of running from GameEx, have you tried disabling your map file temporarily? That might help to pinpoint whether the issue is with your GameEx config, or with the emulator itself. If nothing else you can always try troubleshooting with runitgame.bat as described in the How to Ask For Help thread (refer to section B below): One way to troubleshoot a problem is to add the word "Pause" at the end of the Runitgame.bat file. When Windows asks "Do you want to save the changes..." Click on "Save". Next, double click on the "Run Last Game" Icon in the Start Menu. This will send the commands again, but the command window will remain open. It may show an error that will help you to understand what is wrong. If you get this error: 'Emulator name.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It means that either you have the incorrect name specified for your Emulator.exe, or your working path is incorrect. If it gives an error that you don't understand, please let us know that you tried this method, and let us know what the error is.
  7. I have to plead ignorance on this one. I've used the MAME excluded games list to remove games from my MAME set, but for 'standard' emulators I just remove games from the ROM directory. Where are excluded games stored for regular ol' emulators? I had always assumed that they lived in DATA.db3 but couldn't find anything promising there. Mostly it's just for my edification so I don't go talking out of my ass later.
  8. You can. And the removed game will be gone for that single session. But when you exit and restart GameEx, the removed game will be back again. I think GameEx re-parses all your Steam games at start up.
  9. The only tricky part about this is that a lot of the UbiSoft games on Steam use Uplay as an additional level of DRM. So they appear in both Steam and Uplay. I actually have several games in this category. OTOH I suppose it would only be problematic if the lists were merged, and duplicate games in separate lists are not the end of the world. So long as Steam and Uplay were separate it would probably be great. Nice idea Draco! Origin would be a nice way to complete the trifecta (although it's even less popular than Uplay ... so maybe not.) Speaking of which ... it would also be great if we could have an Excluded Games list for Steam similar to what is available for MAME. Especially as Steam starts to offer more "standard software" in addition to games, it would be handy to have the ability to filter the Steam list. By the same token, some Steam games are much more controller (or even cab) friendly than others, so I imagine that it would be nice to be able to filter Steam games according to your controls scheme.
  10. This is great! Thanks for the contribution Gregzkij!!
  11. Thanks to much Adultery! I'm really looking forward to trying this out. What an achievement!
  12. Congratulations Dazzle! You'll be a fantastic addition to the team!
  13. Like Adultery, I'm a bit biased but there are so many great registered features available for GameEx that I almost can't imagine going without. I registered very soon after starting to use GameEx though, so to be honest I don't have a lot of experience yo relate regarding the unregistered version. There are so many registered features that I rely on almost every time I start GameEx (the bolded items in the list below), and I can attest to the usefulness to so many of these. Only you can decide whether those are features that you would use regularly, but at least from my perspective I can't imagine going without! Happy gaming man!
  14. Glad to hear it's all working out for you Nightlife. Happy Gaming!
  15. OK so what's happening is that GameEx is watching the process called hod3launch.exe. It thinks that's the emulator, being that it's the process that is launched from your emulator config. Sooooo ... when that process closes GameEx figures it's time to take back focus since the emulator is "finished". This is a pretty common issue with wrappers. You need to figure out the process that is launched from the wrapper (Windows Task Manager is good for this), so you can make an Advanced Emulator Config and specify that process as a new watched process. That way GameEx won't take back focus until all the watched processes have finished. This post contains some good information on how to create a new Advanced Emulator Config. Good luck man!
  16. I think Adultery is really on to something with his previous suggestion, but I might amend it slightly so that the RomPath isn't serving as a surrogate for the Working Path. Here's what I would do: Working Path: Set to the directory containing hod3launch.exe ROM Path: Set to the directory containing the bin you'd like to mount (there's no cue right?) ROM Filter: *.bin (or alternately *.cue if there's a cue in there) Launch Before: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount 0,"[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Launch After: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount 0 Command Line: hod3launch.exe Make sure the directory is correct your your installation of DaemonTools Lite (this command will be slightly different if you're using DaemonTools Pro). You might still need to use a Map file, but maybe not depending on how your disc image is named (or if it needs to maintain a strict naming structure). This part might depend on how strict your wrapper/emulator is about it.
  17. Love it! AFAIC Double fine can do no wrong in terms of game design. Tim Schafer is the man. Now if he'd just release an updated version of Grim Fandango (which is to say something that could be played natively on modern operating systems) I'd be a really happy camper ...
  18. I don't know if my vote holds much clout being that I'm not a "Power Scorer" , but personally I wouldn't see any issue with dropping the lower scores from the list beyond the 10 highest. After all that's generally the way the arcade cabinets themselves operated, so it seems fitting that the contest might also operate in that same fashion. Survival of the fittest baby! It's your guys call, and whatever you decide I know it will be the best decision for the purpose of the high score boards.
  19. Sorry Adultery that's not actually a copy of his log in the example I provided (if that's where you're getting the SSF thing). I was just trying to provide an example of a "fully populated" debug log, since his original log looked a bit sparse. I'll bury that under a spoiler to prevent confusion.
  20. Hmm ... once again, Adultery is the real expert on this plugin, but this part looks problematic to me: It looks like it's trying to mount the executable itself in DT, which will naturally be a bit problematic. Is your ROM path pointed to the location of your Disc Images? Adultery will likely be able to provide better support, but I think the issue may be that you never specify a disc image to load in your command line. That may be the result of peculiarities in this particular emulator, but it's a bit of an unusual situation. I think the plug-in should still be able to handle this situation, but being that this emulator only runs one game(?), you could also easily handle mounting and unmounting of the image via Run Before and Run After commands in your Emulator Config.
  21. I'm going have to rely on Adultery to confirm, but it looks like you haven't configured the plugin. The log for the plugin should have quite a bit more information in it than that. Here's one example I found: Did you completely configure the plugin through the plugin manager? It would have looked something like this: If you have configured the plugin, try running it in debug mode (lower left in the image) and re-post the contents of your log again. Thanks Man!
  22. Hopefully I don't cross wires with you if you're already editing your post, but I'm still not seeing anything? The forum can be sort of picky about file extensions on attachments, so it may be rejecting yours. Maybe just post the contents again?
  23. The other file that would be of some assistance here is your Virtual Drive Loader log. You can find that log in the following directory: ... GAMEEX\PLUGINS\DT LOADER\ I'm pretty sure we can get you there, we just need to have a good idea of what your system is doing before we can provide decent troubleshooting. Thanks man!
  24. I'm not seeing that attachment? If it's easier you can simply paste the contents of the file (or files) directly into your post. That's actually what I do most of the time. Spoiler tags are optional, but certainly don't hurt. [spoiler]... Contents of GameEx.ini ...[/spoiler]Sometimes it's also quite a bit easier to simply export your emulator config as opposed to the entire GameEx.ini (which is detailed in the How to Ask For Help thread). That way we can target in specifically on your troublesome emulator rather than comb through your entire GameEx.ini to glean the same information.
  25. To be honest, I think No-Intro has probably come the closest to being the "one true standard" in terms of cartridge based systems (at least among discriminating emulation hobbyists ), but older standards still seem to pop-up from time to time. I think this is due to people either wanting a perceived increase in compression (I can have ALL my ROMs zipped together in one archive!), or the ever present "pokeRom" crowd (I must collect ALL TEH ROMz!!). Now disc based systems are where it can get a bit ugly. Not only do ReDump, TOSEC, and Scene use different naming conventions, they use completely different ripping techniques meaning that a TOSEC set might not contain the same files as the ReDump set for the very same game. Not to mention that I've seen more users become firmly entrenched in one set or another and as a result have actually been witness to bitter arguments between which disc set is "better and more true". Madness! At any rate I couldn't help but think of this which is rather relevant to the conversation.
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