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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Thanks for posting this Tempest. I read about this vulnerability on a separate site as well. It's actually quite concerning considering the multitudes of websites that rely on OpenSSL to protect personal data.
  2. Thanks for the writeup rockyrocket! XBMC is a great option for a jukebox config. I wouldn't have even thought of it.
  3. Thanks Circo and Riffman81 for this awesome update!
  4. What's that? Randy Old Man Syndrome? Get a room buddy!
  5. When I was building my current rig, PCSX2 was another emulator that was reporting better performance through nVidia. So based on that info I'm still running a GTX 460 in my gaming rig which even today keeps up pretty admirably with just about anything I throw at it. Having said that I don't actually have much experience with AMD cards. They certainly have a good reputation.
  6. Sorry to hear that flat menus didn't work the way you had hoped. At this point I think we might be talking about two separate things. The MAME categories lists can be enabled or disabled on the MAME Settings screen. These lists include the Horizontal, Vertical, Vector, Neo Geo lists etc. If we're talking about the Sorting Options on "standard" emulator lists I believe you will need to make adjustments to whatever theme you are using. these sorting options include By Category, By Developer, By Publisher and that sort of thing. One our theme wizards will likely be able to fill in a bit more details there, but I believe making modifications to your theme is the only way to remove those sorting options.
  7. nullPointer


    Hi LePlane and Welcome to GameEx Forums! What you're experiencing right now is the growing pains that a lot of us likely experienced early on when we became involved with this hobby. Having said that I must point out that we cannot discuss any topics relative to the acquisition of ROMs. Please refer to the Forum Rules and Guidelines. This isn't meant to single you out or make you feel unwelcome so much as it is a necessary measure to protect this community. I can assure you that that GameEx (or any other Spesoft software) is not malicious software. If you've downloaded it from the GameEx web site McAfee should not be freaking out. If it is, then the problem lies with McAfee not GameEx. The same goes for any well known emulators. If you download software from shady "MediaFire/software clearing house" type sites, well you're taking your chances. If you download emulators directly from the project web sites for those emulators you're going to be in a lot better shape. The GameEx setup wizard will also allow you to download emulators directly which is another safe option. And therein lies the best advice I can offer on this topic. If you're really interested in pursuing this hobby (and believe me it's a full-on past time), try to become involved with some of the more reputable well known communities dedicated to emulation. The fact that you made an account here means you're already on the right track! I can also recommend the BYOAC forums, the EmuMovies community, and NGEmu (with some reservations). Learn about the hobby, get out there and make some friends experienced with the hobby and you'll be up and running in no time. For better or worse if you're only interested in playing retro games, your best bet is likely installing Steam, getting a Wii, or any other platform which offers retro games at deep discounts. Your going to have a lot fewer headaches, and the support is built directly into the platform. Again this is not to discourage you but just to put out another option. Emulation is a hobby that practically requires a love of tweaking, hacking, and figuring things out on your own. This often means that you will be troubleshooting obscure applications completely on your own, making best guess judgement based on nothing but past experience. The old joke is that you'll spend more time fiddling with emulators, frontends, and utilities than you actually will playing games. There is a huge grain of truth to that! Any way man good luck on your journey! This can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, but you just need to accept the possibility of frustration right up front.
  8. Thank you so much for the kind words Tom, and thank you to each and every one of you that contribute towards making this one of the absolute best places to be on the internet. I consider many of our regulars here to be some of my closest friends. I'll do my best to serve as a stalwart representative of this community and not let you guys down as an administrator. ... Or I'll just sit around in my underwear drinking beer. Hey, it's good to be king baby!
  9. This game contains one of my absolute favorite examples of video game logic. Your Mission: Parachute deep into enemy territory to neutralize and disable entire armies of enemy soldiers. Your Equipment: A bowie knife Good Luck Soldier! (Apparently someone in high command isn't too fond of this poor fellow)
  10. Wow that's awesome news! Sounds like things are looking up for Twin Galaxies. Thanks GC and Han for passing this along to the community!
  11. Might be a bug in Tapatalk? (It wouldn't be the first time ) When I click it it takes me here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/forum/41-gamer-rigs/
  12. HI Tanin and Welcome to the PinballX forums! When posting problem reports it's alwasy helpful to post a copy of your PinballX settings as well as your log. Please refer to this post for some instructions on how to do that. Having said that, this problem has been reported a few times before. It might be worthwhile to take a look at the following threads to see if there are any nuggets of wisdom therein that might help you with your current dilemma. DMD hidden behind backglass Backglass won't load with Table (post #14) Good luck man!
  13. Hi SpyHunterUK The quickest way to achieve your desired results will probably be to enable the Use Flat Menus setting on the Display Settings screen within the Setup Wizard. Optionally you can use switches on the MAME Settings screen to further remove various MAME category lists (Horizontal, Vertical, Vector, Neo Geo, etc.)
  14. The only issue with that is that Howard's Project is purely implemented at the emulator level, and thus the functionality is still owned, managed, and executed by the emulator itself. I think the closest one could come to a "fully integrated" experience here would be to create menus within the emulator scripting which approximated the general theme of the invoking frontend (and even then you're limited by the max resolution of the emulator). I think this project is a huge step closer towards the dream of having a fully managed and integrated frontend / emulation experience, but we're not quite there yet. Really what it would take is for like some sort of consortium of emulator authors to agree upon a standardized set of exposed function hooks for save states, load states, etc. at which point frontends could leverage universal means of invoking those functions. Still and all though ... these are pretty exciting times for emulation hobbyists!
  15. OK ... we may need to go deep here. It used to be that you could rebuild your Steam list fairly reliably using the following method: BUT ... since that time Steam has altered (discontinued the use of?) config.vdf, which is what necessitated the changes in the GameEx 13.21 release. The only trouble is that now I don't really know what Steam files GameEx relies on in order to build it's Steam Games list. It may require some research, or Tom may be able to fill in some missing details for us. At any rate it shouldn't hurt anything to attempt the above steps described by Stu (be sure to back up date just in case though!). It might help with the issue but honestly I'm not sure whether it will or not.
  16. Hi Stigz! Rebuilding your Steam list is a bit different than going through the old "delete cache files and let GameEx rebuild" routine, although it's not entirely different either. The data for your steam list resides in \GameEx\DATA\steamdata.ini. Try deleting and or renaming that file to see if it helps to resolve your issue. Oh hey you're using the most recent version of GameEx right? There was an update to the Steam client that temporarily broke compatibility with GameEx. That issue was addressed in GameEx 13.21.
  17. Really it's not going to help to merge your ROM set either. Remember that a merged ROM set refers to how the ROMs are physically structured within compressed directories (zips). A merged list simply refers to how your games will be displayed. Merging your ROM set won't have an impact insofar as how the games are displayed in your list. Currently there is no way to merge parent/clone relationships into a merged list in GameEx. Feature requests are always welcome though!
  18. In most modern browsers clicking a link with the scroll wheel will also open a new tab (which is great if you have a 'clickable' scroll wheel - I suppose that the middle button on one of those 3 button jobbies might do the same thing, but I don't have any of those). You're right that it would be cool if you could control that via BBCode, but it's not possible at this time (as Draco pointed out).
  19. Hi beckmd and Welcome to the GameEx forums! At the current time GameEx does not support filtering of the the Steam Games list. What you have installed locally through the Steam client is what will be displayed in your list. There might be a workaround, but ugh ... it ain't pretty. In your \GameEx\DATA\ directory you will find a file called steamdata.ini. That's basically the file that is used to build your Steam game list. You could manually edit that file and then set the file permissions as read only, which would prevent GameEx from writing to the file. But ... it also won't allow GameEx to recognize newly installed games, and if you ever did install a new game you wanted to display, you would need to open up the file permissions again at which point GameEx would rewrite the entire game list again. I really recommend against this solution. Filtering the Steam List is actually a pretty popular feature request, and I imagine if you hang tight it may be supported in the future. Once again this is not something that's natively supported out of the box. I've been looking into options for this as well, particularly for those games that require the use of Xpadder and the like. It might be worth checking out Adultery's Game Info plugin for this purpose. It's mainly targeted at dual/multi monitor setups, but I think it could be a terrific solution to this issue. The standard 'wrappers' directory is intended for use with the official Steam wrappers included with GameEx (optional component during installation). The 'wrappers2' directory is intended to house your own custom wrappers. If you put a custom wrapper in the 'wrappers' directory there is a danger that it might be overwritten at some point by GameEx. Wrappers2 is intended to solve this problem.
  20. I think you guys just created an infinite recursive loop in this thread. Thanks for screwing up the space-time continuum guys ... m1rock ... you might want to avoid the worm hole and just try an Advanced Emulator Config!
  21. Schwing! Hot damn dude, that thing is awesome. Fantastic work! So now you've gotta spill the juicy details about the jukebox sitting next to it.
  22. Dudes. Consider this. I would be willing to bet that anyone who has ever gotten serious about setting up an emulator frontend (and I'm talking any modern frontend here) has EmuMovies artwork adding the bling to their frontend experience. And if they haven't discovered EmuMovies yet, they are about to. EmuMovies is an institution in our hobby. And that institution rests largely on the shoulders of one man. That man is Circo. So today we celebrate International Circo Day, which is longhand for saying it's his birthday. On a personal note it bears mentioning that Circo and I are exactly one day apart in age. And while he was out there revolutionizing our hobby, I was ... uh ... playing games ... or drinking brew-skies ... or sleeping ... or something. So yeah, happy birthday Circo ... thanks for making the rest of us look bad ... Just a little ribbing there! Guys I hope you'll join me in wishing awesome birthday wishes to one of the nicest people in the global emulation community. He is truly one of the elder statesman of our hobby. Happy birthday buddy!
  23. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes you guys. After a bit of a crap day at work, this thread really brought a smile to my face and helped pull me out of a grumpy mood. I feel very lucky to be a part of this community. You guys are the best!
  24. Hi DeCouto and Welcome! You have debug mode turned on in your Emulator settings for Project64. Check out the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. There you'll find the Debug Mode setting which you'll want to set as No. Debug Mode can be a very valuable tool if you start running into problems with running an emulator through GameEx as it allows you to view the commands that GameEx is running to start the emulator (as you have undoubtedly noticed ). Under most scenarios though you'll want to turn it off. Happy Gaming!
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