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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Oh noes! Generally you can do an in-place upgrade / reinstall (and preserve your settings), but very rarely something gets hosed in such a way that requires a completely fresh install. At any rate, I'm glad to hear it's working our for you!
  2. Ok so let's hit some troubleshooting questions then. First is your pin cab (or PinballX machine or whatevs) attached to the internet?Are you able to log in to GameEx Online?Did you follow the steps delineated here?Do you have a Game Card link appearing under your avatar in GameEx Online? (Not a game card, just a link that says Game Card)Did you click the Game Card link? When you click on that link it takes you to a screen that contains the BBCode for your PinballX Game Card. You'll want to manually enter that information into you forum signature (presumably just like you did for the GameEx Game Card)Hopefully that all makes sense. If the answer to any of the above questions is No, you'll want to go back and review that part. Good luck sir! Edit: Sweet! Looks like you got it all sorted out. Well done man!
  3. Yes Les is correct. I've just confirmed the following steps: On the GameEx Online screen in the Setup Wizard enter the following Settings: Enabled: Yes User ID: [FORUM USER NAME] Password: [FORUM PASSWORD] Start PinballX and wait for the "Logged In" icon to appear. It appears on the left hand side of the screen for me. Launch a table (I don't think it matters which one) Exit PinballX and login to GameEx Online. You should now have a Game Card link appearing under your avatar. When you click on the Game Card link it will show the appropriate url to enter in you signature (or where ever else)@randr: FWIW it looks like you're running a GameEx Game Tag. That's fine and good if you're running GameEx (and have run the registry key you received in the associated email), but it's not going to do anything for PinballX. You'll need to follow the above steps in order to get your PinballX gamer tag. Good luck man!
  4. Did you enable PinballX to login to GameEx Online (and subsequently run it)? Take a look at Tom's profile for an example. There should be a Game Card link that appears under your avatar. I dunno I could be off base though ... I'm kinda shooting from the hip on this one.
  5. No, it's a free deal. You should be able to create one at GameEx Online (your login will be the same as your forum login). You'll also need to enable PinballX to login to GameEx Online. You might actually need to do that first before it will allow you to create your card ... not sure. At any rate you can configure those settings on the GameEx Online screen in the Setup Wizard ... oddly enough. Here's an example of what the PinballX Gamer Card looks like
  6. I exclusively use Database Browser Portable exclusively for working with GameEx SQLite Databases (based on a suggestion from Stu1983). There are a few other options available though.
  7. Nope - not bad form at all. It's actually very helpful if the OP takes the initiative to mark their own threads as resolved. If I see some derivative of resolved in a thread title ([sOLVED] or whatever), I generally change it to [RESOLVED], but it's not a big deal. I try to maintain consistency using one common term so as to assist in searches later (i.e. 'search term + [RESOLVED]'). Thanks for all that you do stigzler!
  8. Yes only the OP and/or moderator and admins can alter a topic title. Typically we only mark a topic as [RESOLVED] when the OP has confirmed that the assistance provided was effective in resolving their reported issues. I suspect that the excellent information you've provided here would be more than sufficient in getting the OP up and running, but at the same time we try not to make assumptions. We try to rely on our forum posters to follow standard etiquette of reporting back with success or continued difficulties, but it doesn't always work out that way. At any rate thanks so much for the excellent assistance provided in this thread! Edit: Or we just decide to do it anyway. Thanks Draco!
  9. I believe it has its own OS based on Linux that you install in the form of a running image (actually a quick search revealed that it's built off of BSD). You interact with it via web interface in much the same way you might interact with your router settings (or any other host of devices with web interfaces). Looks like Engadget has a decent write-up on installation and configuration.
  10. Howdy Starbuck! Is GTot the name of the interpreter are you running? I'm afraid I came up blank in my hunt for any information associated with that name. Are you dead set on a map file? If not you might give Draco's Interactive Fiction database a try. If it was missing information for your collection it would be relatively arbitrary to add any missing entries (certainly more so than building a new map file), or at the very least it would be a good starting point to build a map file if you were so inclined.
  11. I believe I encountered this problem once before as well and my experience was pretty much exactly as GeorgeT describes. Downloading the installer from gameex.com and re-installing from that solved my issue. At this point I generally always update GameEx in this fashion (i.e. downloading directly from gameex.com).
  12. Well darn, I'm sorry to hear about your continuing struggle with this. Just out of curiosity have you tried disabling the trackpad on your laptop? I've never run into this specific problem, but I have encountered weird "competing mice" issues occasionally on laptops in which the trackpad reacts strangely to external mice.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. It's possible that something became corrupted in your cache files. To expand on Draco's advice, navigate to the \Gameex\DATA folder and delete all the files with cache in the file name or extension. The next time you start GameEx it will rebuild these files.
  14. It's basically a forgone conclusion that Tom will see this thread, and followup accordingly with due diligence. In the meantime I would urge patience. I appreciate that this issue may have been reported on more than one occasion, but bear in mind that PinballX is maintained by a single person and that he supports several software projects simultaneously in addition to having a full time job. Tom can only work so quickly no matter how entitled anyone may feel that he respond instantly to bug reports.
  15. Hi Adam and Welcome to the GameEx forums! It's always great to hear new users getting in there and getting it done. Well done! Enjoy your setup, and we hope to see you around the forums.
  16. I'm still in the process of dipping my toes into Windows 8, but I do know that MS replaced the older Drive Extender functionality with the newly rechristened Storage Spaces technology. It's a different name but seems to be pretty much the same deal. Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss type of deal. What's even better is that Storage Spaces is a standard feature even in desktop versions of Windows 8 (which I believe would handily meet all your listed criteria as well). What I don't know is how easy it would be to migrate data from one to the other, but I think you're going to be facing that difficulty with what ever upgrade option you choose
  17. Quite a while back, when I was still a bit of a GameEx noob I started a thread asking about the best methods for filtering ROMs by country. Ultimately the conclusion I arrived at was that it was easiest and best to simply remove the games I didn't want. After all if you're not going to play them, is there really a good reason to keep them around? (other than doing so enables you to say, "Hey look at me everyone, I have all teh romz!!"). You can read the whole thread for a full accounting, but ultimately bkenobi offered a great solution that I still use today for the purposes of filtering ROMs by country (or other filter criteria variations thereof). Good luck man!
  18. The closest I could find was this thread containing databases for Sega Naomi, Sega Model 3, and Atomiswave. If one were looking for a reasonable starting point to draft a custom Model 2 database that would probably be a good one. Sadly I was not able to find a Model 2 database. There is another nugget of wisdom in that thread though that's highly worth consideration. The SQLite databases are updated from time to time and when/if that happens there is a distinct possibility that any custom SQLite databases might be overwritten. I don't believe that the older mdb (Access) databases are being maintained in parallel though. So if one were interested in implementing a custom database I would actually recommend using the legacy format in order to preserve your efforts. The dicey part about this is that Tom has definitively said that SQLite is the future (as well as the present) of GameEx database architecture. So while GameEx supports mdb databases today, it's hard to say what the future holds. (And I don't have any "secret" information here - just attempting to provide a reasonable disclaimer). The other option of course would be to draft your own SQLite database and set the file as being read-only. Just remember to "unlock" it before you start editing, or you may make several changes only to discover that you can't actually save them!
  19. Glad to hear you got everything sorted out. Happy gaming man!
  20. Thanks for sharing with the community Macguvyer!
  21. Erm ... not so much. You cannot currently add your own categories in GameEx and have them display in the categories menu itself. What I was envisioning is adding "category" selections to the normal emulator menu structure and even then it gets a bit hackish since it requires multiple emulator configuration entries for the same emulator(s). If that's what your after you have a couple of initial options: [Consider this Option A] Under the "parent" ROM directory for your chosen emulator create sub-directories for your chosen categories. Sort your ROMs into those sub-directories. The downside to this technique is that you cannot "cross reference" ROMs across multiple categories. If a given ROM needs to appear in multiple categories you will need to copy that ROM into each of the appropriate sub-directories. [Consider this Option B] Perhaps a better option would be to create map files for each of your chosen categories. That way all your ROMS can still live in a single directory, and you don't run into the whole "cross reference" problem described above. There are several great tools to assist you in the creation of map files, but I find myself most often recommending either Map File Maker or Map File Magician. Now you'll need to create a separate emulator entry for each of your chosen categories. All of them can point at the same Working Path, but you'll want to change the ROM Path to point at the appropriate sub-directory (if you categorized your ROMs by sub-directory). OR you'll want to change each Map File (on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen) setting to point at the corresponding map file (if you categorized your ROMs via map files). Which ever method you chose you can alter the Start Page Name and Title Text settings to be reflective of your categories. So that part gets you so far as a flat menu structure, which depending on your needs might be good enough. Something like this (abbreviated):Sega Genesis [Fighting]Sega Genesis [Platformer]Super Nintendo [Fighting]Super Nintendo [Platformer]But ... you might want to get a little fancy and have a tiered menu structure. Say something like this:Sega Genesis|- Fighting |- Platformer Super Nintendo|- Fighting |- Platformer That's where custom menus are going to become your ally ... and a powerful ally they are. I'm not going to restate here what DazzleHP has already stated much more eloquently and informatively than I can, so if you're willing to go on the journey with Custom Menus then I would direct you to his excellent tutorial. Best of luck man!
  22. Sweet! If you haven't resolved the issue outright yet, you have a couple of options to do so. Unzip all your ROMs. Hey they're pretty small anyway, so unless hard drive space is at the utmost premium for you it shouldn't be huge issue (or maybe it is ... read on) On the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard and change the Zip/7-Zip/GoodMerge/RAR setting to Yes. This will signal GameEx to unzip your ROMs prior to launching the emulator.Good luck man! Edit: Sorry man I read that wrong. It's really weird that GameEx is trying to load a zip if there are none to be found in your ROM directory. Are you 100% positive you removed that map file entry from the Map File field on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard? If you are positive change your ROM Filter to *.pce.
  23. Ok so the next step is to try debug mode. Go to the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard and change the Debug Mode setting to Yes. Try to launch the emulator again. This time it's going to bring up your command window and if there is something wrong with your command line the error will (hopefully) be output to the command window (although just how useful the information is is somewhat dependent on the emulator itself). If Debug Mode doesn't help to determine the cause of the issue, please post a copy of your runitgame.bat (Run Last Game) after attempting to run the emulator, along with an updated copy of your current emulator config.
  24. Oh dude, I just noticed this: Are you intending to use a map file for this emulator? If so, are you sure you need one? And if you're sure you need one, what's in the map file? If the answer to either of the first questions is 'No', try removing the map file entry, in conjunction with the command line I suggested before.
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