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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Just wanted to let everyone know that this game is part of the current humble bundle. Score!
  2. Looks great bclinton! It would be awesome to see a video of it in action!
  3. Hi Teebo. When you have a moment wouild you mind posting the contents of your GameEx.ini and your GameEx log? I'm wondering if you might have a conflicting setting somewhere between the CPWizard settings and the internal panel viewer settings. Here are the pertinent instructions for posting that information. Thanks!
  4. You mean I can't upload my awesome porn ... err ... pRon ... I mean ... prawn collection? Oh yeah baby. That's the stuff. Don't even get me started on langostinos ...
  5. Nope, no worries man. The debugging feature is mainly intended to help the user determine the issue with problematic emulators. In almost every case the problem is with the way the emulator is configured in GameEx, or with the users system itself. Naturally different OS and hardware combinations will have the potential to cause erratic behavior. For just about any command line operable emulator you can think of, I'd be willing to bet that someone has it working flawlessly through GameEx. What I'm saying is that in my time troubleshooting GameEx I would say 9 times out of 10 the problem is on the host system rather than with GameEx (particularly where we're talking about multiple commonly used emulators) Please try starting FCE Ultra using Run Last Game to see if the problem persists (i.e. you'll need to run a game in GameEx through FCE Ultra first before doing the following): Start > All Programs > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game Also isn't FCEUX the preferred version of FCE Ultra at this point (I honestly don't know)?
  6. Well ... I'm afraid I've become a bit of a fanboy, so my opinion might be slightly tainted. First some history though: I started playing bass during high school (which was sort of the result of being equally enchanted with the raw talent of Les Claypool and the reckless swagger of Sid Vicious - interestingly the longer I've played bass the less enchanted I've become with either one of them, for different reasons). So that's means I've been playing on and off for 20 years and change now. Naturally I've gone through phases where I've played like a madman, and phases where I've not played anything for lengths of time. Having said all of that, Rocksmith has probably kept me more continually energized to play than any other musical teaching aid I've ever come across. UbiSoft has masterfully combined elements of existing rhythm games with actual guitar playing and produced a game that is greater than the sum of it's parts. Old school "scale & chord chart" guys will tell you that nothing will replace having a live teacher or playing with other musicians, and they're right. What Rocksmith does is make you want to practice constantly. As someone who is both a guitar player and a video gamer it's veritable game crack. In point of fact I've also started playing guitar as a direct result of playing this game. I'm still not really good with it yet, but I'd not even be where I am now if not for Rocksmith (I wouldn't have even bought the guitar). One word of advice (and/or caution depending on your view point); you do need to buy the specialty instrument cable in order to play the game. No two ways around that, so there is an additional "hidden" cost to the game. short of that pretty much any standard guitar or bass with an output jack should work fine with the game (although the game is understandably targeted at 6 string guitars and 4 string basses). Also be sure to go in for Rocksmith 2014 at this point rather than the original game (they're both good games, but 2014 will give you a lot more bang for your buck) Also veering wildly back on topic, you really can't go wrong as an Iron Maiden fan. The Trooper is an in-game song and there is an additional Iron Maiden 5 pack DLC available. Also ... Blood and Thunder is in-game and UbiSoft just released a Mastodon 3 pack DLC last week. (OK so yeah ... I was totally looking for an excuse to post some Mastodon in this heavy metal themed thread )
  7. Glad to hear you were able to get it worked out teebo2345. Thanks for sharing your solution! Welcome to the GameEx forums!
  8. Steve Harris is such a badass bassist. No one else can get that tone out of a set of flat wound strings bar none. Fun fact: He's also written a whole ton of Iron Maiden's classically epic songs. And just because I'm feeling the Metal vibe today, I'm going to leave this right here ... RIP Cliff!
  9. FWIW, the ultimate test of "working outside of GameEx" is to actually get an emulator working from the command line outside of GameEx. Launching the emulator using its GUI is fine and dandy, but naturally will not be the way that GameEx is going to operate. This can occasionally be a tricky process, but if you have a working command line outside of GameEx, it is usually fairly simple to translate your working command into GameEx. Adultery's suggestion to turn on debugging will provide some great information insofar as ironing out any rough patches with running commands run from GameEx.
  10. Just as a brief update to this thread, it looks like XBMC will be releasing XBMC Gotham 13.1 as a stable release sometime in the near future. This build will incorporate a number of bug fixes related to the current Gotham release. Accordingly I think I may just soldier on with Frodo until 13.1 comes out!
  11. Like Draco, I also can't view that video (yet), but in terms of the game list you'll likely need to use a map file in order for game names to display properly. I don't believe the Naomi database is necessarily complete or accurate at this point. fRequEnCy has compiled a nice set of map files which could be just what the doctor ordered. I'd give that a shot and see where it gets you.
  12. Does the MAME Plus count include all the mechanical games and whatnot? (i.e. whack a mole, slot machines pinball machines, etc.) GameEx will filter all those games out by default since they will never be playable in MAME without major changes to the emulation.
  13. Easy? Yes. Transfer? No. In other words it's relatively easy to set up MAME through the integrated settings, but You'll need to do so from scratch. Actually I'm willing to bet you'll find it easier to setup MAME via the integrated MAME functionality than it is to set it up as a normal emulator.
  14. That looks awesome sigma! Thanks for making this video to show how great PinballX can be with Real DMD integration!
  15. Please do submit a copy of your settings and log as Draco suggests, but just to venture a guess it sounds like you have MAME set up as a "standard" emulator rather than using the integrated MAME functionality. Unless you're also using custom menus MAME does not appear in the Emulates Games list. So it will likely be advantageous for you to go back and setup MAME through the dedicated MAME Settings screen if that is the case.
  16. Excellent call Adultery. Looks like it's about time for me to update my MAME set so I can keep up with the times!
  17. Is this something that just started recently, or has it always been like that? What happens if you turn on Remove Duplicates and rebuild the list? If Remove Duplicates is already turned on please post your GameEx.ini and we'll have a look. Thanks man!
  18. Well it still really applies either way ...
  19. I've been a GIMP user for years now, and I love it. Obviously Photoshop rules, and if you're doing any sort of professional work it's a no brainer (along with certain other key elements in the Adobe suite - specifically Illustrator). But for hobbyist work you can really produce some amazing results in GIMP. But ... it all depends on application (i.e. what you plan to do with the artwork you produce). I mean GIMP (and Photoshop for that matter) will produce awesome raster graphics and images, but that's all they do. Raster graphics do not scale well (or at least they do not scale up well). So if you plan on making physical prints of anything you'll want to work work with a Vector (.svg) image editor. Vector images are infinitely scalable, and thus do not have the same sorts of issues with scalability. The best freely available vector image editor is probably Inkscape*, and once again it's pretty awesome for what it does. Having said that, I do think the disparity between Inkscape and Illustrator is much greater than the disparity between GIMP and Photoshop (meaning that where GIMP at least approaches some of the same functionality as PS, Inkscape has a long way to go before it's on a similar level as Illustrator.) But there you go. For most hobbyists I think the combination of GIMP and Inkscape would serve almost every need. (And you can't beat the price!) *Stigzler may feel differently about Inkscape at this point, although I've never experienced the frustrations he describes.
  20. Early last week XBMC released it's latest stable version called Gotham. Particularly for software in which I've spent a lot of time in customization, I like to wait a bit before upgrading to get a feel for general user reaction. Most of the reaction I've seen thus far has been very positive, but I'm curious to hear whether any of our own forum users have made the upgrade yet. I've spent a ton of time importing custom artwork for my music library (I've literally spent hours and hours with this). When I upgraded from Eden to Frodo I had to re-import a huge amount of artwork for my music library, which sucked. At that time the XBMC forums reported that future versions of XBMC will retain all artwork across versions, and I'm really hoping that's the case with Gotham. I have pretty eclectic tastes in music ranging from well known artists to the very obscure, so my library really includes a bit of everything including several local bands from the various places I've lived. Ideally I like to have artwork for everything, and in some cases it can be very tough to find decent artwork for artists (just try to find halfway decent resolution images for almost any artist on Overclock Remix and you'll quickly see what I mean). Any hoo, I'm hoping to not have to repeat that process ... like ever. At least when I migrated to Frodo I got smart and archived any images I imported from external sources. The other feature I'm really curious about is the improved uPnP services. I'm a fairly dedicated Serviio user, but if I could consolidate my media frontend with my media server that would be pretty sweet (and yeah I know that Plex has gained tons of ground on this front, but for me it just doesn't have the same panache as XBMC in terms of the actual frontend). Does Gotham hold a candle to Plex in terms of an integrated media library server? Any hoo has anyone migrated over to Gotham yet? What has your experience been thus far? Does the GameEx plugin still work as fantastically as ever?
  21. This is great Krak. I really like how you incorporated the GOG "game library shelves" into the screen layout. Really cool! Any chance you've got a Steam layout in the works now that your diving into PC gaming layouts?
  22. I heard the news last night, but I'd forgotten that Stigz was using Xenomorph artwork. Crazy! Truly the passing of a one of a kind artist.
  23. That's fantastic KRC! Glad to hear your monster rig is up and running again.
  24. Glad you got it all sorted out man. Well done!
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