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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi millzy123 and Welcome to the GameEx forums! That's awesome that you've embarked on the adventure of building an arcade cab. Regarding Steam there is one line I would expect to see in your config that I cannot find. In the Steam section: [steam]LaunchBefore=LaunchAfter=I would expect to see the following line there as well, but it's not there: Enabled=True Please post a copy of your log after starting GameEx as it may contain some additional info on your setup. As far as spoiler tags go,. just copy the following snippet and put your contents in between the tags: [spoiler]YOUR STUFF HERE[/spoiler]In terms of your password the number of characters displayed in GameEx is not representative of your actual password. GameEx encrypts your password so what your are seeing is probably the number of encrypted characters rather than the number of actual characters in your password. Storing passwords as plain text is bad mmm-kay. One other note - if you already have Steam running (and you plan to have this as your normal setup - i.e. Steam runs at Windows startup or something), there is no need to configure GameEx to start Steam and login. Presumably you are already logged in. I would disable automatic login and logout if you plan to have Steam running anyway. Good luck, and we'll see if we can spot anything else when you post your log.
  2. That's really nice Krak! Probably one of the nicest dedicated console screens I can recall seeing in recent memory. Glad to hear your cataract surgery went well.
  3. Such an amazing album man! As far as I'm concerned Highway Star is the official soundtrack of any independent arcade I've ever been in.
  4. CustomDesc doesn't really mean much for the end user but can potentially be used for online content. Many of the game descriptions seen in the database(s) are scraped from online sources (MobyGames often being the preferred source). Descriptions scraped from online sources are not considered to be "custom descriptions". Alternately in cases where the database editor (and here I mean the "official" database editor of the DB released with GameEx) has written their own description for a given game, the Custom Description flag indicates that fact. This means that the description can be used for online content and that the custom description can be used without violating any content copyright. For those that are customizing their own databases I would recommend just leaving that field alone.
  5. Sometimes I attempt to inject a little (some might say very little) humor into my birthday greets, and sometimes I straight up pay homage to one of my heroes. This is one of the latter. Tempest is one of the cornerstones of this community and has been here since the early days. He is one of the people that got me excited about joining this community in the first place. If you've been on these forums for any length of time whatsoever I'm guessing that Tempest has helped you out of a jam or two. He is one of those dudes on the forum who still regularly schools me with his vast knowledge of emulation. For all that and more let's all raise or GameEx Licensed Beer Flaggons© to the sky and salute this mighty GameEx warrior. Happy Birthday Tempest! I hope it was a great one! * None of which really gets at the point of why he's one of my heroes. It's all about the nail gun baby, it's all about the nail gun.
  6. The Humble Weekly Sale this week is pretty amazing. Tons of indie games to be had on the cheap! Pay what you want to get all of the following: Cave Story+: Super cool adventure-platformer! Give this one a shot if you haven't yet. Dustforce: What if instead of an alt dimension ninja infiltrator Strider Hiryu had opted for life as ... a janitor? this is that game. Puzzle Bots: I don't know too much about this one, other than it looks like a cool quirky graphical adventure game. Point & Click? Maybe. Thomas Was Alone: A puzzle based platformer in which the player controls one or more simple polygon shapes representing several out-of-control artificial intelligence entities, working with the shapes to get each to their individual end points on each level. VVVVVV: Another addictive puzzle based platformer. Instead of jumping, the player is able to control the direction of gravity. Pay $6.00 or more to get all of the above plus the following: Cthulhu Saves the World: This game is awesome. It's an homage to classic NES era RPGs with a great sense of humor and an extremely unlikely protagonist. If you like retro RPGs you should totally scoop this one up. Element4l: I don't know much about this one but it looks really interesting with graphics that remind me a lot of Limbo. Limbo: And speaking of Limbo, here it is. This is such a cool, moody, platformer, wrapped up in a head trip. Lone Survivor: Basically Silent Hill reimagined as a 16 bit side side scrolling adventure game. Mutant Mudds: I've been meaning to play this game for quite some time. Nothing too cerebral here, just a cool looking 16-bit style platform shooter. Reus: Pretty neat looking world building strategy game Pay $10.00 or more to get all of the above plus the following: Teslagrad: Another great looking adventure platformer!
  7. As you may have noticed a new link entitled Wiki recently appeared in the forum navigation header. Well today we are pleased to announce the official grand opening of the Spesoft-GameEx Wiki! http://www.gameex.info/wiki/ We feel like this wiki has the potential to become an incredible source of knowledge and documentation for GameEx, PinballX, and for Emulation in general. You, yes you are vital to that endeavor! This is your wiki! Our community has an amazingly deep body of knowledge in regards to all things emulation! If you have special emulation knowledge you would like to share this is your chance to become a pillar of the community. Your friends will be so impressed! Feel free to create pages, add helpful knowledge to existing articles, and evolve this wiki into something amazing! Your wiki is freely available for anyone to browse, and for any registered user to edit as they see fit. The Wiki login is linked to your forum login, so every time you are logged into the forum you are also logged into the wiki. If you change the password on your forum account that will be reflected in your Wiki account, etc. Are you pumped yet!? Great! Here’s some links to help you get started: Community Portal: General Information to help you get startedOur Help Pages: Help Pages specific to our wikiMediaWiki Help Contents: Dive deep and become a wiki Jedi!We are targeting a few general guidelines for the wiki. In addition of following some general guidelines of wiki etiquette we would ask that we keep the wiki dedicated to emulation guides and documentation. Specifically we would ask that the wiki is not used for general file storage and whatnot since we have various other outlets that are more appropriate for those endeavors. That’s it! The biggest guideline is have fun and be bold! For those interested in the technical details the Wiki is built on the MediaWiki framework, which is the same engine that powers Wikipedia. Special thanks go to Tom Speirs for making the whole thing possible, and for being incredibly understanding of requests for additional wiki extensions, namespaces, and whatever other shiny wiki baubles captured our attention along the way. Tom you rock!
  8. Dude that's so funny! Speaking as someone of Scandinavian decent, the shop guy is one of my favorites too. Pretty much an amalgamation of nearly every "Ole and Sven" joke I've heard in my lifetime. Love it!
  9. Yeah, let's see.I actually have some high hopes that Disney will restore some of the former glory. I mean I thought my kids thought Frozen was awesome. Totally different genre/milieu, but my point is that Disney doesn't often let quality slip. I think the series needs new blood at this point, and they could do a lot worse than Disney. First order of business: write midi-chlorians out of the canon. I don't care if they have to say that Qui-Gon was high on space crack when he explained that part, it needs to go away. As for the Goonies sequel, I just hope it has a mermaid named Annie in it. Please someone make this happen!
  10. Ha ha so basically you're saying that the screenshot is representative of the original system! It's funny - I think the VirtualBoy was/is a bit of an abomination in terms of gaming systems, but it seems to lend itself to some really great design elements and whatnot. Nice job Krak!
  11. Sweet man! Glad it worked out for you. Happy gaming!
  12. Well I have two suggestions, that I would try in order. But first, if your Launch After command isn't working, get rid of it for now. Find the Advanced Config field on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. You can see the field I'm referring to in your first screenshot in this post (it currently says [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close)). Try changing that selection to [Mapping Off] Exit (ALT+F4). For some reason I'm thinking that Dolphin likes the key combo exit. If that doesn't work, I'm going to suggest that you doctor up your taskkill command. Taskkill works at the OS level, so I would be very surprised if you couldn't make it work somehow. As Draco pointed out, you're current command will definitely not work. I believe tskill is still supported in Win8, but you need to use the proper command switches - which you aren't. Please review this article which provides some examples of how to use both taskkill and tskill. Once you're positive you're using the command correctly, if it still doesn't work you have likely identified an incorrect process name in the command. This will require some detective work on your part. You will need to start your task manager (try to have as few processes running as possible when you do this). Next start up a game in the Dolphin emulator. Now in your task manager go to the processes tab and identify the process(es) associated with Dolphin. The value in the Image Name field is what you'll need to use in conjunction with your taskkill or tskill command.
  13. When you get a sec would you mind posting your emulator config? You don't need to post your entire GameEx config or anything just export your emulator settings from the Emulator Selection screen in the Setup Wizard.
  14. Whether you use taskkill or tskill will depend on what version of Windows you are running. Also remember that tskill has different command line switches than taskkill. See here: Kill a process with tskill or taskkill But yeah using a different Advanced Emulator Config is also a pretty great option.
  15. Cool man! I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for the tip regarding Also Launch. I knew that one of those Launch processes was not watched by GameEx but couldn't remember which one. Well done dude!
  16. Cool man I'm glad you found a good solution! I've mentioned this before, but it bears mentioning again that when you're making custom changes to your databases it's a good idea to make a copy of the original database and make changes to that one. The default databases are occasionally updated and deployed with new versions of GameEx. This means that you might lose any changes you've made to your databases if you applied those changes to the default database(s). Not good! So the best bet is to copy the default database, rename it, and point your emulator at the custom database on the Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard (simply make sure your custom database is in the \GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS\ directory and it should appear in the dropdown selections)
  17. I'm really liking your color scheme for the Dreamcast screen. A really stylish looking screen for a legendary system. Great work!
  18. Well in their defense they are Fox news AKA the cancer that is killing journalistic integrity in the modern age, so I mean their ineptitude is really just a side effect. Perhaps they would understand a nice infographic (ah who am I kidding):
  19. What database editor are you using? Are you using Database Browser Portable or something else? Also are you editing a SQLite DB (*.db3) or an Access DB (*.mdb)? Edit: FWIW your error sounds like you're trying to insert a null value into a required field, but without knowing a bit more about the specifics it's hard to say.
  20. I'm casting a suspicious eye towards this: Check the Display Settings screen in the Setup Wizard to see whether you have Full Screen Windowed set to Windowed. If so try setting it to Disabled and try again. Also, what settings are you running for your Attract / Screensaver config? Are you just running videos, or running a combination of videos and emulators? Having a look at your GameEx config would also help get to the bottom of some of these questions. If you have a moment it might be helpful to post that as well.
  21. Yes you will need to install the 32 bit codecs and the 64 bit addons for your system. It looks like it's changed a bit since the time that I've installed Shark codecs, but here's the rundown: If you opt for the Standard codecs, you must install the 32bit STANDARD Codecs and then the STANDARD x64Components Addon in that order. If you uninstall the codecs you must uninstall in the reverse order (uninstall the STANDARD x64Components and then the 32bit STANDARD Codecs) If you opt for the Advanced codecs, you must install the 32bit ADVANCED Codecs and then the ADVANCED x64Components Addon in that order. If you uninstall the codecs you must uninstall in the reverse order (uninstall the ADVANCED x64Components and then the 32bit ADVANCED Codecs)I'm not familiar with the distinctions between the Standard and Advanced packs (It wasn't an option when I installed Shark codecs), but if it were me I'd give it a shot with the standard pack before I tried the advanced. Good luck man!
  22. Sweet! I love it when stuff like that happens. I recently re-discovered a missing Amazon gift card in the same fashion. Thanks for the share rockyrocket!
  23. I've been thinking about this and I do think it's possible, but realize that it does run counter to what GameEx is designed to do. Have you ever read one of those threads where a user describes an issue in which they launch an emulator, and GameEx immediately takes back focus (despite the fact that the emulator is still running in the background)? That's basically what you're trying to do here ... except on purpose. The trick isn't going to be how to start the app (I don't think), but rather how to close it. I actually think you'll need two emulator slots to accomplish this. One to open and one to close. This could be seen as being a bit wonky because the option to close the process will always display even if the process was never started in the first place (although if done properly clicking the close command should hopefully do nothing in the event that the process was never started). Any hoo here's what I'm thinking. I think Tempest is on to something above with the use of the Launch Before command. GameEx doesn't consider the Launch Before process to be a "Watched Process" so it's not going to wait for that process to complete before returning to GameEx. The tricky part (or hackish part if you prefer) is that you do need to have a Command Line setting of some sort, but ... I think it can be a simple command that that executes instantaneously. Maybe the following would do the trick: cd..Executing an empty batch (.bat) script might also do it for you. But remember that once you launch your process GameEx will not know that it's running. That's why you need a separate process to close it. Ideally your process has command line support to exit "cleanly". Maybe something along the lines of: YourProcess.exe -exitBut if it doesn't you can always get medieval on it and use taskkill or tskill (which one to use depends on your operating system). How ever you choose to close it, in this case the command actually can be used in the normal Command Line setting since the "close" command will execute instantaneously anyway. So that's my theory. I dunno I might be talking out my ass, but I think it could work. Moving the open and close commands into their own "spot" in the menu (via custom menus) would help to keep your menu structure a bit cleaner.
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