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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. I think it would be a kick to run the competition across multiple systems. I really like how how this competition kind of has almost a "scavenger hunt" sort of vibe insofar as it has you going to a bunch of different places to do different things (maybe that would make it more like geocaching ... I dunno ). Any hoo, I think the addition of multiple systems would really enhance the vibe of "round the world and back again". OTOH it also increases the amount of planning and administration, so do with that what you will.
  2. Hi boiydiego Could you provide a bit of information the system upon which you are running PinballX? (OS, CPU, GPU, etc?). Also when reporting an issue it's generally helpful to provide a copy of your PinballX settings and a copy of your log after having experienced the issue described. It may not always pinpoint the exact problem, but sometimes it is enough to provide an indication. Thanks!
  3. I may be a little late to the party here, but an idea just struck me so I figured I'd toss it out for some discussion. I know there's been talk from time to time about getting some of our illustrious pinball brethren involved in some high score competition action. Perhaps a couple one-off pinball competitions over the summer might be just what the doctor ordered! It would be interesting to put out a general question to the PinballX forums as to what tables might make for interesting high score competition, and then compile the suggestions into a poll similar to what is used for the current GOTM voting. Top 2-3 votes will be turned into the "PinballX Hi-Score Summer Camp" or something along those lines. Any thoughts on this? Any pinheads in the house?
  4. So I've kind of been bouncing around a bit in terms of sourcing logos for obscure developer/publishing houses and finding more common ones. After searching for rare and obscure logos sometimes you need to take a break and go for an easy take down! At any rate when dealing with the obscure one-off types of developers and publishing houses it is sometimes necessary to make a judgement call that what you've found is actually the same developer listed in the spreadsheet. Take Zombie Panic Team for example which is one of the very last items on the current spreadsheet. Based on the evidence that they only released one game, I'm going to go out on a limb to guess that this actually refers to the team that made the Zombie Panic Half-Life 2 mod. It's a bit of a stretch based on the fact that the development team for that mod is not a well established incorporated development house, but the mod did receive a relatively high degree of popularity. At any rate, my point is that particularly where we're talking about obscure developer / publishers with extremely low output it may come down to some guess work as to veracity and authenticity of logo (or indeed whether the submitted logo is even a match to the developer listed in the spreadsheet). I think that some of this verification will take place during review, but it might be worth putting it out for peer review (as I've done here with Zombie Panic Team) in situations which even the actual identity of the developer is in question. Hopefully this can save a bit of time during the acceptance review as well. Any general thoughts on this? Does this add too much process for submitters?
  5. Congratulations on your promotion Krak! It’s been a long time coming. Thanks for your contributions to the community and for being such a long time supporter of GameEx.
  6. This is great Flash, thanks a lot! I'm guessing that Stigz will also find this to be exceedingly useful for his logo project.
  7. It's still giving me the Access Denied thing, but it looks like you can see my edits anyway? Any hoo I updated with a few other images and links. Currently I'm uploading unaltered images, although some of these will likely need to be edited (in order to lift images off solid backgrounds and whatnot ...). I was at a trade conference yesterday, and attended a workshop titled Designing on a Team (although the actual content of the workshop was not perfectly described by the title, it was informative enough). At any rate one point the presenter made was that you should never make destructive edits to your layers during the design process. I think that applies here insofar as I think it might be good to preserve any source images prior to "improvements" being made. That way someone would be free to come along later and make their own "improvements" to the source file if they saw fit to do so. Oh hey there also seems to be some invalid characters in the spreadsheet that may have gotten hosed somewhere. See the Broderbund entry as an example: Brøderbund Software. That may cause some headaches with file name matching later on down the road, but I'm not terribly troubled by it at the moment.
  8. Wow that's really a trip Draco! Looks cool!
  9. That's fantastic news! Thanks Tom, between this and a new release, it's truly a great day for GameEx!
  10. Thanks for updating one of the coolest features of GameEx Tom!
  11. The new XML schema looks great Adultery. Nice use of attributes for defining the Z-Index! Amazing work as always
  12. I got all signed up, but will not have a chance to dig too deeply until I get home later tonight. Great idea Stigz, and thanks for spearheading the effort to revitalize this important project!
  13. I really like this idea. I think running little "challenge" competitions would be pretty cool. Like the fastest one to complete the Dam level in TMNT on NES. Or the first one to obtain the Hadoken in Mega Man X (Just spit balling ideas here). Trying to set an easily identifiable metric that was usable by everyone could be a bit of a challenge (FRAPS would be one option, but I imagine only a few people have or use it), but I think this idea really has some legs. Nice one KRC!
  14. Happy Birthday Mame Offender! You're truly one of the most amazing players I've known. Well done!
  15. Gah! I wondered if it was a North America only type of deal. Steam can be a bit notorious about that sort of thing. And to add insult to injury it's a free in the sense that you can add the game to your account and it's yours to keep.
  16. Sniper Elite V2 is available for free on Steam for 24 hours (although at this point it's much less than 24 hours). I've never played this game, but I've always thought that it looks to be a perfectly serviceable tactical WWII shooter. And hey, you can't beat free!
  17. SSF is notoriously finicky when it come to loading to virtual drives through a frontend. Your command line looks good to me, so if it continues to give you problems it would definitely be worthwhile to check out Adultery's Virtual Drive Loader plugin. It takes some of the guesswork out of loading up disc images to a virtual drive and offers a couple of customization options not available with the integrated virtual drive functionality.
  18. I don't currently use CPWizard, although I'd certainly go for it if I had a cabinet or if MAME was the primary system I played. It's a really great program with plenty of customization options, I've just never devoted the time to set everything up properly.
  19. No problem! Glad to hear it's working out. Game on!
  20. Wow, sorry to just now be getting back to you on this teebo! This line stands out to me in your log: 11:21:58.0 5/26/2014: Warning: Display is running in full screen compatibility mode.Please check the Display Settings screen in the Setup Wizard to see whether you have Full Screen Windowed set to Windowed. If so try setting it to Disabled and try again. I could see that having an impact here.
  21. Hi ipdemons and Welcome to the GameEx forums! It's a bit of a misconception to say that any particular game runs "in GameEx". GameEx is simply a frontend for various emulators. So GameEx launches the emulator(s) but any particular game is actually runs within the emulator rather than within GameEx. In terms of your reported issue, I'm guessing that you need to configure controls for the emulator running your game(s). Based on the fact that this is running in an arcade cab I'm going to take a shot in the dark that the emulator you need to configure is MAME. Do you have a keyboard attached to the cabinet (or can you connect one)? Try hitting tab while in a game and see if it brings up a configuration menu (this will work if you're running MAME although naturally different emulators have different methods of accessing configuration menus). It might also help to have a look at your GameEx support files; namely your GameEx.ini and your log. This thread contains information on how to access those files. Thanks man!
  22. Thanks for the clarification Adultery! I think in the first post the fglXimg layers are simply named lXimg. I'm guessing that the first post is the one to follow, but just wanted to double check in the interest of clarity. Does that sound correct?
  23. I can post a copy of mine when I get home from work tonight. When I was working it out I referred back to this post quite a bit. Some of the image names for the associated layers are a little vague, but most of them are close enough that you can figure out what you're looking at when you compare the names to the images in Adultery's tag. All the same, that post does not contain a list of all available layers. In order to see the full list check out the Custom Theme XMLs spoiler in the first post. It would be a handy guide to see the actual depth index (z-index) for each of the layers. I think it goes top to bottom per the XML in Adultery's post outlining his Zelda tag.
  24. Hmm ... Updating your MAME list in GameEx shouldn't have an adverse impact in terms of how the ROMs run within MAME. Have you verified that the version of your ROM set matches your version of MAME? (also remember that each 'u' build can also potentially have necessitate that some ROMs are updated) It's been a while since I looked, but each CHD should have its own subdirectory under your ROM directory. The name of each subdirectory will match the name of the CHD itself (minus file extension).
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